|○|Too Good at Goodbyes Part 3|○|

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{{Damn you guys seem to really like this for some odd reason O3O maybe I should just make five hundred parts to this lmao jk- this is really fun to write tho-}}

   "Please don't leave me alone!"

   Those words had escaped her lips along with a small broken sob before she could even comprehend what she had said, her heart pounding against her chest as her grip around Connor tightened. (Y/n) didn't want to let go, ever. She was scared, so scared of being left alone again. The thought of him not being around her anymore and her never seeing him again after this dilemma was unbearable, and made her feel like she was sick to her stomach. So many things were rushing through her mind so fast that she could feel her head pound as well, a headache slowly but surely starting to form, and her crying only seeme to make it worse.

   When she was only met with silence after her sudden outburst she loosened her grip on Connor, her voice hoarse and strained as she whispered, "Please, I can't lose you. I can't deal with that pain, not again..." She didn't know why she was even trying at this point, she knew that it wouldn't change anything, that he would still leave her anyway. Maybe she still had a small thread of hope in her heart that he would break through, and come to her to stay by her side. But in that moment that thread quickly snapped when (Y/n) felt Connor shove her off of him, making her land on her back with a small huff of air leaving her lips.

   Her vision was blurred due to the tears filling her eyes, but she could make out Connor's figure getting up off the ground and dusting off his clothes as if nothing even happened. (Y/n) felt like her body was broken and she was too weak to get up in that moment, sobs just racking her body as she stared at Connor through her blurry vision, "I have no use to stay with you, (Y/n). As I've said before, your simply a nuisance that's in the way of my mission." Those words made her already shattered heart break even more than before, anger building up in chest as well. Not at him though, at herself, a self-hatred that buried deep at the fact that she had depended on Connor so much yet he was ready to get rid of her so easily without a second thought.

   Just as she heard his footsteps crunching in the snow that was slowly building up she used all her strength to push herself up from the freezing stone her body layed against. Yes, she may have been pathetically weak, and yes, she may not have deserved Connor, but she'd be damned if she went down without trying one last time. (Y/n)'s whole body ached in a sore pain as she scrambled up to her feet, her (E/c) eyes blinking away the tears and snow flakes that landed on her lashes just to see Connor near the exit into the building. Her feet broke into a sprint for what seemed like the hundredth time that day, once again heading straight towards the android she had learned to adore, to love, the one that she would do literally anything for. Her feet launched her forward and her body collided with Connor's harshly, successfully knocking him down on the ground but only into a sitting position due to her not exerting too much force.

   Tears streaked her face as she gripped onto Connor tightly, her hands grasping fistfuls of his jacket as her arms were wrapped around him in a somewhat awkward hug due to the position the two were in, "Please! Don't... leave me!" She cried out desperately, her voice cracking from the heartbroken sobs that escaped her lips, "Where's the Connor... that... I l-love?! What happened... to my, sw-sweet... Connor..? He would... never, never... do this..." (Y/n)'s grip around him was very loose and weak, having no energy to really put much effort into tightening her grip.

   "I miss my... Connor, I want... him b-back..." Her voice was hoarse and sore from crying, and more sobs continues to leave her lips even while she spoke, making it broken up and her voice sounding very small. (E/c) eyes glanced up to stare at Connor's face, only to find him staring back down at her with those deep hazelnut eyes she fell in love with months before. (Y/n) watched as he only stared at her, his mouth set in a straight line with that blank look still present on his features. But there was one tiny detail that made the string of hope she had before tie back together in a tight knot, seeing the emotion shimmer in his brown orbs and the LED turn a pale yellow color while flickering. Maybe there was a chance of getting him back, it may be small but that wouldn't stop (Y/n) from getting him back.

  It was like the most intense staring contest (Y/n) had ever been in, (E/c) clashing with a dark brown as Connor's eyes seemed to flicker back and forth, as if he were having an inner conflict with himself. Never had (Y/n) felt so helpless and sick to her stomach worrying about what would happen. At this point she was running purely on her instincts and the anxiety that squeezed at her lungs, making her breathless as the cold air made her shallow breaths come out in small icy puffs. It felt like she was trapped in a tiny room that was slowly caving in on her, cutting off her oxygen supply and rendering her helpless against the walls that would squeeze her tightly into oblivion. All her emotions were jumbled and mixed together, and she felt her headache pound against her skull, making her feel dizzy while no more tears could be reciprocated from her eyes. She just felt like she was dying as she waited for Connor to say something, do something, anything.


|●|DBH: Connor x Reader Oneshots|○|Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant