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{{This ones a bit trashy and weird but oh well- This is an au were Connor and Markus switch stories :/ I was just listening to the song Lovely and wanted to make a short one shot of it- soRRY- ITS REALLY BAD BEWARE oOF}}

Lonely, a word that could be taken two ways. Either someone was lonely, as in they didn't have anybody for company, or they just didn't want company and weren't really alone. Loneliness was something that could break a person, that could make them feel like they were the only person left in the entire world. And sadly, that's how (Y/n) felt in this current moment.

Wide (E/c) orbs stared at the figure in front of her, flames enveloping the city of Detroit behind the giant crowd of androids behind him, none of them seeming to be fazed by the chaos going on around them. Screams that would haunt (Y/n)'s memories echoed in the distance, causing the (H/c)-nette to cringe at the faint sound. Yet her gaze stayed locked with the android in front of her, Connor never breaking his gaze either as his eyes filled with passion stayed locked with hers.

Ah yes, Connor. She had been great friends with him when she would see Carl at the various galas he went to, and sometimes even come over to look at his art. (Y/n) was an artist herself, so how could she resist? But then, Connor disappeared after supposedly attacking Leo and after Carl passed away. She felt empty without the two, and shut herself away for the longest of times. But now, here he was, battered and bruised but still alive in front of her. Alive.

"You need to leave, (Y/n)." Connor's voice held a mixture of firmness to it and worry, his hazel eyes reflecting the feelings he felt as he took one step towards the female, "You'll get hurt, you need to go." (Y/n)'s mouth was still opened in shock at the fact that she found him alive, but quickly closed as she listened to what he said.

"No! I just found you, Connor! And you expect me to leave you?" Her voice held clear disbelief in it as she watch Connor hand the flag he held to one of the androids, before turning his attention back to her and walking forward, "You could die, (Y/n). You don't understand." He tried to reason with her as he stopped right in front of her, his hand moving to rest on her shoulder as he stared her down.

The (H/c) haired female huffed slightly and crossed her arms over her chest stubbornly, "So? You could die, too." She watched Connor flinch slightly at her words, his eyes averting from her for a bit before quickly going back to making eye contact, "I can't afford to lose you too." It was a soft whisper, yet she heard it as clear as day even over all the noise in the background. She saw the pain flash through his eyes and her features immediately softened, quickly catching onto what he meant when he said that, "And you won't," she reassured, uncrossing her arms and lifting up one of her hands, "But I'm not going to just let you go through something this big alone." Her hand gently touched his cheek, cradling it as she watched Connor close his eyes and lean into her touch.

(Y/n), the only human besides Carl that Connor truly loved and trusted with his entire being. Except, his love for her was different that his love for Carl, who he truly saw as a fatherly figure. No, (Y/n) was something special, someone that he wanted to cherish for the longest her could.

Connor's eyes opened and made contact with gentle (E/c) hues, a small yet uncertain smile forming on his lips, "You may be human, but I love you, (Y/n)." he murmured quietly, his smile widening when (Y/n) let out a soft snort of laughter from the way he worded it. A blush had also flushed on her cheeks from the sudden confession, yet she didn't quite care as she murmured, "I love you, too."

Without warning Connor leaned down and quickly captured her lips in a sweet kiss, to which she reciprocated the action back happily, both hands now cupping his sharp jaw as she poured all her love into the kiss. Connor's hands gripped onto her waist gently, staying there even after the two pulled away from the kiss.

"We're in this together, no matter what." (Y/n) said in a hushed tone, opening her eyes and flashing Connor a quick smile. The brunette simply kissed her forehead before letting go of her, leading to her hands sliding from his face and back to her sides.

Connor turned around, motioning to the android with the flag as they handed it back to him. He gripped onto the pole tightly in his right hand and walked forward, once more turning his attention to (Y/n) and holding his left hand out to her. The female grasped onto his hand without hesitation, holding onto it tightly as the two began to walk forward, a few androids in front of them to protect the two.

(Y/n) pulled out a small pistol with her left hand for protection, "Isn't it lovely, all alone?" Her words were soft yet strong as her voice carried out through the air, Connor having a sad smile on his face at her singing, "Heart made of glass, my mind of stone." Connor wasted no time in joining her singing, their voices harmonizing with one another as their pace became faster.

"Tear me to pieces, skin and bone." Soon enough they were jogging forward, (Y/n)'s eyes already able to make out the silhouettes of officers. Yet she continued to sing, as Connor and the other androids were joining in as well. All too soon everyone raced forward, gunshots firing through the air and piercing through skin and ricocheting off of objects as well. (Y/n) and Connor raced forward, both jumping up onto the packed up sand bags as he forcefully stabbed the pole of the flag through the bags, "Hello, welcome home."

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