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"It's a shame,"

"Don't talk to her,"

"Is that the monster?"

"Don't look she might see you!"

The constant glares and giggling always happened. Yet it was never behind my back adults would never try to mask their disgust. This is how I lived my life, this is what I heard as I walked down the streets. I was by myself getting groceries for the house. 'Naru-nii warned me' I thought wearily, I turned into an alley for the shortcut. The alley was dirty with garbage and spray paint I was walking peacefully when I saw three men.

"Hmmm you're the monster girl, where's the other runt?" One of them asks getting closer, I clutch the grocery bag closer. Desperately trying to control my fear. "Well that doesn't matter, we can have fun without him." He said grabbing the hem of my dress I shrieked I wanted to move, but I was frozen. 'I've got this' I thought by shoving him away. I kick him in the shin and he falls back, the other two charge at me I jump up and they bump into each other. They all got up again and pinned me to the ground I screamed and they covered my mouth. One of them grabbed a switch knife and my eyes widened. 'No no no,' I thought crying when and ANBU came to my rescue. The ANBU had silver hair and a wolf mask when he was done beating them up he turned to me.

"Are you alright?" He asks and I stop shaking.

"I'm not sure," I replied honestly and then I grabbed my groceries. I bow deeply in front of the ANBU "thank you very much I'm just a little shaken up." I say clutching the groceries like a lifeline. I walk past him, but I notice his presence follow me. "Is that you?" I call out kindly the ANBU comes down and walks me home in silence. When I get to my door he disappears and I open it with my foot. Naruto comes rushing towards me and I quickly set down the groceries. I get tackled by him and he hugs me tightly for a second I think about the alley men tensing up, 'this is Naruto'.

"Nothing happened to you right?" He asks, I almost tell him, but I see the innocence flash in his eyes. He still believed that deep down everyone was good. I'd like to think that was true, but I wasn't so sure anymore.

"No I was completely safe you don't have to worry," I say petting his head. He smiles and rifles through the groceries looking for the ramen.

"Good because as your older brother I'd feel responsible if anything happened." He bragged and I rolled my eyes.

"You're only older by two minutes" I whine "since you're older you can cook dinner." I say smugly and he shakes his head vigorously. I chuckle putting on my pink apron and get to work. I decide on making ramen from scratch since it's our favorite. When I'm done I set it down on the table and call Naruto. We both sit down and pull out our chopsticks.

"Arigatōgozaimasu" we say in unison before digging in. When we're done I take the bowls and do the dishes. While I do that I occupy Naruto with questions about his day making sure he did his responsibilities.

"Have you practiced today?" I asked and Naruto fell off the couch.

"Practiced what Sis?" He asked nervously laughing.

"We're in the academy now, Naruto even if it's the weekend you should train." I scolded and he reassured me he'd train tomorrow. "I hope you do because it's Sunday today." I say giggling his soul leaves his body and he goes to train. I finish up with the dishes and draw Naruto a bath he comes back in during the middle. I go back out to the living room only to see the lazy bum sleeping on the couch. 'Not today' I think shaking him awake.

"What's up Sis?" He asked sleepily my eyes soften and I think about everything how innocent he was, how much pain he must endure, the life I want him to have.

"You need to take a bath before bed, I already drew a bath for you. Once your done you can sleep in your bed." I said softly and he complied with no complaints. While he bathed I cleaned the house up and did all the chores. After Naruto was done I took a bath too that Naruto set up for me. 'Arigato big brother' I think going underwater. Before I fall asleep I get out and change into an over sized T-shirt. I climb into my bed and try to fall asleep, but every time I do the alley replays in my head. I eventually give up and climb in the bed with Naruto. I cuddled with Naruto and I began crying silently so I didn't wake him. 'Why must this happen to me? To him?' I slowly cry myself to sleep and have no nightmares. The next day I wake up early to get breakfast going Naruto wakes up an hour later and sits at the table. We eat quietly and I finish before Naruto I fold his clothes and put them on the end of his bed. I put on a green spaghetti strap dress over a white turtleneck. I put my hair in two buns with a red headband. I head out to the living room inspecting everything's I make sure to grab our key and check up on Naruto who's talking to himself in the mirror.

"Come on Mr.Hokage or we might be late." I giggle and he hurries along. I lock the door and then lock arms with Naruto. We walk into the academy just a few minutes before class. I sit in the back while Naruto decides to test his luck in the front. I see kids bully him and I almost step in, but Naruto stands up for himself. 'He needs to toughen up' I think proudly no one sits in the back row with me. I sigh and try to focus on the days lesson I block everyone out. The day ends I try to grab Naruto and quickly exit, but it's too late.

"Look here its the monster twins," a snotty kid spits and I wince. "If you thought we'd just let you guys get away you're wrong" he says smiling maliciously. This kid along with two others bullies us on the daily, physically mentally the whole package.

"Leave us alone! Or else" I growled grabbing Naruto's hand. We might have to run if things escalate.

"Or else what!" He smirked about to throw a punch it was too quick. We wouldn't be able to run away in time. I was prepared for the impact when I saw the same ANBU from last night. This time he was with another guy with sleek long black hair. The kid ran away and I looked at Naruto to see his reaction. 'He fainted?!?!' I think face palming then I look at the two ANBU.

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