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{{Requested by: ShamrockTales

This one was a bit of a challenge to write because I didn't really know how to approach this prompt, so it's not the best. :') so sorry for that- it's also kinda short, so sorry for that too-}}



- Fear of wax figures, humanoid robots, audio-animatronics, or other figures designed to represent humans.

   It wasn't easy living with androids in the twenty first century, especially if you were (Y/n). As she grew up she never really liked things that other girls like, such as plastic dolls, stuffed dolls, porcelain dolls; really any kind of doll that tried to resemble a human in any way, shape, or form. Because of this fear at such a young age, it began to progressively get worse, expanding to her not being able to even look or go near any inanimate object that resemble a human being, even if it was the smallest wax figure in the world. It paranoid her a lot just thinking about it, but she didn't quite know why, and she still never figured out why even as she matured into adulthood. Yes, the stupid fear stuck with her from her childhood, and the fact that some person decided to make living androids that looked exactly like a human, except for the spinning L.E.D's on the sides of their heads.

   Because of all this it made her life ten times harder, as her anxiety would always peak whenever she had to go to any daily place such as work. Androids were literally everywhere, and she couldn't avoid them no matter how hard she tried. And it was making her only become as paranoid as much as she was as a child. It was as if she was in a living nightmare, never able to let her guard down in case one of the many androids tried to attack her, and rarely getting any sleep from the fear that stayed settled in the pit of her stomach.

   Right now was one of those moments it would seem, her wide and fear filled eyes staring at the assigned android in front of her and Hank, who had offered both of them a warm smile. Fowler just assigned it to them, and Hank was just as displeased with the fact as much as (Y/n) was, but for a completely different reason entirely. No one knew about her fear, and she was glad no one did as it would cause unwanted attention to her, but it seemed that everyone was about to find out.

   "I'm happy to be working with both of you, Lieutenant, Detective. I'm sure we'll make a great team." Connor's programmed voice made a whimper come from the female, causing both Hank and him to turn towards the (H/c)-nette, concern being evident in both of their eyes. Hank was her partner for a long time, so it was expected of him, but the fact that some kind of emotion showed in the androids eyes uneased her greatly. "Are you all right, Detective? Your stress levels are relatively high all of a sudden." Connor took a step towards the female, just trying to get a closer look with him being the curious android that he is. Big mistake.

   A short scream of fear came from her lips, startling both of the males near her as Connor quickly lept away from her, his eyes showing pure panic as he tried to think of what he could have possibly done wrong.

  "Jesus Christ, (Y/n). The hell is wrong with you?" Hank placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder when he saw how uneven breaths were now puffing from her lips, and how her pupils were now dilated as they never left Connor's figure. "I've never seen you act like this before..." He grumbled mostly to himself. Connor had now regained his composure, and there was still that hint of worry in his eyes as he walked closer to Hank and (Y/n).

   "No!! Stay away from me!" (Y/n) almost sobbed out as she ducked behind Hank, her hands clutching onto his shoulders tightly so that he wouldn't move as she could keep cover behind him. It didn't take much for the grey haired male to finally understand what was happening, seeing as such a fearful reaction could only mean one thing.

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