Journal Entry 107-10/26/2009

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I let him again. Samuel was there for me to cry on his shoulder so I did. All over his wonderfully smelling shoulder. Stop It Alexis! God its only been a day since you and Carlos broke up and all you can think of is Samuel. Is this bad? Am I a total slut because of it? Probably. To make things worst he decided that his house (when I say house I mean mansion) needs a woman in it. Yes, you heard right! I'm moving in with a guy I just met two days ago and yes I am mental because of it. He was so generous though. He hired guys right then and there to move all my things and decorated. The very same day I was crying about not knowing where to go I slept in my bed in a brand new (huge!) room. I know, I should have told him I was okay but he begged me to let him help and between me and you I slipped five hundred dollars in his jacket pocket. Back on the topic of him, turns out he's going to my college too! Its weird cause I've never seen him there. He is studying dancing and has his masters in music. He can play almost every instrument! Wow, I know. Everything about him is so perfect! He's like the dream guy girls dream of and now since I live with him I'm going to be every girls dream too! Their all going to want to be me... I'm not sure I want that though. I just need a place to stay until I find my own. That's not that bad... Is it?

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