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{{Basically the same thing as the coffee incident except Connor refuses instead of doing as the shitbag says- IwanttothrowGavinofafuckingclifftbh- I ate a poptart for lunch. :D}}

   "Hey, bring me a coffee, dipshit." That's the first thing (Y/n) heard when she walked into the small breakroom, her attention quickly focusing on Gavin and the android known as Connor, who also happened to be one of her partners.

   'Oh boy, Gavin's at it yet again. When we he learn to just keep to himself for once in his damn life?' (Y/n) thought to herself with a small sigh passing her lips, deciding to just stay by the entrance till his little quarrel is over.

   "Get a move on!" Gavin shouted in Connor's face, making (Y/n) feel bad for the android having to put up with Gavin's shit all the time, 'Don't listen to him, Connor.'

   "I'm sorry, but I only take orders from Lieutenant Anderson." Connor said in a slightly matter of fact tone, making a small smile quirk up on (Y/n)'s lips, "Oh... oh..."

   But that smile quickly vanished and was replaced by an angered and worried look when Gavin punched Connor right in the gut with a great amount of force. Even though she knew Connor couldn't feel pain she still felt herself cringing at the impact and feeling concern course through her body when he crumpled down onto the floor.

   "When a human gives you an order, you obey. Got it?" Gavin hissed at the android now kneeling on the ground and holding onto his stomach, "Stay outta my way. Next time, you won't get off so easy." (Y/n) wanted to strangle Gavin as she watched him gab two fingers on Connor's LED, forcing his head to turn to the side slightly.

    So when Gavin and his 'friend' walked past (Y/n) out of the breakroom, she stuck her foot out in front of him, snickering to herself when he tripped and face planted into the floor, "That's what you get, prick." She said in sassy tone before turning her attention to Connor, worry etching onto her features once more.

   (Y/n) lightly jogged the short distance over to the kneeling android, who's attention had been on her after she tripped Gavin, "Connor, are you all right? You're not hurt, are you?" She asked in a soft and gentle voice, making Connor give her a half smile in return.

   "I'm quite all right, detective (Y/n). Android's can't feel pain, so it's not too much of a problem." Connor responded and was about to get up when (Y/n) latched onto him in a hug, making the two of them fall onto the floor with her laying on top and her arms wrapped around his torso, "Even so, what Gavin did wasn't right. He's such an asshole all the time, I swear." She mumbled into his jacket, not noticing his LED blinking yellow at the sudden action.

   After a moment or two Connor's arms slowly wrapped around the (H/c) haired female as well, a bit awkwardly as he returned the hug, "I'm used to it, (Y/n), it's fine." He said while his brown eyes fixated downwards on the female hugging him.

   "No, it's not fine, Connor! You deserve to be treated better! I would never treat you in such a way." (Y/n) said angrily with a small huff, her head peeking up to look into his warm eyes, and her words causing his smile to widened in just the slightest, "I know you wouldn't, that's why I like you the most, (Y/n)."

   A small tinge of pink dusted (Y/n)'s cheeks at the small confession and it deepened a little when she realized she was basically lying on top of him in a hug when Connor moved into a sitting position, which made it worse for the female since she was now sitting in his lap.

   "I must return to Lieutenant Hank now, but thank you for your company, (Y/n)." Connor said as he stood up while lifting (Y/n) up as well and placing her on her feet, her arms now at her sides instead of wrapped around him, "I'll see you soon." With that said the android leaned forward and placed a small kiss on (Y/n)'s forehead, making her face turn bright red as he gave her one last smile before walking away.

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