|○|Game Addiction{Request}|○|

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{{Requested by: Captainchubbz666

I hope you like it! :') I tried, Ireallydidbutit'snotthebest- I think ima start working on oneshots for my other book now :0


   Video games, they were a great source of entertainment and just fun to play whenever someone got bored. (Y/n)'s played a lot of video games before, has her whole life, because some had interesting tweaks to them, while others just kept her alive when she would have nothing else to do with her time. But she never became obsessed with them, to the point where she was cooped up in her room all day and playing for hours straight, like he was doing for the past month.

   The revolution had passed quite a while ago, and now everything was almost back to peace at Detroit, besides the still anti-android protesters. During that time, Connor, of course, had become deviant. (Y/n) was happy that he did, but a bit concerned because he started acting weird around her after doing so, but she really thought nothing of it. At one point though she figured out why he had been acting the way he was, and it was all because he had grown attached to the female and he said that he held romantic feelings towards the (H/c)-nette as well. How cute.

   So after Connor had spilled out his true feelings - which she of course reciprocated happily - (Y/n) had let him move into her house so that he wouldn't have to stay at Hank's place anymore. And that's when Connor was introduced to her large stack of video games. He had asked her what they even were, seeing as he never saw games before really, and so (Y/n) of course showed him and let him play a few of the games she had when he got the hang of it.

   After that Connor seemed to be completely hooked on games, and he seemed to want to play them literally all the time. This happened for the first week; he would go to work, and then just come home and play video games and chat with (Y/n) while he did so. The female didn't really mind this, seeing as she just thought he was still intrigued by the concept of video games, so she let him have his fun.

   But then a week had turned into two weeks, and at this point he was starting to skip over his work shifts at the DPD with her and Hank. This began to concern her, and she tried to talk to him about it, but he wouldn't really budge. At least he was still talking to her then. But then that stopped, too, when those two weeks turned into a three, and then a whole month passed and (Y/n) really didn't know what to do.

   She tried talking to Connor, but when she did, he never would respond and only kept his brown hued locked on the screen in front of him, always being completely focused on whatever he may be playing. It hurt in all honesty, for (Y/n) to just be ignored by her lover every day for weeks now. Yet she's literally tried everything at this point, and she asked Hank about it, but even he didn't know what to do when he tried to help her.

   A sigh left the (H/c)-nettes lips as she stared blankly at Connor on the other side of the couch, not knowing whether she should try to talk to him again or not, because she knew her attempts would be futile at this point. But she wanted her Connor back, not this game addicted android that didn't even know she existed anymore. Never in her life did she think Connor would get so addicted to something, especially this.

   "Connor." Her voice broke the silence in the living room - besides the sounds coming from his video game - and not even a hum of acknowledgement or a nod came her way, just pure silence that made her heart churn painfully. "Connor!" (Y/n) raised her voice to a shout, and was in utter disbelief when he still didn't seem to hear her. This was both hurting and annoying her, but it pissed her off more than anything.

   Her body seemed to move on it's own as she swiftly stood up and stormed over to the TV where the small device was plugged into it. She first yanked out the cord of the TV, so that it disconnected and shut off, and that finally made Connor's attention snap to hers. Yet this time she was the one to pay no mind to him, simply ignoring his questions as she then all but ripped the console out of the jack that connect it to the TV.

   Still ignoring the android (Y/n) made her way over to the front door, Connor following after her and surprisingly not seeming to be all that worried about the game console she held. No, he simply watched as she threw it against the sidewalk with confusion, the pieces shattering all over the place as he flicked his gaze back to her.

   "May I ask what that was all about?" (Y/n) was surprised when his voice just seemed calm and genuinely worried, not seeming to care at all about the device that was smashed to pieces, as if he didn't even know what he was doing the past month. "Was there a problem?"

   "You." Connor looked taken a back at the harsh, one word statement, his eyebrows arched up as he could only blink a couple of times at the female in front of him. "You were the damn problem. You haven't talk to me for almost a whole month. A whole fucking month, because of your stupid games." (Y/n) huffed and crossed her arms over her chest, looking down at the now broken game console as it began to get soaked from the heavy downpour.

   "I'm sorry." There was a genuine sincerity in his voice as she felt his arms wrap around her midsection and his face go to nuzzle into the crook of her neck. Yet she didn't budge and only stayed in the same position, glaring off at nothing as she merely huffed at him. "I'll spend more time with you now, I promise." A smile unwillingly began to crack at her current frown when she felt Connor peppering light kisses up her neck, up to her jaw, before he began to smother her face in light and loving kisses.

   "Fine. But if you try to even get a new game console to play again, I'll set it on fire." Connor only laughed a bit as he nuzzled his nose against hers affectionately, a smile on his lips as he pecked her lips, causing her cheeks to turn a light red. "Now let's go watch movies or something." (Y/n) grasped onto his hand and dragged him inside, letting him close and lock the front door before he followed her to the couch.

   "I love you." Connor sat down as (Y/n) went to plug the TV back in and grab the remote, before she made her way over to him and sat in his lap. She giggled a bit and kissed his cheek as she leaned against him and changed the channel, starting to flip through them for something to watch.

   "I love you too, but if you do that again... I'll punch Gavin, because I would never hurt you." Both of them laughed at that as Connor pulled her to his chest, his head gently resting on top of hers and placing kisses in her hair. A soft sigh of content left her lips as she let her eyes close and simply leaned into his embrace, glad that one, he wasn't even at a upset about the broken console; and two, that she finally had his undivided attention.


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