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{{Requested by: ReaderBook-Chan
I tried my best. :'> its kind of short tho so sorry for that! ;_;
I'm debating whether or not to make the 'Too Good at Goodbyes' a happy or sad ending :/}}

   Emotions were such a complicated yet wonderful thing to experience. Of course there were many different kinds of emotions. The more easy going ones; happiness, love, excitement. Then there were the more toxic ones; anger, sadness, heartbreak. Yes there may always be some bad emotions one will have to experience in their lifetime, but it's all worth it in order to feel the other wonderful emotions as well.

   Poor (Y/n) though had never once felt anything remotely close to a human feeling, it was just the way she was born. It was like she couldn't feel, like she didn't even know how to feel. And because of that she was always pushed around in her life, starting with her parents being extremely upset when they first found out she couldn't harbor emotions.

   Her mother and father had always felt bad that their daughter couldn't feel emotion, and the fact that she got pushed around and bullied a lot in school. It just broke their hearts whenever (Y/n) would come home and tell them, "All the kids keep calling me an 'Android Freak' at school." But with a bored and monotone voice, since she couldn't feel hurt by their words. It was nothing new being called that, since people 'knew' that androids didn't feel anything. And (Y/n) was the same way, just a human instead.

   Her (E/c) eyes were always dull, void of any hidden emotion that may just be buried deep inside her. And her face was always just blank, with her lips pressed in a straight line. It wasn't her fault she couldn't feel, but she sometimes wondered what it was like to feel emotion. And she's tried before, she's tried so hard to feel something, anything, remotely close to any kind of emotion there was. But alas, no matter how hard she tried to feel the least bit of pity for another, anger when something didn't go her way, hurt when someone insulted her, she just couldn't feel anything.

   At some point she learned to fake it all, to just act like she could finally feel for once in her life. (Y/n) noticed how happy her parents seemed to be when she started doing that, and took it as a good sign. So everyday she would plaster a fake smile on her face, pretend to be happy, and hurt when they bullied her at school, and angry if someone were to push her around. And yet, she felt absolutely nothing.

   This is how she learned to live her life, to just go through everyday pretending when she really felt nothing on the inside, and she continued to do this even in adulthood. She faked it till she made it through school, till she made it through college, till finally she made it and now worked in the Detroit Police Department. Even then (Y/n) still continued to fake her emotions. But, that was until she met him.

   (Y/n) walked back to her assigned desk after grabbing a coffee from the break room, her features currently set in a bored look as the nothingness still sat inside her, making her feel like there was a hole in her heart. With a small huff of air she plopped down into her spiny chair, leaning back into it and relaxing as she took a sip from the steaming dirty bean water in the stryo foam cup.

   "Hey, (Y/n). We've been assigned a case together with this piece of shit." Hank's voice knocked her out of her little peaceful moment and she turned her blank gaze over to him, only to see another man, scratch that, android, standing right beside him. (Y/n)'s grip tightened in the slightest on the cup in her hand, feeling her heart skip a beat as her (E/c) eyes came in contact with his chocolate-coloured orbs. Odd, that was new, and definitely something she had never felt before. Hell, she never felt anything, period. So what was that?

   "Hello, my name is Connor. I'm the android sent by Cyberlife. I was assigned to accompany Lieutenant Anderson and yourself on the recent deviant cases." Connor said with a small friendly smile formed on his lips, his features holding a natural innocent and curious look to them. It felt as if time had stopped for (Y/n), and she felt something warm bursting in her while her heart felt like it started to pound faster, along with her cheeks heating up into a light rosy pink blush. Now this was certainly new, and (Y/n) would be lying if she didn't say she was internally panicking, which made it worse since she had never done that before either. Was this what it felt like to have emotions? To feel emotions?

   "I see... Well I look forward to working with you and old man Hank here." (Y/n) responded as for the first time an actual real smile slowly started to creep up onto her lips. At the sight of her genuine smile she saw Connor's own half smile widened a little, where as Hank just grumbled angrily to himself at what (Y/n) had said.

   "Shall we head to the crime scene, Lieutenant? Detective?" Connor questioned while (Y/n) leaped up from her seat and nodded, all three of them leaving the building together. (Y/n) stayed behind a bit from the two, trying to figure out what these new feelings were while taking glances at the android that was not too far ahead of her. Who would've thought that an android, that supposedly can't feel emotion, would make an emotionless girl feel something for once in her life.

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