|○|Mind Reader Part 2{Request}|○|

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{{Heres part two to the one shot requested by misstsundere101 since the first one sucked :'> sorry about that-}}

   Months had gone by since then, and androids had finally gained their independence and freedom. It was kind of a scary thought due to what androids were capable of, but they deserved to be free, so it shouldn't matter too much. (Y/n) still never told anyone about her weird ability. She was planning to tell either Hank or Connor since she had learned to open up to the two more, yet she still wasn't quite sure how either would react yet, and so she kept it to herself for now.

   After Hank found out she was living on her own in an apartment he made her come live with him and Sumo, not that she minded since she saw him as fatherly figure, not a very good one at times but still. Connor also lived with Hank since he had no where else to go really. It was like they were one little family.

   It was the weekend so (Y/n) was just sitting on the couch, Sumo curled up next to her with his head in her lap while she stroked his soft fur. Hank went out that morning to go gather some ingredients to make breakfast, since he had barely any food left in his refrigerator. And Connor was just sitting next to (Y/n) on the couch, watching the TV in front of them while also observing (Y/n) from time to time.

   It was an overall relaxing and chill morning, and (Y/n) was pretty happy for breakfast, since she of course decided to do a little mind reading to find out what they were having. Blueberry and chocolate chip pancakes with fruit, yum. That would be absolutely delicious, that's for sure.

   "Hey, Connor. Can androids eat?" (Y/n) asked randomly out of the blue, with her side leaning against him while he kept her eyes on the St. Bernard in her lap that she was petting, "No, androids are not able to eat since they don't have a digestive system like the human body." Connor responded, his gaze turning to fixate on her figure unlike how hers didn't, "I see. Even though you can't eat, can you taste things? Like, does your tongue have taste buds?" (Y/n) asked yet another question, curiosity in her voice as she felt her hunger increase in the slightest at the thought of the pancakes her and Hank would be having for breakfast.

   "Well, androids don't actually taste as such, but we have the ability to analyze whatever it is that we are 'tasting'." Connor explained to her, causing her gaze to shift up to him while she rested the back of her head on his shoulder, "Mmm, okay." (Y/n) gave the android a tiny smile, to which he returned before the front door was open and Hank walked in carrying two bags filled with various items that (Y/n) couldn't tell what they were when she looked over, but she knew it was the ingredients for the pancakes and such.

   (Y/n) shot up from her sitting position into a standing position when Sumo moved off her to pad over to Hank, "Yay! We get to make chocolate chip and blueberry pancakes now!" She cheered happily, before noticing the curious and confused looks she was earning from Hank and Connor, "How'd you know what kind we were making? I don't think I told you before I left..." Hank muttered as his brows furrowed, obviously trying to remember if he did or not.

   "I don't believe you did, Lieutenant. All you said before you left was how there was nothing edible left in your refrigerator, and that you would go grab some ingredients to make breakfast." Connor spoke up, directing his speech towards Hank yet keeping his interested gaze on (Y/n)'s figure. 'Well shit,' (Y/n) thought, trying to decided whether she should tell them about the whole mind reading thing yet. She just didn't expect such a simple slip up like that would make the two suspicious, more so Hank than Connor.

   "How did you know I was even gonna make ya that stuff, kid?" Hank questioned, both of the males in the room now staring at her, even Sumo as well. (Y/n) just kind of stared off blankly, debating in her head if she should or not, 'Fuck it.' {{<-- Me making any kind of decision in life tbh}}

  "I may or may not have the ability to read minds." (Y/n) cringed a little at the way she explained it, but couldn't help the small laugh that past her lips when the two seemed more confused that before, "I may or may not think that's utter bullshit." Hank shot back at her, his facial expression showing that he wasn't buying any of it.

   With a sigh Hank walked through the living room and into the kitchen, setting down the bags filled with groceries before turning back around to face (Y/n) and Connor, "If that's the case, what am I thinking right now?" He asked in a slightly mocking tone, making (Y/n) puff her cheeks out in the slightest. She only stared at the grey haired man for a bit, before finally speaking in a bored yet calm voice, "Your thinking about how funny it would be to put Gavin in a pink Tu tu with make up on, and letting him go the whole day in that attire at work. Oh, also with a bright pink bow in his hair." (Y/n) snickered as she read the mans thoughts, very much liking the idea that was in his head. Oh she definitely needed to do that at some point to Gavin, definitely.

   The (H/c)-nette watched with a smug look on her face as Hank only stared at her with a bewildered look, his expression changing a few times before he rolled his eyes. Huh, that was a new reaction to that. Not that (Y/n) was complaining though, since it beat being called a freak right after, "Fine, whatever. What's Connor thinking right now?" Hank asked, suddenly seeming to be very curious and interested in the new found information.

   (Y/n)'s (E/c) eyes glanced over at Connor, who had the look of a confused puppy, "Erm, I can't tell what he's thinking, since, ya know, he's an android." She said softly while looking back at Hank with a small shrug. Hank's eyes bored into her own for a minute as he slowly nodded his head, "Uh-huh, all right. I'm too tired for this, so let's just start making breakfast."

   (Y/n) perked up and happily darted into the kitchen, opening up the bags and starting to take all the ingredients out. She was glad that both Hank and Connor didn't seem to really care all too much about what they told them, except they still did seem quite confused on the matter. But, (Y/n) would have to deal with that later. For now, she was busy making pancakes with what felt like was the first ever real family she had, and she couldn't have asked for anything more.

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