Chapter Seven

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"Charge!" Freya yelled and we started running forward, the cities people ran behind us and we held our weapons out ready for impact. I listened to my heart beats as we got closer to death, and I found myself gazing at Dahlia who laid on the ground, blood ran from her face and her eyes closed. Out of nowhere I found the bravery and strength to kill. I ran faster and caught up with Mother and grandmother.
"For Dahlia!" I screamed and everyone behind me yelled in agreement. The moment we impacted was the moment I felt the sound of blood. I stabbed a vampire in the Chet and cut another's head off fighting for my life...

We lead them into Battle, our sword pierced the vampires skin and our hearts burned with sadness. I recognized people I killed from the grocery store that were innocent people only a week ago. I felt their anger and watched their souls escape their bodies. I looked over at everyone else and watched them kill, friends, co-workers, and classmates. Tears gathered in my eyes and my heart collapsed.
"Mother!" I heard Bree scream and looked down at the blood. I looked up at Bree and smiled.
"I love you." I mouthed before collapsing...

We were halfway through the battle when a vampire flew over another and landed on top of me. It knocked my sword from my hand and began tearing my body up. I looked for my sword riding above me a few feet. I pulled my feet up and kicked the vampire, before quickly turning and crawling towards my sword. I was about to get it when something pulled my head and I felt a sharp crack and blacked out...

Mother was the first to go down I ran over to her but she was gone. I turned trying to heal the others but they were to injured. Ten minutes later grandmother then another couple minutes Mark and father. I watched as the vampires ripped through some human citizens and others turned them to join them.
"Little girl." I turned to see a vampire charging me. I screamed turning and running but he jumped on my back and bit my throat making me choke...

I ran through the vampires and attack Vlad. Our swords clashed and sparks flew as we fought. He was the first to drawl blood when he cut my arm making it useless then I cut his leg and arm. We fought for a long time.
"Mother!" I turned hearing Bree's scream and to see Milo hit the ground.
"Die!" Vlad screamed and stuck his sword through my body I looked down and gagged blood coming up.
I went to fall but two vampires caught me hiding me.
"Watch as your precious family dies." He said holding my face. I watched as Freya, Bree, Mark, Silas and Carrie fell dead on the battle ground. Struggling to get to them I pushed the vampires ad fell over puking blood.
"Poor little brother. Will you put this silly family behind you and rule California with me?" Bad asked and I spit blood in his face.
"No, I'll die and let you be alone for the rest of forever!" I said and he growled pushing his sword deeper and twisting. I looked at the body of my family and watched as Zenthor pushed trough the trees with Leona and millions of vampires.
"Brother!" I looked over to see Mara standing there both her sword in hand and a smile on her face.
"Let him go!" She yelled and Vlad looked at her in shock.
"This is a lie! Your dead!" He screamed and she shook her head.
"I never died. I ran away. Faked my death and fled I didn't want to marry those of blood instead I married a good man." She said turning towards Dominic Randino. I smiled but Vlad growled.
"Die!" He said and charged her. Her white sword hit his black one once and it shattered into thousands of tiny black shards and she put her sword to his throat.
"Enough of this Vlad your making a fool of yourself." She said and he fell to his knees.
"This can't be." He said looking down. She waved her and over his head and his black eyes cleared up and turned green once again. She moved her sword and waved her hand above me. The sword and wound disappeared and I looked unscathed. She took her and and waved it before everyone and vampires turned by Vlad turned to humans and the dead, injured and angry were changed to their normal happy healthy and good selves. I ran to my family hugging them and apologizing.

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