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{{Requested by: eleni_maragou
Hope chu like it I tried :'>}}

   A shaky and nervous sigh left (Y/n)'s lips as she looked in the body length mirror set up against the wall of her room, her hands lifting her shirt to look at her stomach. She turned to the side, getting a better angle and relaxing in relief that no baby bump had formed yet, even though it's only been a few weeks since she found out she was pregnant in the first place.

   Letting go of her shirt she watched it fall back into place before leaving her room, her steps slow as she made her way out to the living room, where she found Connor and (P/n) on the couch.

   After androids had gained rights and freedom, Connor had became a deviant himself, and right after the revolution he confessed what he was feeling to (Y/n), which was love. She of course, reciprocated his feelings. So (Y/n) let Connor live with her due to the fact that he really had no where else he could go.

   Connor had been living with (Y/n) for a year now, and over that time the android began to grow more and more comfortable with her and open towards any sort of intimacy or affection she showed him. (Y/n) was also there to always help him with any emotion he didn't understand, or what he just didn't understand about life in general, which seemed to be surprisingly a lot.

   But now it seems like she had been the one to hit a stump in life and not know what to do. Well, there was really only two options in (Y/n)'s case at the moment; either tell Connor she's pregnant or don't. She thought it would be simple, but oh how wrong she was.

   Whenever she tried to tell Connor she would stumble over her words and negative thoughts entered her mind, all concerning whether he would even want a child or not. And then it would always end in her changing the subject before she actually told him, and Connor always asking and making sure she was all right.

   (Y/n) knew that Connor would most likely be very supportive of her no matter what, but this situation has her tongue tied and mind in a frenzy on what to do. So today was the day she would finally tell him, no chickening out this time.

   With a deep breath (Y/n) peeked over the corner and into the living room, only able to see the back of Connor's head when she looked over at the couch. She made small movements as she made her way over to the couch he was sat at silently, watching him pet (P/n) for a little bit.

   "Hello, (Y/n)." His voice startled her in the slightest, but then again she could never sneak up on him even when she tried to. With a small laugh she jumped over the couch into a sitting position next to Connor, turning her head to look up at him. (Y/n)'s gaze caught in his warm chocolate-coloured hues and found herself staring at him, love mixed with dread settling in the pit of her stomach.

   "Hey, Connor." (Y/n) gave her love a small smile, to which he gladly returned with his own, "I need to tell you something." She got straight to the point, wincing at her words as her smile faltered at the thought of Connor taking the news badly. Connot immediately noticed her look and his smile faded, his brows creasing in concern as he observed her face, "Of course, you can tell me anything."

   The (H/c)-nette felt herself relax a little at what he said, but was still unbelievably tense as her gaze now avoided looking at the android sat next to her, "Well, you see, umm, I'm... I-I'm, I'm..." {{IM A GOOFY GOOBER- regretnothing-}} Connor's worry increased and gently grasped one of her hands in his own, giving it a reassuring squeeze, "Its all right, you can trust me, (Y/n)." His warm smile returned as she glanced over at him, taking a deep breath and nodding.

   "Okay, so I'm... I'm, I'm pregnant with your child." When she finally spat it out she said it in the most rushed tone she could muster, her eyes staying focused on Connor's face to see his reaction. His L.E.D flickered yellow, meaning he was processing what she had said, before a look of realization slowly sinked in to relax his previous expression, "Oh."

   Silence filled the room after that, (Y/n) looking down in a mix of hurt and sadness, and she was about to get up when two arms snaked around her waist. The (H/c)-nette felt herself get pulled towards his chest while she now sat in his lap, her face buried into his chest as she gripped onto his crisp white shirt, "That's wonderful. Absolutely wonderful." Conners voice was calm, yet she could hear the happiness and what seemed to be excitement under it, which made any nervousness she felt before fade away.

   "So... so your not mad?" (Y/n) asked while looking up from his chest, watching his brows scrunch up in confusion, "Mad? Why would I be mad? While I may not know much about children, let alone how to raise them, I'm not at all upset that you're pregnant." He stated while she felt one of his hands gently rake through her (H/l) (H/c) locks, "Quite the opposite actually, as I am rather ecstatic to see where this will go."

   (Y/n)'s heart skipped a beat as his lips placed a small kiss on her forehead, making her (E/c) eyes flutter close while she leaned up against him, "I love you, (Y/n). And I'll always be here to support you, no matter what." Connor whispered, causing a smile to curl on her lips as she cuddled up to him. A soft sigh of content left her as he stroked her hair carefully, his arm that was wrapped around her waist pulling her closer to his warmth.

   "I love you, too, Connor. Thank you, for everything." (Y/n) felt herself dozing off at the peaceful moment and how relaxing it was to feel his fingers comb through her hair, and eventually couldn't fight it off anymore as she fell asleep against her beloved. Connor simply kept up with his motions after (Y/n) fell asleep, a warm and loving smile on his lips while his brown orbs sparkled with adoration in them, "I should be thanking you. Thank you, for loving me, for helping me, for making me feel loved, for making me feel alive. Thank you, (Y/n) (L/n), for everything."

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