|○|The New Traci Part 2|○|

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{{*SCREAMS*-  idkatthispointoof-}}


   It's been a few weeks since (Y/n) and Hank's last investigation, and since then (Y/n) could not seem to think clearly. Her mind would always wander back to that one Traci she met, and she would always debate going on her free time to see him. But that would be useless, seeing as he wouldn't even remember her. So that thought went downhill. And yet here she was, standing outside the Eden Club and getting soaked by the {{*cough*northern*cough*}} downpour.

   (Y/n) quickly made her way down the familar hallway that showed various revealing images, trying to get out of the rain as fast as possible before she was completely soaked to the bone. Embarrassment was already settling into the pit of her stomach, seeing as she never went to a place like this on her own before. Well, she wasn't looking into having to use an actual Traci for their intended purpose, so technically she shouldn't really be embarrased. But I was still weird coming to a sex club on her own time.

   The (H/c)-nette quickly passed by the entrance with all the Traci's in their glass tubes, moving straight into the main lobby as her eyes began to move around for the certain android. When she didn't find him however, she began to make her way down the lobby, going to search in the red room and blue rooms area. When she got to the room lit up in bright red she didn't see any signs of the particular android, and so she quickly went into the room lit up in blue. Alas, there was no sign of him in there either, and it made (Y/n) start to regret even coming here in the first place. Perhaps someone had rented him? That thought displeased and set her at unease, but she couldn't deny the fact that it was a possibility. Afterall, he was a pretty damn attractive Traci.

   With a small sigh (Y/n) turned on her heel and began to make her way out of the blue rooms, deciding that this was just a bad idea overall and that she should just head back home. A feeling of deja vu set in as she ran into something firm and well built, and she stumbled back a bit before her eyes quickly snapped up to look at who it was. Her heart both dropped and sped up when her (E/c) hues connected with a familar pair of deep brown ones, that familar smirk pulled on the ends of his lips as his eyes moved to observe her.

   "Hello, Love. You seem lost." Those words were just like the first time they had met, and it made her flinch a bit recalling the fact that he didn't even remember her, yet she remeber him. "Can I show you towards one of these blue rooms?" Connor gave her a flirtatious smile, and (Y/n) felt a small twist in the pit of her stomach, her awkward self not knowing how she should respond in this moment.

   "Uh..." What was she suppose to say? She wanted to rejog Connor's memory of her, but she didn't know how to do that. As long as he was still in the technicians hands of Eden Club, then they would continue to wipe his memory every two hours. Plus, it's not like she could just take him with her so that they couldn't do that to him anymore. Well, she could, but that would be considered stealing...

   "There's no reason to be shy, Love." Connor's smooth voice knocked her out of her train of thought, making her acutely aware of how much closer he had now gotten to her, and how tall he was, seeing as he literally was towering over her small stature. "I'll take care of you." He dipped his head down to rest his forehead against her own, and (Y/n) could've sworn she saw some flash of recognition flash through those brown hues, before being quickly replaced with a programmed lust.

   "I- Uhm, ahh..." (Y/n)'s face had flushed a bright red, a lump forming in her throat as she tried to think of a way out of this. But did she really want to get out of this situation. Part of her did, wanting nothing more than to just run away due to her being the socially awkward person she is. But the other part of her wanted to stay, to see if anything could give his memory of her back. "I-I... Okay... I'll, um
, go with you..." The smirk on his face only widened in response, and a squeak left her lips when his arms suddenly wrapped around her and hoisted her up into the air. Her first instinct was to of course, latch onto the male, afraid that he might drop her, to which the Traci could only chuckle at.

|●|DBH: Connor x Reader Oneshots|○|Where stories live. Discover now