|○|Saturday Night|○|

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{{OH ITS SATURDAY NIGHT~~~ Ifyoudon'tlikeP!ATDgoaway- This is trash since I don't know how to write as Connors character, but oh well I guess ._. Itriedokay? Noonesprobablyevenreadingthislmao-}}

Music blasted throughout the whole house from the bedroom, echoing and bouncing off the walls as your husky howled along to the lyrics. (Y/n) currently sat criss crossed on her comfy and soft bed, staring at her curved TV while singing (more like screaming) along to the lyrics of the music that showed on the screen. Currently the female was playing songs by Panic! At The Disco. Yes, they were kind of old since it was 2038, but that didn't stop her from listening to their music still.

Right now she was listening to their album Pray For The Wicked, since that was her favorite album. I mean, she had nothing better to do at the moment. Today was her day off from working at the Detroit Police Department with her partners Lieutenant Anderson and the prototype android RK800; aka Hank and Connor. It saddened (Y/n) a little that she wouldn't see the two today (mostly Connor) since they were busy working on a case alone without her. Not that she was complaining that much, since she didn't have to do anything today.

(Y/n) let out a soft sigh and stood up from her bed, catching the attention of her husky, (P/n), and following after her when she walked out of her bedroom. She slid into the kitchen and began to rummage through her fridge, deciding to make some food since she was getting slightly bored at the moment. Plus she didn't expect any visitors any time soon. And because of that she hit the top of her head off the fridge while looking through it when she heard a knock on her door.

"What the-?! Owww..." (Y/n) whimpered softly in pain and leaned her head out of the fridge, trudging out of the kitchen and to the door where her husky was jumping and barking at, "(P/n), calm down."

Her hand reached out and grasped onto the door handle before swinging the door open, only to come face to face with her android partner; more like face to chest.

"Oh," Was the only thing that left her mouth as she tilted her head up to look at Connor, surprise evident on her features before she finally began to speak, "Hello Connor. May I ask what you are doing at my house? Not that I mind or anything, but didn't you have a case to solve with Hank?"

(Y/n) stared into Connors warm chocolate brown eyes who stared back into her own (e/c) eyes with a softness in them, his lips tugging upwards in a sort of smile, "Hello Detective (L/n), and Indeed I did, but Lieutenant Hank and myself finished it rather quickly. Which was surprising with how much complaining he was doing, along with throwing multiple profanities my way in the process. He has an... interesting, personality." Connor explained, his eyes leaving hers for a split second to look at the husky who sat by her leg panting, before remaking eye contact with the female again.

(Y/n) let out a small laugh at how Connor chose his words, "Yep, that sounds like Hank alright. But, if you don't mind me asking, why would you come to my house afterwards?" She asked curiously, watching as his perfect brows furrowed and his LED flickered yellow for a split second before turning light blue again.

"I just thought I would come visit and see how the other deviant case was coming along is all, seeing as I have nothing else to attend to at the moment. Sorry, am I intruding? If so, I can leave you be, Detective (L/n)." (Y/n) watched as his features formed into what seemed to be... nervousness? Probably not, since he was an android and he told her many times before that he couldn't feel any emotions, plus she had never seen him nervous before. Yet, she never believed him when he said he couldn't harbor human emotions.

"First of all, haven't I told you many times before to just call me (Y/n)? I don't like it when you call me Detective (L/n)." She playfully scolded Connor, which only seemed to make him tense up a bit, "And second of all, your not intruding at all. Your always welcome here whenever Connor. So please, come in my good sir." (Y/n) sent a light grin at the male android and stepped aside while opening the door wider for him to come inside, to which Connor visibly relaxed and carefully walked inside while stepping past the dog at his feet.

(Y/n) gently closed the door afterwards and walked into her living room, Connor and (P/n) both following her like lost puppies. She could hear her music loud and clear from her room, but in all honesty she didn't really care as she plopped down onto her couch lazily, where as Connor sat down next to her more normally and nearly.

"So, whatcha' wanna know about the case again? Do you need the reports?" (Y/n) asked Connor in a slightly blunt tone, looking over at the android and raising an eyebrow when she saw he wasn't paying attention and his LED was blinking a bright yellow color. It took a moment before she realized why he wasn't listening to her, but instead listening to the song that was playing when he spoke; Say Amen (Saturday Night).

"I don't quite understand the lyrics, since it would seem quite odd to listen to this song with its specific date." The android commented, his doe eyes finally looking back over at (Y/n) while she just stared with a blank look, "It's Thursday, three fourty-seven in the afternoon; which therefore means it is not 'Saturday night' as the song says. Also, I would like to note that this music you are listening to is quite old, and dates all the way back to 2004; thirty-four years ago." Connor concluded, his LED flashing yellow during his last sentence, supposedly trying to find the correct information.

(Y/n) stayed completely silent after that, both of them staring at each other, Connor looking confused yet curious at the same time, where as (Y/n) was just straight faced and mentally face palmed at the androids seriousness.

"You know, for an android, your kind of stupid and clueless to some extent." She finally mumbled to break the silence that had rested upon the two.

Connor blinked at her, "But I am a newest prototype created by Cyberlife with Artificial Intelligence and more features than other androids to help me proceed with the various deviant cases. So I don't understand how I would be considered 'stupid' seeing as I am smarter than the humans that created me, and smarter than you." He said with his brows furrowed, making (Y/n) puff her cheeks out a little at his 'insult' to her.

"First of all, rude. Second of all, that's not what I meant Connor." She huffed slightly and crossed her arms over her chest. Connor watched the small movement while he focused on her, seeming the be more confused than before, "Oh? Then, may I ask what you meant?"

She laughed a little as her look softened, "Ya dummy, I meant you just didn't understand that the song wasn't meant to be played for a specific date, that's just how the song is." (Y/n) said with a small shrug as she watched (P/n) jump up on the couch and curl up next to Connor, making a small smile twitch on her lips.

"Once again, I don't understand why you are calling me such a thing as I am-" Connor started to speak again yet (Y/n) cut him off, "Connor, you need to stop being so serious all the timeee." She groaned while sprawling out across the couch, her head now laying in his lap next to (P/n)'s head. The action caused the android to freeze up slightly and carefully remove his hands from under both of their heads, his LED that was a calm blue now flickering yellow once more at the situation.

(Y/n) simply closed her eyes, relaxing against the couch and Connor while she spoke up in a soft tone of voice, "You need to loosen up more, Connor. Stop taking everything so literally."

Connor let himself relax his tense form after a minute or two, his arms now awkwardly placed at his sides as he couldn't rest them in his lap anymore. Yet even after (Y/n) spoke, he didn't say anything, for once not able to find the words he should say to her. It was an odd feeling to the android that was programmed to know what to say in certain situations and how to handle them, but he just couldn't really process what to do at that moment.

After a little while of awkward silence (at least for Connor) he heard light snoring sounding from his lap, making him look down at (Y/n) and (P/n), only to see the two fast asleep. Connor's brown orbs held a warmth and small adoration in them that he didn't even know about while looking upon (Y/n)'s peacefully sleeping face, his lips slowly pulling upwards to form into a half smile.

One of his hands moved on their own, now gently running through the females (H/c) silky locks of hair that was sprawled out over his lap. For the the umpteenth time today his LED flickered yellow a couple times, staying that way before going back to blue.

"It appears that I don't understand a lot of things, (Y/n). Mostly about humans." Connor paused as his features scrunched up slightly, continuing to pet her hair and speak, even though he knew she couldn't hear him, "But what I don't understand the most, is what you are doing to me."


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