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{{Requested by: Coles_Stories
Sorry if its not to your liking, I tried, oOF- :'>}}

   Music was one thing that most people loved, and it was something (M/n) definitely found a passion in. It was such a lovely thing, and could make a person feel many different emotions depending on the song genre they chose. Of course though, being an android and all, (M/n) didn't feel that way at all at first.

   That was until he met his 'master', Edward, {{Couldn't think of a name, just go with it pls. ;__;}} who was quite young for his age. Edward bought (M/n) of course at one of the many android stores scattered all over Detroit. At first it was a normal android and human relationship, where the human made the android do all its work for them. But after some time (M/n) began to grow on them, and they slowly became closer.

   Then one day Edward introduced (M/n) to music, which interested the android. From that day on (M/n) studied music with the help of Edward, who was very supportive of the androids new liking to it. So with due time (M/n) learned almost everything their was to know about music, and had the memories stored in his programming. His favorite type of music happened to be (F/m/g), and his favorite song was (F/s).

   (M/n) thought nothing could go wrong, until one day the worst happen. You see, in the middle of the night someone had broken into the estate of Edward's home, and (M/n) tried his hardest to protect him, but ended up getting shot in the shoulder and Edward shot in the head. It was the first time he ever felt emotions, human emotions. Anger, fear, sadness, helplessness, loneliness. Edward was like a brother to (M/n), and just like that he was ripped away from him so quickly, so easily.

   (M/n) didn't quite know what happened but something inside him just seemed to have... snapped, and without thinking, he stole the gun from the man that broke in, and shot him. Over and over and over again, until there was no more bullets left in the small pistol.

   After that incident, he hid. He hid up in the giant attic of the house, since he would have no where else to go. So that led to the DPD finding him, just like every other deviant. It was odd though, the encounter.

   (M/n) saw someone come up into the attic, another android, an RK800 model. Connor, the deviant hunter he had heard of over the news. (E/c) eyes connected with a pair of brown eyes, and (M/n) felt something odd in his chest. A mix of panic with warmth, how odd indeed.

   Yet it seemed that Connor was frozen on the spot when he saw (M/n), just sitting there on the floor, perfectly fine except the shoulder that was broken due to the gun shot.

   And what happened after that was even stranger to the android. He didn't understand why, but Connor had this man named Hank take him to his house for hiding before the rest of the DPD found him. It was dangerous, but Hank for some reason agreed, for Connor's sake.

   Hank seemed to adapt to the new android living in his home quite nicely, mostly due to the fact that (M/n) kept to himself and listened to music most of the time while playing with Sumo. This of course peaked Connor's interest, seeing as he too wanted to listen to music after Hank telling him a little about his favorite band. Plus, Connor would also always feel something weird in his chest, something that was odd yet warm at the same time.

   So one afternoon while (M/n) was sitting on the floor and leaned up against the couch, listening to music while petting Sumo, Connor decided to approach him.

   The brunette haired android sat himself down on the empty side of (M/n), observing him while he hummed softly to the music, his eyes closed while he ran a hand through Sumo's thick fur. Connor simply watched him for a little amount of time, just waiting for him to sense his presence since he didn't want to interrupt what he was doing, which (M/n) eventually did as he opened his eyes and shifted his gaze to Connor.

   Giving the other android a friendly smile (M/n) took out one of his bluetooth earbuds, making the music blast out of it since he had it on full volume. {{Am I the only one that blasts music into my ears full volume? Yes..? I'm currently doing that with P!ATD ooOF-}}

   "What are you listening to?" Connor asked curiously while listening in on the small sound of the music coming out from the hanging earbud, causing (M/n)'s smile to widen in the slightest, "It's a love song by (F/s/a)." He explained in calm tone, making Connor tilt his head slightly.

   "A love song?" Connor questioned. Love was a topic Connor didn't really understand, even after having Hank explain to him what it was and how to tell if your in love with someone. No, Connor didn't understand it, but he knew he felt it for someone. For (M/n).

   "Mhm. Would you like to listen to it?" (M/n) asked nicely, the smile never once faltering from his lips as he took out both earbuds, placing one in his ear nearest to Connor and handing the other one over to him. Connor took the earbud with a little reluctance while a small half smile had formed on his own lips, before he gently and carefully placed the earbud in his ear closest to (M/n).

   Together the two listened to the love song called (F/s), (M/n) once again closing his eyes and humming along softly while Connor watched him. After a little bit Connor closed his eyes as well and gently rested his head against (M/n)'s, missing how the (H/c) haired males smile widened a little more at the gesture.

   After that (M/n) introduced Connor to a bunch of other different music genres, artists, and all types of songs, to which Connor seemed to really enjoy. But what the brunette enjoyed the most was getting to spend time with (M/n) and bond over something they both had an interest in.

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