|●|Coffee Mishap|●|

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{{I'm gonna snap Gavin's neck- this one's short since I couldn't think of anything to writeee ;__; so its really sucky-}}

   Gavin, one of the people that (Y/n) hated with her whole being, and it would seem as others did as well. He was just so... irritating and annoying all the time, and it pissed the girl off to no end. The thing that pissed her off the most though? How he treated Connor. Sure, he was an android, but that didn't mean he should be treated any less than everybody else. Plus, it seems like Connor showed more emotion than Gavin himself did. And not to mention the fact that (Y/n) quite liked Connor to the point she got some romantic feelings towards the android. So whenever she usually saw Gavin picking on Connor she would always try to intervene and most of the time threaten Gavin, just cause she hated him that much. Which led to where she was now.

   "Bring me a coffee dipshit." (Y/n)'s ears immediately picked up on the sound of Gavin's voice when she entered the break room, just wanting to get a small cup of coffee before returning to her desk. Her (E/c) eyes narrowed on the scene as she saw Gavin in front of Connor, glaring at him, "Get a move on!"

   She frowned when she saw Connor slowly obey and go over to the coffee machine to do as Gavin asked. But the anger she felt increased when she watched Gavin start to laugh slightly to himself at the android. And the anger only continued to increase by the second when Connor came back over to Gavin and tried to hand him the cup of coffee, only for Gavin to smack his arm to the side and spill some of the hot liquid, "Do yourself a favor, stay outta my way."

   (Y/n) snarled slightly at the scene and rested her hands on her hips, staying in place when Gavin turned around and faced her, "How about you do us all a favor and go jump off a bridge, Gavin." She hissed, venom practically dripping from her voice, thus showing how much she truly hated him and not at all caring at how harsh her words could be taken. Then again, it was Gavin she was talking to.

   She watched as an angered look appeared on his face, matching hers now as she didn't see Connor watching with a curious and confused look. But before Gavin could open his mouth to speak (Y/n) walked up to him and shoved him out of the way, "That way no one would have to put up with your bullshit anymore." She said bluntly while glaring towards Gavin.

   The (H/c) female wasn't really all that surprised when Gavin didn't say anything and simply walked out of the break room with his 'friend' in tow. After she began to become more hostile and harsh towards Gavin he seemed to always be a bit fearful of her, even if he tried not to show it. Hell, everybody knew that if he picked a physical fight with (Y/n) she would snap him in two like a twig. Which is why he chose to keep his mouth shut most of the time now whenever she stood up to him.

   (Y/n) let out an annoyed huff of air when she watched him leave before she turned her attention back to Connor, feeling like her heart broke in two when she saw him still holding out the coffee cup and looking more confused than ever. She walked over to him and gently took the cup from him, "Don't listen to what Gavin says, he's a shitty assed person that doesn't know when to fuck off." She offered the android a small and friendly smile, while he only blinked at her before giving her a tiny half smile of his own.

   "Now, I should probably head back to work, and you should to. I'll see you later, Connor." (Y/n) leaned up and gave his cheek a quick kiss before walking out of the break room, taking a sip from the half full coffee cup that she took from Connor, not even noticing his brown eyes following her movements with another smile lighting up his face. Needless to say, (Y/n) was certainly his favorite person to work with and just be around in general.

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