|○|Deviant Part 2|○|

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{{Somome asked for me to make a part two to this so ta da, lol. :'>}}

   (Y/n) sat in the abandoned and run down building for what felt like hours, just sitting, and staring at the ruined walls of the place. Thoughts had scattered her mind, and she let her emotions come free during that time. Some of them she couldn't quite understand, like the urge she had felt towards Connor earlier before he left, but she would figure these human feelings out eventually.

   There was one thing she couldn't quite wrap her head around though. Why would Connor protect her? He didn't seem to be deviant yet, even with showing some signs of deviancy against his original programming. He seemed to be stuck in the middle, a small fight with trying to discover his own identity and purpose like all the other deviants had to do too, such as (Y/n).

    With a sigh the (H/c)-nette stood up from a sitting position on the floor, her eyes moving to observe her wounds with splattered thirium around it in distaste. She had two options; run or wait for Connor, one of which could get her caught. But then again, how was she suppose to trust Connor wasn't lying to her? That he wasn't just luring her into a false sense of security? She didn't want to believe such a thing, but it hurt her that it could be an actually possibility.

   If he was however lying to her, then how would running away help either? Either way she would be caught, so (Y/n) just decided to wait for the android to come back, since it seemed like the best option from the two. She tried to rid her thoughts by occupying herself with walking around the broken down building, analyzing multiple things while trying to avoid a few rats that scurried around the place.

   Forever seemed to have passed by once more while (Y/n) stared at what was keeping her preoccupied, her hand moving as she tossed a tennis ball she found at the wall, watching it rebound and come back to her hand before repeating the process almost automatically. She continued this motion for a bit until her head snapped up in alarm, her hand catching and clenching onto the ball tightly when the sound of a door scraping open sounded.

   Her LED began to flash red as she shuffled to her feet, wordlessly and stealthily trying to head over to the source of the noise. It could have just been Connor returning, but who knew? Better to be safe then sorry sometimes. Especially if your a deviant hiding from the DPD.

   "(Y/n)?" Her shoulders that had tensed up without her knowing visibly relaxed along with the rest of her body at the sound of the familiar voice. She let the ball drop from her hand and bound away on the ground while she ran over to the entrance where Connor was standing with another person.

   (Y/n) felt her body go rigid as that same feeling of fear sinked into the pit of her stomach, quickly realizing it was the man that had ordered Connor to go after her when she escaped. Was this the man Connor was talking about? She ran a quick scan over the person to pull up some information on him, connecting the dots when his name matched the same person Connor mentioned.

   "This is Lieutenant Hank, he's the one that's going to hide you away at his house for the time being." Connor explained while offering the female android a small smile. (Y/n) looked over at Hank, observing his features that seemed to be permanently formed in a frown. He didn't seem too happy on the idea of (Y/n) staying in his home.

   "Hello, Hank." (Y/n)'s voice was soft and a tad bit bashful as she greeted the man, who only made a small face in return, "Hi," was his short and blunt response, giving her a nod before turning his attention to Connor, "Let's hurry this up and get to my place, before someone gets suspicious as to why we're here."

   "Of course, Lieutenant." Connor gave a firm nod, watching Hank turn around and head out of the building. The android then turned back to (Y/n), his gentle smile once again returning, "Let's go. You'll be all right, I promise." He held his hand out to her, the warm look in his eyes never leaving as she hesitantly grasped onto his hand in a delicate manner. Maybe she could trust him.

   When they all arrived at the small house (Y/n) was the first to get out, her (E/c) eyes sparkling slightly as she walked up to the house. She could hear Connor and Hank arguing at the car since the old man was going to go to Jimmy's Bar, but Connor started stating his concern for his fath- Hank's health. (Y/n) kind of just ignored the two and opened the door that was unlocked, stepping inside the house before letting out a terrified squeak.

   "(Y/n)? What's wrong?" Connor's voice asked behind her, causing yet another squeak to sound from the android. When she looked back at him she realized the car was gone, most likely from Hank winning the argument. That didn't matter at the moment though.

  (Y/n) scurried to hide behind Connor, her arms wrapping around him and holding onto him like a small child would when scared, "(Y/n)?" He questioned yet again, giving her a quizzical look from over his shoulder, "I-It's- Th-there's a big be-beast!" She explained, her programmed voice a higher pitch then usual.

   Connor blinked his chocolate orbs a few times before turning to face the entrance, only to see Sumo sitting there. A small chuckle left his lips, "That's Sumo, Hank's St. Bernard. He's harmless, don't worry." While saying the Connor gently pried her arms off of himself with one hand before leading her inside, with her still trying to stay as far away from the giant dog as possible.

   Once inside it was then that she noticed Connor was holding various items in his arms, which consisted of a few tools and two bags of thirium, most likely to patch up her wounds.

   "Can you sit down on the couch so I may tend to your damaged parts?" (Y/n) simply nodded before doing as said and letting herself rest into the couches cushions. Connor set down the items next to her and started to carefully open one of the bags of thirium.

   After patching her up Connor got up from his kneeling position and took all the excess items before going to put them away, with (Y/n) now looking as good as new, like nothing even happened to her. She just sat there with her hands neatly resting in her lap, patiently waiting for Connor to return.

   Tensing, she felt a weight lay on her lap, causing the familiar pit in her stomach to form when she looked down at the ginormous dog that was now curled up beside her with his head resting in her lap. She carefully slipped her hands away and held them up in the air, unsure of what to do, "C-Connor..." she sputtered out, just as said android walked back into the living room.

   A small smile was one his lips as he walked over to her position and sat right down next to her so that their legs were touching, "Sumo's harmless, he won't do anything." His own hand reached out to rub the St. Bernard's fluffy head, making the dog huff in response to the action.

  With a small gulp (Y/n) slowly lowered her hands, letting one rest on the body of the dog while the other began to rub his head as well, "See?" Connor flashed her another one of his dazzling smiles while he watched her pet Sumo.

   "H-he's cute..." She said quietly while massaging one of his ears, a small smile slowly starting to tug at her lips and the sparkle returning to her (E/c) eyes. Connor's smile seemed to widen at that, his gaze staying focused on the female while hers was on the dog. He watched as Sumo sat up to lick (Y/n)'s cheek, making a small squeal leave past her lips.

   Connor felt that odd feeling again at the sound of (Y/n)'s laughs when Sumo continued to lick her face as a sign of affection, his gaze showing just how he felt while the smile stayed playing on his lips, "Sumo is cute..." Connor mumbled to himself while his attention stayed on (Y/n) who nuzzled Sumo's nose with her own, giggles still leaving her lips, "But I find you to be cuter. I'm glad I met you, (Y/n)."

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