|○|Cold Part 2{Request}|○|

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{{Requested by: SombraColomarMyWife

Hope you like it, lol, I tried. :') it's just a bunch of fluff tbh-

Eeeeh, I can't stop listening to 'C'mon', Brendon's voice is so fukin bootiful fuck meJDNXISM-

Also, requests are closed for now. I still have some requests to finish up for this book and my other one, but they're now closed. Sorry. :')


   Coldness, that's all (Y/n) felt. It was so fucking cold. Why? She remembered being warm a while ago before she fell asleep, so why was she so cold now? Slowly, her eyes fluttered open, her gaze blurry as her eyes needed to adjust to the darkness around her. It took her a moment to remember that she was at Hank's house, but now instead of leaning against Connor asleep, the TV was turned off and she laid on the couch with a thin blanket draped over her body. No wonder she was so cold, her main source of warmth left her.

   A yawn escaped her lips as (Y/n) pushed herself up into a sitting position, her eyes squinting in the dark as she trie to look at the clock for what time it was. She couldn't make out the numbers very well, but she assumed it must've been some time around two in the morning. She rubbed her eyes tiredly, noticing that her throat was felt dried up, probably because she had gotten a cold on the way here hours ago.

   The blanket pooled onto the floor as (Y/n) swung her legs off the couch to stand up, stretching and looking down, only to see that she was still wearing the clothing Connor gave her to change into. All her movements were sluggish as she moved herself to the kitchen, feeling extremely tired, cold, and irritated because of her throat. Once in the kitchen she began to shuffle through one of the cupboards, looking for a glass that she could use to get herself a glass of water. She found one eventually, grasping onto the glass cup and pulling it out of the cupboard before taking a step back.

   "May I ask why you're awake, (Y/n)? You should be sleeping." The voice startled her, making the glass slip from her grasp and shattered over the tile flooring of the kitchen. A curse left pass her lips as she turned her attention away from the broken shards of glass, now trying to make out the figure in the dark, even though she knew it was Connor due to his voice and the bright shining light of his L.E.D. A bright light blinded her for a second and made her eyes blink rapidly, before they adjusted after Connor had turned on the kitchen lights.

   "I just woke up, and my throat hurts, so I wanted water." (Y/n) explained plainly with a shrug, making Connor's brows crease in worry as he made his way towards her. He placed his hand against her forehead once next to her, and she let out a soft sigh at the warmth that radiated from his hand. It made her remember how cold she was, but her throat was all that mattered to her at the moment. She'd worry about being a popsicle later.

   "I suppose I was right earlier when I suggested that you may have gotten sick. Go lay back down, please. I'll make you some (F/w/d) to help soothe your throat." Connor gave the female a warm smile as he moved his hand away, earning no protests from the (H/c)-nette as she began to make her way back over to the couch. She sat down in the cushions once there, listening to Connor rummaging around and starting to make her drink. He was too sweet sometimes. (Y/n) bent down and scooped up the blanket from the floor, huddling herself into the fabric to try and keep some warmth left in her.

   Just as the (H/c) haired female felt like she was about to doze off a gentle shake of her shoulder made her eyes flutter back open, the couch weighing down next to her as Connor leaned against her side and offered her a steaming mug of (F/w/d).

   "Thanks, Connor." She gave him a tired smile as she carefully took the drink from him, liking how the cup immediately began to warm her freezing hands as she held onto it.

   "You're welcome, (Y/n)." After he said that (Y/n) raised the cup to her lips, cautiously taking a sip as rhe burning liquid hit her tongue before gliding down her throat as she swallowed. But it felt nice, and was definitely helping her throat as she began to drink it a bit faster - even though it burned a bit -. A soft chuckle sounded from the male android next to her as she basically chugged down the drink, a pair of deep brown eyes glimmering in amusement as they observed the female.

   It didn't take long for her to finish, and when she did Connor plucked the cup from her hands before standing up, walking back over to the kitchen to put the dish in the sink. A sigh of content left (Y/n)'s lips, her stomach feeling full from the drink as she closed her eyes and relaxed into the couch. Now she could maybe fall asleep since her throat felt a bit better, but she was still cold, so that was a problem.

   "Please get your rest now, (Y/n). It's not healthy to stay up." (Y/n) looked over at the clock first, seeing it was now around three in the morning, before turning to see Connor standing near the hallway. When her (E/c) eyes connected with his own chocolate-coloured ones, he gave her that same warm smile like always, and her heart fluttered in her chest. But she was really too tired to even notice at this point.

   "But I'm cold." Her voice sounded like a whine, a tiny pout formed on her lips as Connor rose his eyebrows with a quizzical look on his face.

   "Oh?" He blinked a couple of time, the look from before now replaced with a concentrated look as his L.E.D spinned with a light amber glow. After only a few seconds it returned to it's calm blue, and the lights flicked off as Connor walked over to the (H/c)-nette. "Perhaps I can be of assistance then." (Y/n) gave him a questioning look as the brunette haired android sat down next to her.

   (Y/n)'s heart began to pound as Connor's arms wrapped securely around her waist, pulling her up to his lap and flush against his chest, before he leaned back till they were both laying down on the couch, with (Y/n) laying on top of him. Her face was most likely as red as a cherry while he grabbed the blanket and laid it over her, but she didn't mind at all and only snuggled into him. The heat that radiated washed away that freezing feeling from her skin, and she found herself relaxing as he only seemed to get warmer. Androids were able to warm up there body temperature, so that's what (Y/n) assumed he was doing.

   "Thank you, Connor..." (Y/n)'s voice was muffled against his chest, getting even sleepier when she felt one of his hands starting to gently run though her messy locks of (H/c) hair. With the warmth and soothing gesture (Y/n) was out like a light in a matter of minutes, her arms wrapped tightly around Connor's midsection while her face was buried in his chest.

   "Good night, (Y/n)." A smile had worked it's way onto the androids lips, his eyes looking down at (Y/n)'s peacefully sleeping face as he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. After that he carefully moved her up a bit, so that her head now nestled on his shoulder and he could nuzzle his cheek against her own. His eyes eventually closed too, leaving his temperature up as he turned on resting mode, not noticing the blush and smile that had appeared on (Y/n)'s lips.


{{So, ppl wanted a pt 3 to the Traci!Connor oneshot, and most ppl wanted a smut. So I started to write that but I'm not too happy with how it's going, so like, I might delete it and idk if I'll make a pt 3 or not after that. I just don't know. ;-;

I feel like I should just make a Connor smut book lmao- jkjkjkjk XD}}

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