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{{Requested by: Mar0chan

Just going to update this real quick since I'm at the mall going on a Panic! Shopping spree and don't wanna forget oof-

Hope chu like it! Jajajaja- :') I'mweird-}}


   A pair of coffee-brown hues stared over at the (H/c) haired woman from the Lieutenant's desk, a look of pure love the only thing evident on his features as he couldn't seem to take his eyes away from her. This was a normal thing for Connor, and he found himself doing it more often than usual. After deviancy he had quickly come to the conclusion of having romantic feelings towards (Y/n), since Hank so obviously had to point it out to the android, but he was of course too scared to tell her, in fear of being rejected. So he would usually just either sit at his or the Lieutenant's desk, watching (Y/n) from a distance like a lovesick puppy. There was just one problem however. Him.

   After the whole revolution, Connor didn't even realize that Amanda had another model that was like an upgraded version of him. No, he didn't know until he had suddenly showed up to the precinct at some point, looking straight faced and just like a blank slate. Connor didn't really see a problem with this, now that he knew he was safe from Amanda and all her bullshit. So he of course greeted his somewhat identical looking android with open arms. But then he noticed something over the time that made his mechanical heart twinge.

   Nines, as they had decided to name him that, was assigned as (Y/n)'s partner. Now, it wasn't any big problem at first, because the android would usually just do his own thing while not really interacting with (Y/n) much. But lately Connor's been noticing that his superior model was getting a bit too close to (Y/n) for his liking. The RK900 now just seemed to follow (Y/n) where ever she went, always trying to talk to her or just be around her in some way, and that obviously didn't set well with the other android.

   Speaking of the devil, after Connor got lost in his thoughts for a minute, Nines was already walking over to the breakroom to chat with (Y/n). Connor's eyes immediately narrowed on his figure, and he must of made some kind of sound from his voice regulator as he caught Hank's attention.

   "For fuck's sake, Connor. Just go talk to her if you're so bothered about it." Hank rolled his eyes at the android, but it was as if Connor didn't even hear him, or just decided to ignore him. His fiery gaze just remained as a sharp glare on Nines, his mouth set into a small snarl like a dog that was getting ready to bite someone. Which may have been true in a minute or so. Just as Connor had taken Hank's words into consideration - after realizing that he even said something in the first place -, he slowly stood up from his seated position on top of Hank's desk.

   Despite how he was feeling, Connor took smooth and calculated strides towards the breakroom, remaing calm and collected even though he may have wanted to just rip Nines Thirium pump regulator right out of him. And he swore he may have done it too, when he looked at them for a brief moment only to see Nines placing a kiss on (Y/n)'s cheek. It was as if something just snapped inside him, and his pace became a bit more faster till he was right next to the two. (Y/n) offered him a questioning glance, but was only met with him tightly gripping onto her wrist and dragging her away from Nines.

   "H-hey! Connor! What the hell are you doing?!" The (H/c)-nette managed to squeak out as the android dragged her through the precinct, leaving Nines behind as he only watched the two with a bored stare. That alone only made Connor's blue blood boil more when he saw it, and he found himself opening a door  and pushing (Y/n) inside before entering as well. Once he closed the door, it seemed like they were in a janitors closet of some sorts, seeing as how he was now pressed up against the (H/c) haired woman with the little space it provided.

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