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{{Requested by: SourTheSour

Oof, this was supposed to be cute but then I don't even know what happened- its not sad it's just... I dont know... I feel like I fucked it up so sorry. :')}}

   Dogs, they were very loveable and adorable creatures. Hell, (Y/n) even had a few of her own, just because she loved them so much. She knew Connor loved them just as much as she did, if not, then possibly more than she did.
   The revolution was over and surprisingly androids had gained the rights of what humans had, and that made (Y/n) beyond happy. After that as well, with Connor finally being a deviant and all, he had confessed having feeling towards the (H/c)-nette. Of course it took a long while after becoming deviant to actually figure out his feeling and confess them (With the help of Hank of course), but he managed to do it none the less without short circuiting during the process so that was good.
   During that time the two had began to date, and (Y/n) was always patient and careful with what was in Connor's comfort zone, seeing as he was still new to all these feelings and such. One thing she would do daily was bring him to her house so he could play with her three dogs, all different breeds. It just made her happy seeing how excited he always seemed when there was a dog around, and that eventually led to him buying one of his own. Which led to where they are now.

   "(Y/n), I bought a dog. An American Pit Bull Terrier, to be exact." (Y/n) could only blink a couple of times before her (E/c) eyes drifted away from the screen of her monitor, and instead landed on the smiling android standing next to her chair.
   "Really? That's great." She of course returned the smile, glad to see that her favorite android seemed to be really happy with the fact that he had a dog of his own now. "What'd you name him? Or her?" (Y/n)'s attention was now fully on Connor as she swiveled around in her chair to fully face him now.
   "The dog I purchased is in fact, a male. And I named him Cole." (Y/n) only nodded in response as her smile widened, suddnely getting up from her chair and startling the poor android a bit.

   "Well, take me to him. I want to see him." She chimed in {{with a haVENT YOU PEOPLE EVER HEARD OF, CLOSING THE GODDAMN D- IboughtthreemoreP!ATDshirtstodayIneedhelp-}}, the smile never leaving her face even with the look Connor was giving.
   "But if we were to leave right at this moment I'm not sure Captain Fowler will be very pleased. Afterall, we still are at work." Connor rubbed his hands together, a habit she noticed he had seemed to pick up even before be was a deviant. (Y/n) let out a 'pshhh' noise and waved her hand dismissively.
   "Who gives a shit, let's just go." (Y/n) stated, grabbing Connor's hand and trying to drag him with her outside. But of course, he was like, a hundred times stronger than her and didn't even budge from the spot he was it.
   "But-" She could hear the nervous tinge in his tone, and she looked back at him with a exasperated look as she cut him off.
   "If you take me to your house to show me your dog I'll give you a kiss." Those words seemed to have caught his attention, and she tried not to laugh as a half smile adorned his features along with a light blue blush, a slightly dazed look entering his brown hues at just the mention of it. Needless to say after that he followed her pretty easily out of the precinct.

"He seems like a good boy." (Y/n) commented as both her and Connor stepped out of the self-driving taxi. The android had been showing her pictures of the dog on the way there, and Connor had also talked about the Pitbull a lot, despite only getting it the other day.
   "He is." Connor seemed genuinely eager for (Y/n) to meet the pupper, and it made her smile at the fact of just thinking how much more human he acted. Sure, he was still a bit too formal and stiff, but over time it's slowly been going away as he began to become more accustomed to things.
   The first thing (Y/n) heard when the android opened the door to his house was the sound of scuffling feet before barking followed after it, and not too long after a dog came into view, being the Pitbull that Connor was talking about. Connor greeted the small being happily, crouching down to pet Cole while he tried to lick his owner's hand. A smile was on her face at the sight, and she stepped into the house before gently shutting the door behind her. It was then that the dog noticed her, and Cole moved away from Connor to paw at her leg, causing a giggle to leave her lips as she leaned down to pat the Pitbull's head.

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