|○|Still a Machine{Request}|○|

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{{Requested by: 0_Geeky_Gamer_0
Lmao I just downloaded a bunch of pictures of beebo-

Anyway, enjoy this oneshoteventhoit'strash-}}

   The android revolution had passed, and surprisingly also succeeded. Androids now had equal rights just as much as the humans did, and could do want they wanted (As long as it didn't break the law, of course). Most androids had already broke free of their programming and became deviants, and almost every android was free now. Except one, one android that decided not to go against their programming. Not on purpose, but just because they didn't have a reason to turn deviant yet.
   That android was named (Y/n), who was an AX400 model that had just recently been created. After the revolution CyberLife stopped producing androids, but made sure to change up their looks so that thousands of andorids didn't look exactly the same. This included (Y/n), who now had silky (H/l) (H/c) hair, accompanied with (E/c) eyes that looked like gems. Despite all this though, (Y/n) was as cold as the winter season that was raging on in Detroit. Because she was still just a machine.

   "Hey, (Y/n). A few friends are coming over tonight. You all right with that?" Chris, her roommate seeking as she didn't live alone and still took orders, asked her while she was cleaning the dishes.
   "Of course." That was her short and blunt response, making him stare at her for a bit before sighing and leaving the kitchen. He was used to it though, as she was always cold and emotionless towards everyone. It was just in her programming.
   A few hours passed by and (Y/n) cleaned up all around the house, doing the various chores as any programmed AX400 would. It took a while before the doorbell rang, signaling that the guests for Chris were here. He had walked out just after the sound emitted, but (Y/n) held a hand up and gave him one of her smiles that didn't even really look like a smile.
   "I'll get it." She insisted, not giving Chris a chance to argue with her as she walked through the living room and down the small hall that led to the front door.

   She heard around four voices outside, all of them obviously male, not that she minded seeing as she really couldn't. Her hand grasped onto the silver doorknob before twisting it, the voices immediately coming to a halt as she opened the door all the way. First her eyes landed on the two humans in front, running a quick scan to find out their names were Hank and Gavin. Then her (E/c) hues darted to the two android in the back, just observing the two since she couldn't scan them for information. Both looked identical, except one was taller with electric blue eyes, while the other had brown ones that held a warmer look to them and was obviously an inch or two shorter.
   "Hello, my name is (Y/n). Are you Chris's friends?" They all gave a slightly startled look and how void of emotion the android was, not expecting it since every other android had turned deviant by now, but not this one.
   "Er, yeah, we all work work him at the DPD..." The one with grey hair, Hank, spoke up, seemingly a bit uncomfortable with the piercing stare that the android had now directed towards him. "Um, this is Gavin, his main partner. And behind me is Niles and Connor." Hank made a gesture towards each android for each of their names mentioned, so (Y/n) now knew the taller one with blue eyes was Niles and the cuter one was Connor. Wait, what-?

   "Chris is waiting inside. Please, come in." (Y/n) attempted a smile again, making the four of them cringe a bit at the sight of the awkward curl of her lips. She dropped the look immediately, seeing as it looked like it put them at unease, and moved out of the way while opening the door wider, allowing them all into the house. Once all of them were inside she closed the door as the lot of them headed to the living room. (Y/n) locked the door for safety precautions, seeing as it was late outside at the moment, before turning around. But her L.E.D quickly flashed scarlet and she jumped back a bit when she noticed Connor standing there and watching her with his curious doe eyes.
   "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." He apologized sheepishly, giving the android a light smile as a blue hue dusted over his cheeks. "I just wanted to question you something. If you will let me, that is." His head tilted to the side a bit, his smile faltering in the slighest when he was only met with a blank stare and firm nod.
   "Of course. Go ahead." Connor rubbed his hands together, a nervous habit of his that Hank had pointed out to him one day, which he didn't even really notice he did. For some reason just the fact that she was so blunt made him uncomfortable. It just, it reminded him too much of himself. When he was a machine, when he captured deviants to send them to their death by deactivation. Just seeing an android as a machine still brought back too many painful memories for him.

   "Are you..." He felt his voice regulator breaking up a bit, fidgeting nervously under the intense stare of the android in front of him as (Y/n) waited for the question. "Are you a deviant?.." It could be seen as a silly question as it was already quite obvious what the answer was, but he just wanted to make sure his suspicions were correct. All he was met with was that same blank stare, causing him to avert his gaze down to the ground while waiting for an answer.
   Connor's question had honestly confused (Y/n), since she didn't even know what he was talking about. Was that something that could be installed in her program or?..
   "I'm afraid I don't understand what you are trying to ask. What is this so called 'deviant', you speak of?" (Y/n) tilted her head to the side as she gave the male android a curious glance, to which he had quickly looked back at her the minute he heard her answer, surprise evident in his expression.

   "You don't know what a deviant is?" He asked slowly, only earning a small shake of the head from the android in front of him. Oh. Oh. Now he understood the problem. So (Y/n) wasn't deviant because she was still trapped in her programming, and just like him and she other androids she needed something that would help her break free. Lucky for her Connor was more than willing to help with such a thing. "Don't worry about it too much, i'll explain later. But for now, how about we go join the others?" Connor gave the (H/c)-nette a friendly smile, and noticed the hesitance shining in her (E/c) eyes.
   "I... I don't know. I really should be continuing with the house work. I could get you something if-" Connor made her cut off her own sentence as he grasped one of her hands into his own, causing her L.E.D to light up amber as her gaze shifted between their intertwined hands and his beautiful brown hues.
   "Please? It won't hurt to take a little break." Connor kept the smile lit up on his face, unknowingly causing something to tick inside the AX400 android. (Y/n)'s eyes looked down at the floor, for once actually contemplating whether she should go or not.
   "Oh... Okay, of course." Finally she managed to get that out, making Connor's look brighten up more. A smile pulled onto her lips at this, this time somehow being a lot more realistic than the first and also causing a light blush to form on the brunettes cheeks.

   "How cute..." He murmured to himself, observing her face as the smile was held up on there.
   "Connor! The fuck are you doing?" Hank's voice startled both of the androids in the slighest, mostly (Y/n) though since Connor was used to Hank's outbursts by now.
   "Coming, Hank." The android piped up, not wasting anytime as he began to make his way to the living room, (Y/n)'s hand still gently clasped in his own and making her come along with him. Yeah, he would make sure she became a deviant. Afterall, a machine wouldn't be able to love him back, now would they?

{{God I feel like my oneshots are just getting worse and worse. ;-; bleh sadness I'm sorry- I'm trash}}

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