|●|Not Human{Request}|●|

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{{Requested by: ShamrockTales

Alright, so I'm going to put requests on a hold rn, because theres some ppl that want part twos of some other oneshots. So ima start working on those instead. :')


   Secrets; everyone kept them, even some androids maybe. But only ones that were deviant, of course. (Y/n) kept her fair share of secrets away from everybody else, but she didn't at a let them affect her life and simply carried on with it. Any problems she had with her secret she simply would paint her feelings away, something that calmed her greatly and was just fun to do in her free time. But all her secrets would catch up to her eventually, and today would be the unfortunate day that they did.

   (Y/n) was humming along softly as (F/s) was being lightly played throughout her home, her wrist barely flicking along with her delicate brush strokes that left a vibrant red mark trailing after it on the pure white canvas. It was a rather peaceful day, one that (Y/n) preferred to stay inside and paint rather than go outside. It's not like she really had much else to do, so this was fine. Her pet dog sat next to her feet, just watching her with curiosity as pants left their mouth.

   This calming scene played out for a while longer, consisting of (Y/n) just painting and stopping every once in a while to smother her beloved dog in love. That was until a hard banging occured on her front door, causing her to mess up and paint a pitch black, thick line all across the canvas. A small groan left her lips while (P/n) immediately darted out of the room and towards the front door, barking loudly all the way.

   The (H/c)-nette quickly followed after her dog, speed walking all the way to her door as the loud banging continued occur. This didn't startle her whatsoever, seeing as she has done this many times before, and she already knew what was happening. Swiftly she flung the door open the minute she got there, only to see a male staring at her with wide, fearful eyes as the L.E.D on the side of his head shone in a shade scarlet. (Y/n)'s heart felt like it broke when tears suddenly just started cascading down his face, and she ushered him into the house, closing the door behind them as she led him to her living room.

   "Hey, it's okay. You're safe. No one will come for you." The (H/c) haired female's voice was soft and almost soothing, trying to calm down the deviant as she maneuvered him to sit on the couch next to her. It seemed as though he were relaxing a bit, as his L.E.D was now flickering back to a light amber. "What's your name?" (Y/n) asked gently, everything about her being subtle as if to show she was only there to help him, not harm him.

   "B-Brendon..." {{ndozkKENCIDK-}} His voice regulator made his voice sound scratchy as tears still continued to flow from his brown hues, and it pained the (H/c)-nette to see another deviant like this. Just completely broken down into a state of constant fear and paranoia.

   "Well, Brendon, you're safe now." A reassuring smile curled on her lips, one that went unnoticed by Brendon as he merely nodded his head and kept his eyes downcasted to his lap. "Would you like to tell me how you became deviant?" It wasn't that important of a question, but perhaps it would help ber get to know him and maybe help him relax and become more comfortable around her.

   But just as he was about to speak the front door could be heard slamming open, causing both their eyes to snap into that direction, this time both of them holding utter fear as one voice filled their ears.

   "Detroit Police! We know you're here!" They both froze as footsteps ran into the livingroom, revealing an android and a grey haired man. Brendon's L.E.D had turned back to a dangerous crimson the minute his wide eyes landed on the other android, and (Y/n) quickly stood up from the couch and tugged him up with her.

   "Don't touch him!" (Y/n) pushed Brendon behind her, walking backwards with him ever so slowly as her eyes stayed trained on the two in front of her, the human holding a gun up and now aiming it at her figure. "Run." It was a small whisper, but it appeared as though the detective android her it as he was getting ready to all but launch himself at them. "Now!" The minute Brendon's footsteps could be heard darting through the house the other android leaped forward and jumped over the couch, heading straight for the male running out of the room. But (Y/n) quickly moved in front of him, causing him to run right into her and for both of them to crash down onto the ground.

   A small groan left (Y/n)'s lips as she tried to go over what the hell just happened, her eyes opening only to see the android had already gotten up. What surprised her is neither one of the two made a move to grab her, both of them just staring at her in shock as the grey haired male lowered his gun a bit.

   "Shit, she's not human either." Her heart stopped right there, and she looked over only to see Thirium leaking out of her right arm from where her skin was scratched to white, most likely from the rough impact against the floor. "Isn't she that one artist around here?.." Both now just seemed more confused then before, and it was like they both forgot what they were sent to do entirely.

   "I believe she is, Lieutenant. (Y/n) (L/n), famous artist for painting many different works, most having to do with political views involving androids." Hank nodded and hummed, as if to say 'Makes sense', while he had tucked his pistol back into its holster. (Y/n) scooted away from the two, fear still evident in her features as she backed up against a wall.

   "Pl-please, we've done nothing wrong!.. Don't take us in, please!" The (H/c)-nette begged the two, not even knowing where Brendon ran off to, but glad that he was at least somewhere away from these two. The androids brown eyes only narrowed on her figure, while the old mans eye's seemed to hold a different story.

   "Maybe that's best. Come on, Connor." (Y/n) was thoroughly surprised by how fast the human had agreed to not taking her in, but she was overjoyed at the fact that they wouldn't take her or Brendon, so she didn't think much about it. The android - which she just found out his name is Connor - just looked at the man in utter disbelief, his gaze hesitant as it flickered between (Y/n) and the Lieutenant.

   "We can't, Lieutenant! They're deviants, we have to take them in. We don't know what they might do." Connor's voice was a bit harsh, but the Lieutenant didn't at all seemed phased by it as he merely rolled his eyes. During this (Y/n) got up off the floor, looking down at her arm that was slowly starting to stop with how much Thirium was leaking out of it.

   "Please, don't." She pleaded once more, causing Connor to turn his attention back to her, his brown hues connecting with her own (E/c) ones. He seemed to freeze up a bit right after, hesitance still a key factor in his eyes as he silently debated with himself what to do.

   "How do I know you won't cause more homicides like all the other deviants?" Daringly, Connor took a step towards the female android, making her squish further back agaisnt the wall to try and stay as far back as possible.

   "I would never." (Y/n)'s voice was firm, showing no signs of second guessing herself as determination now mixed with the fear still in her eyes. Connor was silent for a moment, his hostile aura from before slowly vanishing as he now observed the female curiously.

   "Come on, Connor. Let's go now." Connor completely ignored Hank's call for him, continuing to look at the (H/c)-nette and causing her cheeks to flush a light blue at the attention. "Connor, for fucks sake, stop looking at her like that. Let's go." A displeased frown made it's way onto the brunette's lips as his gaze moved to look over his shoulder, only to see the man waiting near the hallway that led to the front door.

   "Coming, Lieutenant." He gave the (H/c)-nette one quick glance before stepping back away from her, all his movements being slow and reluctant as he made his way over to the Lieutenant. Just as the two had left Brendon had came back from wherever his hiding place was, and started to panic over (Y/n) when he saw the blue blood all over her arm.

   Connor looked back at the house as they both stepped outside, lingering on the front law for a minute before he got into Hank's car after he started the engine. Even as they drove away he couldn't help but let his gaze stay on the house till it was out of sight, and part of him wanted to go back so he could learn more about the female devaint. Hopefully he'd get to meet her again sometime.


{{Shit this ones short likeLeviandCiel, I'm sorry. :'l}}

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