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{{Requested by: Janice-Bludlust

This one wasn't the best and is pretty short, so I'm sorry. :'> mybraincouldn'tthinkupanyideasAGHHH-}}

   Humans were sweet, caring beings. Well, most of them were at least. Thankfully, (Y/n) was able to be gifted of being bought by an nice owner, who was just a sweet old lady that needed help getting around and such nowadays. (Y/n) understood right away that most humans seemed to have a mild distaste towards androids, and the protestors she had seen in public only further proved her thoughts. The only human that was ever nice to her was Maurice and Kim, the first name being that of her owners, and the second one being her daughter.
   They both had treated (Y/n) so kindly and never even said anything about her being an android, only acting as if she were a human herself and like she was a part of the family too. The (H/c)-nette actually felt happy and contented with her life now, despite having some rough encounters in public with some android protesters now and then. But of course, good things weren't always meant to last.
   One night it was normal like any other time. (Y/n) would put Maurice to bed and then proceed to make sure everything was clean around the house while she slept before going into resting mode. But just before she was about to turn off a loud crashing noise and a blood curdling scream came from upstairs, causing her (E/c) eyes to snap open and her L.E.D to flash a dangerous scarlet.

   Her feet started to move immediately, rushing upstairs to where the sound had come from. Unfortunately though, when she arrived at the scene it was already to late. There lay on the floor a dead Maurice, while the window was wide open and the curtains were fluttering out into the starry night, where the murder had most likely escaped from. And from that night on, (Y/n) became more than just a machine.
   It was all downhill from there really. (Y/n) didn't know what to do so she had called 911 in a frantic plea for help while she cradled Maurice in her arms, only to have her get arrested the minute that got here, since they thought she was the cause of the murder and had gone deviant (Which only one of those was actually true). She knew what was going to happen to her, and it terrified her, so of course her first instinct was to attack and run. Run as far away as she could till she wouldn't be found by anyone.
   (Y/n) had taken out her L.E.D and changed up her hair style after that, making sure to dispose of her CyberLife uniform and instead wear what all the other humans did. It seemed to have worked too, as she had began to live a normal life. Of course it wasn't happy, but it was better than being deactivated.

   Small splashes of water could be heard all around as the rain crashed down to the earth in fast and heavy drops. (Y/n) didn't really mind as she walked through it all, letting the rain soak her to the bone and not even caring since she couldn't even feel it. There were very few people out at the moment, most likely because of the current weather, but there were still humans and androids bustling down the street here and there.
   A soft sigh of content left (Y/n)'s lips as she walked down one of the many blocks of Detroit, the rain making her feel oddly at ease as her worries began to wash away. That was until a familar voice sound not to far from behind her, one that caused that ease to turn into dread.
   "Lieutenant! It's the deviant!" Right after that (Y/n)'s feet harshly shot herself forward as she broke into a sprint down the sidewalk, utter fear coursing through her systems as forced herself to run as fast as her android body would let her.

   Connor, the newest android prototype that was designed to be a detective android, sent from CyberLife to work at the Detroit Police Department with Lieutenant Anderson, who was known to be one of the greatest lieutenant's in the police force. The two had been hot on (Y/n)'s tail the moment they were assigned to case, and it was like a game of cat and mouse ever since.
   (Y/n) would be found by them and then pursued, only for her to lose Hank first then take like an hour to lose Connor. It was awful, now living a life on the run to stay alive, but she didn't really have any other choice at this point.

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