|○|Mind Reader{Request}|○|

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{{Requested by: misstsundere101
  It's bad, it's very bad- I'm sorry, Ikindofrusheditimsososorry- ;__; I'll make a part two at some point to make up for it tho-}}

   The human mind was a very complicated yet simple concept. Right hemipshere of the brain controls the coordination of the left side of the body and tasks that have to do with creativity, while the left hemisphere controls the coordination of the right side of the body, and has to perform tasks that do with logic instead. But there was so much more than just that, so many more details and complications from the human brain. It controlled everything, emotions, thoughts, movements, senses. It was one important function that kept a human alive, something that (Y/n) wished an android had as well.

   (Y/n) (L/n) was born... different, from other human beings. She was special, intelligent, thoughtful. She could tell what anybody was thinking, and could understand anyone's thought processes, all because she was born with the ability to read minds. It was odd but it came in handy in multiple situations, especially when she was a detective for the Detroit Police Department. It was also difficult to use at points since (Y/n) had never told anyone about it when she first found out, so she kept it secret even when using it for various cases.

   Being able to read minds had both its perks and downfalls. Perks being that she could read literally anyone's mind if they were around her (except androids of course), and downfalls being that she heard everyone's thoughts if they were only a few feet away from her, meaning that at some points it was quite hard to clear her mind and relax.

   It also had many other downfalls. Yes, as said before she hasn't told anyone, uleast now she hasn't. Before she moved Detroit she lived with her parents, who of course knew of the ability due to her telling them about it first. They didn't react to kindly to it, calling her a freak and mistake almost everyday. They were the only people she told, but her experiences got even worse when it came to friends. (Y/n)'s friends didn't know of her ability to read minds, but because she was able to she could hear all their thoughts, all the negativity and backstabbing her 'friends' felt towards her.

   That's why she moved to Detroit, to start a fresh and new life, and to try and forget about what happened in the past. Of course it was hard, and she found it harder to trust people or let anyone close after that.

   To start off her new life she applied for a job at the DPD, which was hard because of the androids working there, but she still got in none the less. (Y/n) also lived in a somewhat fancy apartment to top it off.

   (Y/n) had been working at the Detroit Police Department for only a year, and she had befriended Hank to some extent. He was grumpy and rude a lot, but from reading his mind a few times she knew he truly cared and worried about her. Then there was Connor, the new android sent by Cyberlife to help with the recent deviant cases. Unfortunately, due to him being an android she couldn't tell what he was thinking. She really wish she could though, because upon first sight of him she felt like her heart just stopped then and there. Of course she befriended the android rather quickly, I mean, that's what happening when your eyes land on a attractive android thats more intelligent than the others.

   Anyway, all those experiences pieced up to where she was now, just sitting at her assigned desk in the DPD and writing out a report at the moment. That was until the person in the desk behind her spoke up, followed by footsteps heading her way, both belonging to Hank.

   "Hey, (Y/n), we've been assigned another homicide involving a defective android." His tone of voice made it clear he was upset, but (Y/n) just kind of brushed it aside and let out a small sigh, "Seriously? Are we going to the crime scene right now? I still have to write this damn report on the last one." She mumbled the last part to herself, her cheeks puffing out a little at the end of her sentence.

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