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When we finally got home I was exhausted and I could feel how sweaty I was. 'I need a shower, but I'll make dinner first,' I thought taking my hair out of my signature ponytails. Instead putting it up in a bun to get it out of the way. When I was done cooking I let it back out to breathe.

"Wow Née-chan your hair is getting long!" Naruto said as I set his plate down 'hmm I'll let it grow out' I thought noticing it reached just above my butt.

"It is isn't it," I smiled sitting down with him just enjoying dinner as a family. I get up and go into my room dreading the moment I fall asleep. "Hey Naruto can I-"

"Sure." He said handing me one of his shirts and a pair of his boxers I blush taking them and look away.

"Arigato," I say hugging him and retreating into my room to change. I look at myself in the mirror, but I see Naruto then I remember it's just me. 'I can't do this tonight' I thought forcing myself under the covers falling into a sleepless night. I get up in the morning to make breakfast, we had to meet with the others today for some stupid cat mission. "Naruto! Get up we need to meet the others soon!" I said eating my breakfast than going to get dressed. 'Maybe I should wear it down today' I think while brushing out my hair. I try a bunch of different styles until I decide on two pigtails. 'Classic it looks so good' I smiled strapping on my kunai pouch then I look over to see if Naruto's ready.

"We're going to be late!" Naruto says scarfing down his rice. "Come on let's go!" He shouted putting on his jacket while we left out.

"It's fine Naruto we still have 10 minutes," I sweat-dropped running beside him.

"Race you to gramps!" He said pushing me back a little I laughed running at the same speed as him when he threw a kunai at me.

"Hey that's cheating!" I laughed dodging it and kicking up a rock throwing it at him. We finally make it to the tower, but he's not going for the door.

"I'm going to beat you!" Naruto lunges for the window.

"Naruto no!" I lunge right after him we both crash into the window tumbling right into the office. We're giggling like crazy until we hear Iruka yelling at someone 'oh wait he's yelling at us' I smile nodding my head like I'm listening.

"It's fine Iruka-sensei we were just having fun," Naruto says looking at me and I smile back.

"Whatever let's just give them their mission" Gramps grumbled pulling out some paperwork. "As you already know you'll be capturing a cat, Tora this is a D-rank mission now go" he sighed looking at Kakashi.

"Let's do this dattebayo!" Naruto cheered skipping along when Sasuke held him back. "What do you want Teme?" He glared while Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"You don't even know where we're going," he said gruffly 'do any of us know where we're going?'

"I bet the cat went into the woods, the owner lived near there." I said walking beside Kakashi-sensei who was staring at me. I wondered what he was thinking, but I just let him read his book.

"Naruto!" I said grabbinghis shoulder "the cats right there" I pointed over at his feet.

"Come here!" He yelled trying to pounce on the cat which ran away deeper into the woods. I facepalmed trying hard not to laugh at him. The mission ended up being super long because the cat has escaped multiple times. I was standing in the tree with Sasuke and the silence was unbearable. "Hey" I said awkwardly 'I'm such a dork!'

"Hn." He responded making me slump in defeat. Now I probably looked like a crazy fan girl even though I couldn't stand him.

"When will this cat show," I groaned laying down in the tree. 'This is so boring come on Tora.' Then there he was walking into an open clearing. Kakashi asked us to confirm our positions and after that Sakura was complaining.

"But why does Mito get to be in the same position as my Sasuke-kun I'm obviously a better kunoichi I mean-" I took of my headpiece and held onto it so my eardrum wouldn't burst.

"How can you deal with that dattebayo" I whisper still hearing her loud and clear. "Are girls always like Sasuke-kun this and Sasuke-kun that oh that's my Sasuke-kun" I mock and I swear I heard him laugh a little.

"Pretty much," he said fixating his stare on me which made me blush.

"That sucks," I softly smile hearing Naruto pounce on the cat before Kakashi-sensei could even say go. The cat was attacking Naruto scratching him all up when he saw me 'why did it have to be cats, they're the worst.' I think looking at the cat wearily it didn't like me either. Tora hissed and began walking towards me. "Nice kitties don't scratch" I warn then he slashed my arm. I take out a leash and he runs between my legs.

"See I'm a way better ninja than Mito," Sakura sneered. I simply point to Tora who was now on a leash. "What! How?"

"Clone. It ran through my legs into the clone's leash," I said looking at Tora and my fresh cut. "Hey Sakura can you take this real quick," I asked kindly she took it, but asked why anyway. "The little demon cut me," I said getting into an intense staring contest with a cat. That's when I felt someone grab my arm I look up and it was Sasuke.

"Hurry up and put a band-aid loser," he smirked I knew he was joking, but Naruto instantly started to defend me...the whole way to the Hokage's.

"Sorry," I whispered to Sasuke laughing a bit at how protective Naruto was.

"I'd be sorry too," he said rolling his eyes at Naruto and I don't know why, but it rubbed me the wrong way.

"Naruto is an amazing brother I'd rather him than you," I huff speeding up to walk next to Sakura.

"Uh Mito!" She jumped up after looking back at Sasuke and realizing I wasn't with him anymore. "You're hanging out with me," she said awkwardly, but she wasn't too bad.

"I mean..yeah you're not bad at all and I don't hate you in plus we're the only girls on the team we should stick together." I say genuinely wanting to have a good relationship since Naruto did like her and we'd be hanging out a lot.

"You're right! I'm sorry I was being a real jerk these past few years," she said twiddling her thumbs. I held out my fist and awkwardly she pounded back which was a start and that's all I could ask for.

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