|●|Part Avian{Request}|●|

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{{Requested by: EcliipseRising
I'm sorry if this isn't to your liking, but I tried my best. :'> it was a really cool idea though and fun to write! :3}}

Cyberlife, one of the most high tech and successful companies there ever was with having made androids with the help of Elijah Kamski. They always seemed to have success in everything they made. Well, except for one thing.

You see, Cyberlife wanted to try something else after having created androids. They wanted to try and see if they could inject a human with Cyber DNA, aka blue blood also known as Thirium, and see what it would do. Fortunately, (Y/n) (L/n), one of the workers there, volunteered to be a test subject. So they wasted no time and conducted the experiment on her.

Although, the test results they recieved afterwards weren't exactly what they were expecting. After injecting the Thirium in the females blood stream and waiting a week or two for anything to happen, the workers that conducted the experiment noticed that during the first week that something was growing out of (Y/n)'s back. At first, they really thought nothing of it since it wasn't too noticeable, but as time went on it began to grow and grow, till two giant metal wings had sprouted out of the girls back, twice her size in fact.

Panic had went throughout all of the Cyberlife tower and they immediately had them lock (Y/n) up in a secure room while they tried to figure out what may have caused this effect. Turns out that the blue blood they injected her with had been registered as avian blood due to something mixing with it beforehand. So ever since that day (Y/n) had been locked up in a giant room like cage, treated like a prisoner due to the giant wings on her back.

"All right, time for you to go get the wings removed." (Y/n)'s eyes slowly fluttered open at the sound of her rooms door opening and the guards voice, her wings unfolding from being wrapped around her petite form and stretching out. They were indeed made out of metal, but they functioned and looked just like a regular birds wing. It's just that if you touched it it felt cold and metallic like.

She felt a frown form on her lips at the demand, as she had grown to quite like her wings over the past few months. Sure, they were a hastle at times, but they were so fun to use too, and she found herself growing used to them like she was born with them in the first place.

(Y/n) didn't say anything and hopped down from the giant tree that was in her room. Funny, they gave her a room that looked like it was meant for an actual bird, and much to her distaste they even treated her like a small animal. I guess she knows how the androids feel now. Oh, she also managed to still a Cyber book so that she could keep up with all the news going on. It surprised her that they didn't find out about that yet.

A small grunt left her lips when the guard pushed her out of the room, saying she was taking too long. Hissing in anger she began to walk forwards, ignoring the guards demands as she broke into a sprint. This also wasn't her first time trying to escape, but she made it her goal to at least try whenever she got the chance.

The beautifully colored wings on her back began to move on her demand as she took flight into the air, darting straight towards the glass part of the building. This would definitely hurt if no one caught her this time, but it was worth it in the long run.

(Y/n) let out a noise of surprise and pain, squeezing her eyes shut as she shattered right through the glass. Pain due to the glass digging into her flesh, and surprise that the guards all gathered below had missed the oversized net they fired at her whenever they captured her.

A grin suddenly formed on her face as she dove downwards and flew as fast as she could towards the city of Detroit. This was the farthest she had ever gotten to escaping, and she intended to make it this time.

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