|○|Mind Reader Part 3{Request}|○|

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{{Requested by: misstsundere101

    It was odd for Connor and Hank to get used to the fact that (Y/n) could read minds whenever she wanted, well, more so Hank than Connor. It freaked him out a bit and he 'forbid' (Y/n) from ever reading his mind (even though she did it anyways). Connor however, found himself becoming more and more intrigued with the female and became quite clingy to (Y/n). She didn't mind though, and found it actually quite adorable. Although lately she noticed Connor would act strange around her, such as always avoiding looking at her and trying to focus on his coin more, and always try to stay as far away from her as possible. (Y/n) didn't quite understand why, but it felt painful whenever he did so, like her heart was being stomped on. Yes, she had indeed fallen in love with the intelligent android over the time she had been living in Hank's house, but she wasn't ready to admit that to anybody. Hell, she didn't think she would ever be ready to tell anyone.

   (Y/n)'s lips pursed into a thin line as her brows furrowed in concentration, her head starting to pound as her gaze intensified on the back of Connor's head. With a small breath she didn't realize she was holding in she closed her eyes and loosened up her features, using her pointer and middle fingers to gently massage her temples. No matter how hard she tried she still couldn't read what an android thoughts were. It made sense since androids don't have brains, but it was still worth a shot so she could figure out why he's been acting so weird around her lately.

   Opening her eyes she stared down at her legs, currently sitting and criss cross position on the floor behind the couch. After Hank left to go somewhere (she assumed to Jimmy's bar) she just plopped down on the floor, trying to read Connor like an open book for about thirty minutes. I mean, it's not like he would notice with how preoccupied he was with petting Sumo. A small huff of frustration left her lips as her eyes stayed downcast to the floor. She wished she could just ask Connor what's wrong, but she's tried before and he always somehow changes the subject to something else.

   It hurt slightly to know that Connor didn't trust her enough to tell what was up with him, but she wouldn't pressure him into telling her either. While her gaze focused on the carpet beneath her, she failed to notice a pair of rich brown orbs looking over at her figure with a conflicted look on their face.

   Connor hadn't been feeling like himself usually, and would self-check regularly, only to confuse himself more when it came back with nothing wrong with him. He noticed whenever he was near (Y/n) everything just seemed to shut down, and he would often stumble over his words if he had to respond to something she said. And if she were to get too close he would begin to show signs of overheating (hence why he tried to stay far away from her). It was an odd thing, yet it wasn't entirely unpleasant, it just scared him since he was new to the whole deviant thing.

   "Whatcha' looking at Connor?" (Y/n)'s voice knocked him out of his small trance as he quickly turned his attention back to Sumo when he realized he was staring, already being able to feel his temperature rising, "Nothing." Was his short and calm response, trying to distract himself by letting Sumo's thick fur.

   (Y/n) felt herself frown at his answer, feeling a random sting in her chest as she sighed and pushed herself up off the floor till she was standing. Silence filled the room as she walked over to where Connor was, gripping onto the edge of the couch and swinging her legs over it till she was sitting next to Connor. Her (E/c) hues were focused on his hand petting Sumo, but he refused to look anywhere near her, his form visibly tense now.

   "Why don't you trust me?" That question hit Connor right in the heart, or thirium pump, and made his freeze his hands movements, his eyes wide as they quickly snapped over to (Y/n), "I trust you!" His voice came out harsher and louder than he expected, and he found himself flinching from it.

   "I- Sorry. I trust you." Connor repeated, this time in a much softer and quieter tone. This time (Y/n) was the one that refused to look at Connor, her (H/l) (H/c) hair shielding her face away from the android, "Then why do you seem so distant?" Her voice was quieter than a mouse, but he took note that it was slightly hoarse as well. Connor ran a quick scan on the female and felt a frown form on his face, completely ignoring her question, although not on purpose this time.

   "You seem to have low levels of norepinephrine and serotonin, which often can lead to sadness and or depression. Have you been feeling... depressed, lately?" Connor asked quietly, his hands now resting on his lap as he pivoted his body to face (Y/n) completely. He watched her body tense up at the question, yet no answer came from the (H/c)-nette as she only stared down at her lap.

   His audio processor easily picked up the sound of a small sniffle sounding from (Y/n), and he felt something, almost painful, when he watched a small droplet of what he assumed was a tear fall from her hidden face and onto her hands. Followed by another, and another, until multiple tears were making small splashes on her hands, "Why do you hate me?" Another question that was like a bullet hit him, Connor found himself moving without his own consent.

   His hands gripped tightly onto (Y/n)'s shoulders and turned her to face him, her mouth agape in shock as her tear streaked face met his eyes. She looked like she was about to question him but he once again took another bold move, which ended up with both of their lips locking together.

   The kiss was short and sweet, and a bit awkward but it didn't fail to set (Y/n)'s heart ablaze and swipe any doubt that she had in her head. Too soon for her liking Connor pulled away, a tint of blue dusted on his cheeks that made him look even more adorable.

   "I, I think I love you, (Y/n)." The sudden confession made a deep rosy blush spread across her face, her mouth falling into a perfect 'o' shape. It took her a moment to process this wonderful news, but when she did she felt her heart squeeze at the sight of Connor's features that made him look like a sad puppy, "I understand if you don't feel the same, after all, I am-" (Y/n) quickly cut him off by pressing her lips against his, only to pull away as fast as she did so, "I love you too, dork."

   She giggled when she saw a small pout on his lips at the name, moving away a little bit and using her hands to rub at her slightly irritated eyes, "You never answered my question, (Y/n). You're not depressed, are you?" (Y/n)'s gaze whipped to his after her hands fell back into her lap, a small smile on her lips at the genuine concern on his face, "No, I'm not. I was a just a bit sad for a while since I thought you were trying to ignore me." Her words were honest and soft, and only made Connor's frown return.

   "I'm sorry, (Y/n). It wasn't my intention to make you feel such a way." Connor explained to which (Y/n) shook her head and smile, "Its fine." Was her short reply as she scooted over and leaned against Connor, closing her eyes in the process. She missed the smile that tugged on the androids lips, as well as the adoration that shimmered in his brown orbs. But she did have one last thought on her mind when she felt his arms wrap around her and pull her closer, 'He's too precious'.

{{Connor ish a precious cinnamon bun ;w; he deserves all the love in teh world and all the tiny Sumo puppies}}

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