|●|Too Good at Goodbyes Part 1|●|

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{{Shits about to get real lol- oOF-}}

It was a natural thing for people to leave someone's life to pursue their own career path or follow their dreams. It was normal, yet a very painful feeling in some cases; in (Y/n)'s case. Usually for most people it was only because of those two reasons why people left them, but for (Y/n) she felt like there was a lot more for her. Her mental health wasn't all that stable for a long time, but this all started due to people leaving her. She believed that they left her life, simply because her.

She thought she was the problem, the reason why everyone always left her alone, the reason why she couldn't get anybody to stay by her side for a long period of time; it was her fault. At least, that's what her mind would always tell her. And yet she still let people get to her so easily, and she trusted almost everyone, only for her feelings to get hurt in the end.

Detroit was a lovely place, but was filled with fake and real people, and unfortunately for (Y/n) she could never really tell who was which. Especially with androids as well, including Connor.

(Y/n)'s been working as a detective for the DPD for quite some time now, and while she was working there she witnessed Cyberlife sending the android named Connor there. At first, she paid no mind to it and simply continued to focus on her work. But with spending some time with the android on various cases, she felt intrigued and tried to get closer to Connor.

You see, she somehow grown attached to the android, finding him fascinating and mysterious. (Y/n) started to be a bit clingy to Connor, following him around most of the time when she had nothing else to do, but he didn't seem to really mind at all. (Y/n) was also assigned to be partners with him and Hank on the next case.

Everything was going well, but then the revolution had started up. (Y/n) had noticed the confusion and frustration that seemed to grow on Connor day by day, and he was also growing more detached from everyone else. Yet she said nothing about it.

"Connor..." The sound of (Y/n)'s voice bit at the frozen cold snowy air, the sound of a door closing behind her echoing afterwards and breaking through any silence there was before, "Connor, what are you doing?" Her (H/c) locks swished around her features from the wind, which currently showed her in a state of confusion, shock, and grief all mixed together.

Connor had always been a genuinely nice person, especially towards (Y/n) since she always a bit more fragile than others. He would get her coffee in the mornings at work, to which she always thanked him for, and he would also help her with some of her reports if he were finished with all of his own work.

"Completing my mission." That simple response made her blood run cold, an unpleasant shiver running up her spine from both his words and the cold. His voice sounded so emotionless, cold, empty. Not at all like the Connor she remembered at work. (Y/n) watched silently as she took a few steps forward, her feet crunching in the small amount of snow there was on the ground, "Keep out of this, detective. It's none of your business!"

It always hurt (Y/n), whenever she heard Connor get pushed around and she would protect him, only for him to tell her he didn't need protecting, that he was just a machine. Machine. Funny, how he would always say that, yet he seemed to be so life like, so alive, so human.

"It is my business." (Y/n) made sure to keep her voice soft, yet strong at the same time to try and hide the trembling behind her voice. She let her feet come to a halt when she was only a few mere feet away from the android, watching him like a hawk while little snow flakes flutter all around the both of them, "You shouldn't do this, Connor. They just want to be free, they're alive."

She never expected him to be like this, to be so cold. At first he seemed like a curious puppy, just wanting to learn more about anything his eyes laid on, and confused about anything new he would learn in the process. Not now though. Now he just seemed like a cold blooded killer, who wanted to stop his own kind from gaining freedom by slaughtering their only hope, their leader.

"It's best if you just stay out of this, (Y/n). I have a mission to accomplish." Her (E/c) eyes landed on the long sniper rifle Connor held in a tight clutch on the short railing of the building, feeling sick to her stomach that at any moment just one shot could end this whole thing. A somewhat bitter laugh left her cold lips after registering what he had said, tears forming in her eyes from both the cold nipping at her bare skin and from feeling so sad, so grief stricken, so hurt, "And your mission is more important than saving your own damn kind? Tell me this Connor, after you kill their leader, what will happen to you? Androids are a supposed threat to humanity now, whether they're a deviant or not, and your an android. They'll most likely just scrap you like all the others and replace you and everyone else with newer models." (Y/n)'s words were full of venom as the tears that stung at her eyes eventually pooled over and dripped down her face, her own words making her stomach churn and her heart pound painfully in her chest.

Before Connor was like this she remembered oh so clearly growing fond of him, a little too fond at that. She knew it wasn't good to harbor feelings for an android, mostly for her reputation with everything that was happening, but it seemed like life wanted to fuck her over and made it happen anyway. (Y/n) just wished things would of turned out differently, that maybe she could live a happy life without anyone else leaving her this time. Apparently, she was wrong.

(Y/n) watched Connor visibly flinch under her gaze, his grip hardening on the dangerous weapon he held in his hands, "I was designed to accomplish one task, and that was to hunt down deviants. I'm a machine, all androids are a machine, (Y/n). They were made to follow their own tasks, not to live in freedom and deviate on the human race." His words were like a punch to the gut, and (Y/n) doubled over only slightly as if they actually hurt her physically. After minute she regained her posture, her (E/c) colored orbs turning into a fierce glare pointed at Connor as more tears spilled from them, making her cheeks feel wet and colder than before, "How can you even say that? What the fuck is wrong with you, Connor?!" Her voice turned up a notch with the second question, causing the android in question to finally turn his gaze over his shoulder to the female behind him, "Androids are alive, they can harbor feelings now! They're not just some machine anymore that was built to accomplish a task! They're ALIVE! Why can't you get that through you're stupid programming?!" (Y/n) let her frustration and sadness take over as she choked back a sob at the end of her little rant, her throat burning as she tried to not to let any sounds slip up from her lips.

But oh how she wished she wasn't wrong, how she wished she could just go home with Connor like this was all some bad nightmare instead of reality. She wanted her Connor back, the one that she developed romantic feelings for over time from him being such a sweetheart to her. Not this monster that was ready to wipe out his own race just cause he couldn't get rid of his programming.

Monster. Is that what he's really become? Has he really not seen how these deviants are? How they just want freedom, independence? And just like that, he was going to rip their hope away by shooting the only thing that can help them through it? I guess he really was a monster at this point.

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