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{{Ppl can request coz I'm slowly running out of ideas tbh. SendHelp-}}

   "Detective (Y/n). What is a kiss?"

  Ah yes, Connor. Such a loveable and innocent android yet at the same time and complete and utter badass. And also (Y/n)'s partner along with Hank, although she didn't mind Connor since he was a complete sweetheart to her whenever, which is why she grew feelings towards him after some time.

   With wide eyes (Y/n) turned her attention away from (P/n) and over to Connor, who had his head tilted to the side while looking at (Y/n) like a curious puppy. Currently they were both at her house, with her sitting on the floor and playing with (P/n) where as Connor just sat on the couch neatly and watched her.

   "O-oh, you seriously don't know what a... kiss, is, Connor?" The (H/c) haired female questioned, feeling a little flustered as she watched Connor's LED flicker yellow and he shook his head in response, "Well, yes. I know what a kiss is, but I don't at the same time. I know that it's something you do to show love to another, preferably in a romantic sense, but I don't know what a kiss is, as an action." He explained in a calm tone of voice, slightly confusing (Y/n) till she understood what he meant.

   (Y/n) let out a small hum and averted her gaze away from the attractive android and to her lap instead, "Well it's odd that you know the meaning, yet not the action, but its pretty simple. You just basically, erm, how do I put this... press your lips against their lips and... kiss them..?" (Y/n) awkwardly explained, not really knowing how else to explain it since she never met anyone that knew what a kiss was but not how to do it. Yet Connor seemed to take in the new information as his LED blinked yellow a couple times and stayed that color for a bit.

   "Ah, I see. Thank you for explaining, (Y/n). But may I ask another question? If you don't mind, that is." Connor kept his gaze on her the whole time, him talking again causing (Y/n) to make eye contact with his doe eyes once more, "Of course, go ahead." She nodded towards him with a small smile curled on her lips.

   "May I kiss you?" There was absolutely no hesitation in Connor's voice and he spoke calmly, simply staring at her innocently with a small head tilt as he awaited her answer.

  (Y/n)'s entire face erupted in a dark red color, seemingly caught off guard by his question and even more flustered than before, not able to process her words and she just sputtered out a bunch of incomprehensible words.

   Connor simply stood up from the couch and let himself strode over to (Y/n), kneeling down in front of her once there and looking her in the eye, "Your heart rate seems to have increased drastically, along with your blood pressure. Although I'm not sure how, as my question couldn't have caused such reaction." The android stated with confusion laced in his programmed voice.

   (Y/n) didn't say anything and stared at his face for a moment, watching it slowly scrunch up a little with concern, "(Y/n)? Are you all-" Connor was cut off mid sentence when (Y/n) grabbed him by his tie and pulled him down a little more into a kiss. It was admittedly a bit of an awkward kiss, yet it was sweet and soft at the same time, putting both of them in a peaceful bliss and a strange feeling to surge through the one she was kissing.

   The kiss only lasted a few seconds before (Y/n) quickly pulled away and looked in a different direction, even though she was still gripping onto Connor's tie, "Th-there, are you happy now?" She mumbled, her cheeks a rosy red and obviously slightly embarrassed at her actions.

   "No," Connor said with a slightly lower tone of voice that usually, and (Y/n) felt him grip onto her chin and force her to look back at his face, so that his surprisingly soft lips brushed against hers whenever he spoke, "I believe I asked if I could kiss you, not the other way around, (Y/n)."

   Before the female could utter a word his lips were pressed against hers, once more locking their lips in a kiss that was rougher than the one before. (Y/n) let herself respond immediately as she kissed him back happily, feeling like she was about to completely melt. The kiss lasted a lot longer than the last one as (Y/n) let her hands move and run through his neatly kept hair, feeling how soft and silky it was while enjoying the feeling of his lips on hers. But it ended all too soon in her opinion when Connor pulled away from her lips, leaving them slightly bruised from the roughness of the kiss.

   (Y/n) panted softly while trying to catch her breath, her eyes that had closed beforehand when he kissed her now gently fluttering open to gaze into his chocolate brown ones that held a warmth and love in them meant only for her. Connor then gave her lips a quick peck before leaning away from her, making (Y/n)'s arms slide off of him and into her lap when he stood up from his kneeling position.

   "I should be heading to Hank's house to talk about the investigation by now, good bye (Y/n)." Connor gave her a warm and adorable smile while he headed to the door, leaving the (H/c) haired female dumbfounded, "By the way, I knew what a kiss was before, (Y/n). I just needed an excuse to kiss you." He stated, sending a wink to her before he opened the door and slipped out of the house before (Y/n) could say anything. Dear god, what was she going to do with him? Not that she was exactly complaining though.

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