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{{Requested by: ItsNobodysWorld

I suppose I didn't follow the plot very well and made it fluffy instead ;-; so I'm sorry about that- I hope you at least like it somewhat. :')  }}


   "Connor, how many times do I have to tell you? I'm fine." (Y/n) sighed as she gave said android a blank look, while he only seemed to ignore what she said. Currently, the two of them were at the precinct, but after he found out that (Y/n) was sniffling and sneezing a bit, and that her face was just the slighest more pale, he started to nag her about going home to rest and heal up.

   "You're sick, Detective. You should really head home and rest. I'll tell Captain Fowler about your condition." With that, before (Y/n) could even utter one protest, Connor had already began making his way to Fowler's office. An exasperated sigh left her lips as she leaned back in her chair, just sitting there and sniffling from time to time. She didn't understand why Connor was so concerned, it was just a little cold, afterall. Nothing that would kill her. He was just overreacting.

   The (H/c)-nette sat at her desk for a while with no sign of the android, just typing away on a report that she was assigned to finish for that day. But in the process her monitor randomly shut off, making a noise of frustration leave her lips as she glared at the now blank screen. Just as she was about to get up so she could check what was wrong with the stupid thing, she saw Connor standing right next to her side, his L.E.D flickering yellow for a millisecond before it returned to the calm sapphire it always was. Oh.

   "And what was that for, Connor? I needed to finish that today!" She snapped, half of her angry at him, but the other half being all soft from how concerned he was for her well being, even though it wasn't anything big.

   "I apologize, Detective, but Captain Fowler agreed with me that you should head home now due to your health conditions." (Y/n) rolled her eyes at what he said, since he made it sound like she had some type of sickness that she would die from in the next few days had it not been treated. "He also allowed you to have the next day after off as well. I shall escort you home to make sure you get there safely." She laughed a bit at what he said, making him give her an odd look as his head tilted to the side in the slighest.

   "Connor, I'm perfectly capable of getting home by myself." There was an amused glint in her (E/c) eyes when she noticed Connor tensed up a bit, as well as a light blue glow now showing up on the synthetic skin of his cheeks.

   "Th-that may be true, but I would still like to take you home to make sure your health is in check. If that is fine with you." She rose a slim eyebrow when he stuttered at the very beginning of his sentence, but otherwise paid no mind to it and decided to spare the flustered android. Afterall, having Connor around wasn't so bad, just as long as she didn't embarrass herself in front of him.

   "Fine, fine. You can come take me home." (Y/n) felt a small smile tug on the ends of her lips when Connor's whole face just seemed to brighten up at that, but the concern had never once left those warm doe eyes of his. After that the two had left the precinct once (Y/n) was done gathering all her work supplies, Connor kind of just tugging her along so that they could get to her car faster, his eyebrows staying creased together in worry the whole time.


   Once the two had gotten home, Connor didn't even try to leave and insisted that he stay there with her, so that he could tend to any needs she may have. Kind of like how a parent would try to pamper their kid whenever they were sick with the flu or something like that. It was adorable honestly, and she loved Connor, so she didn't mind and decided to let him stay. So now (Y/n) was sprawled out on her couch, a blanket laid out on top of her and a bunch of items scattered around her that Connor gave her, such as tissues, soup, (F/w/d), an ice pack and also a heated pack in case she got either too hot or too cold, and he even set her dog to lay next to the couch so she could pet him while (F/m) was playing on her TV. Yeah, she didn't regret letting Connor stay at her house one bit.

   "But I want ice creammm!" The (H/c)-nette whined as she flung her arm up and waved it around in the air, not even caring that she was acting like a complete child. Connor said beforehand that she shouldn't eat anything that was considered solid, just in case it would cause her to throw it back up. So he only allowed her to have (F/w/d) as an exception.

   "(Y/n), you can't have any." Connor repeated for what seemed like the hundredth time, his voice sounding like he was lightly scolding her for her behavior. "You are sick, so therefore you can't eat foods such as ice cream." His arms where crossed over his chest, and his hip was jutted a bit to the side so he was baring more of his weight on one foot, making him look more human than ever with his sassy like attitude towards the (H/c) haired female.

   "But Connor, I want something sweet." (Y/n) pouted as she pushed her body up into a sitting position, watching silently as Connor's L.E.D flickered to a gentle amber glow, and stayed that way while he seemed to browse over what she had said. Eventually it went back to it's calm sapphire once more, and his beautiful brown hues met hers as he sent her that charming smile that always made her heart flutter no matter what.

   "I suppose there is one sweet treat I can give you that won't affect your health." (Y/n) let out a small cheer of delight, happy that she finally managed to get Connor to agree to giving her a desert. And her dog also sat up and howled at his owner's cheerfulness, making her giggle a bit as she directed her gaze at the pupper.

   A warmth on her chin made her redirect her attention to the android in the room, only to come face to face with him as his hand was grasped onto her chin. Immediately her face exploded in a mix between dark pink and crimson, her (E/c) eyes widening as she froze in place.

   (Y/n)'s lips parted in the slighest atter a while, about to utter a question at the android tactics, but she didn't get the chance to as a feeling as soft as clouds was smushed against her lips. That only made her face burn brighter, her heart now thumping against her chest as she couldn't wrap her head around what was happening at the moment. Even though that was the case, she decided not to think, but to just react with instinct as she let her hands tangle into his silky locks of brunette hair when she kissed back.

   Connor made a small humming sound when he felt her kiss back, both of his hand cupping her flushed cheeks as his lips moved against hers expertly, almost as if he had done this before, even though he really had no clue when it came to things such as romance. All too soon for (Y/n)'s liking he had pulled away, making her whine a bit as she tried to pull him back. Connor merely laughed at this, his chuckle being muffled as she mushed her lips against his again. During this the brunette haired android moved himself so he was kneeling on the couch, straddling her thighs as he deepened the kiss by applying more pressure to her lips and tilting his head to the side. This time (Y/n) was the first to pull away, trying to regain her breathing while Connor nuzzled his nose against her cheeks affectionately.

   "...I still want ice cream..."

   And Connor shut her up again with yet another kiss. Maybe being sick wasn't so bad sometimes...


{{Idk anymore- I want to write and I still have requests to do but I have like, no motivation whatsoever to write them... ;-; so I honestly don't know when I'll even update my books anymore...}}

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