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"Oi, pervy-sannin! Why're we here anyway?"" I asked as we walked through the village apparently we were searching for something. They still didn't tell me why we were on a mission, 'I want to be with Sasuke' I frowned thinking back to Gai taking him back to the village.

"To find an old friend of mine another Sannin," Jiraiya said gaining my attention.

"She can heal any wound so we're hoping she can treat Kakashi-sensei and Sasuke!" Naruto grinned jumping up and down, causing me to frown. 'Right, because now he's in an infinite nightmare.'

"Ok so what're we waiting for!" I said flashing a quick smile and we continued looking through the village. We spent hours and hours, but whoever this was, was nowhere to be found. 'I'm getting hungry I haven't eaten all day' I thought hearing my stomach grumble.

"Perfect! Let's go to a pub."

"Come on why can't we go to a ramen shop or something," Naruto grumbled, but I was just hungry. "Mito back me up don't you want some ramen too!"

"I'm sorry, but I'm way too hungry plus Jiraiya said it's a good place for information," I shrugged walking in behind Jiraiya and Naruto followed behind begrudgingly.


"Jiraiya!" A blonde woman yelled from a table, 'that's Tsunade! No way she looks like she's in her, late, twenties.' I thought as we ended up sitting at her table with her and her student. 'She's the woman who can heal any wound..she must be amazing.'

"Tsunade the village elders are demanding you become the fifth Hokage," Jiraiya said shocking both me and Naruto.

"That wasn't part of the deal!" Naruto yelled "I thought she was just going to heal Kakashi-sensei and Sasuke, maybe even Bushy Brows! How is she going to be the fifth Hokage?"

"She's Tsunade, granddaughter of the first Hokage, the Third Hokage's student she was made to be Hokage." Jiraiya smirked picking up some cards, Tsunade looked less than pleased to be considered for Hokage. 'What's her deal about Hokage,' I thought hearing her ramble on about how she wouldn't put her life on the line for the village like the previous Hokage's.

"Lord Fourth was very talented, but even he died young" she said glaring, but I could feel myself getting angry. I looked over at Naruto who was shaking holding his hand in a fist and I knew I couldn't lose my cool.

"Naruto, calm down not everyone is talented enough to be a Hokage" I smiled sweetly flicking my eyes over to her. "I would appreciate if you didn't speak about Lord Fourth in that way. It's very disrespectful and honestly pisses me the fuck off," I said slamming my hands against the table. I didn't even notice that Naruto had lept over the table, luckily Jiraiya caught him. 'Obviously I didn't keep my cool,' I sighed hearing him challenge her to a fight.

"Fine let's take this outside pipsqueak," Tsunade smirked so of course he agreed. 'Even I'm not that stupid, she's still a Sannin Naruto.' I thought watching as she flicked him back with one finger, 'she's so strong!' I gasped seeing how far she flicked him back. "You want to try to after seeing what I could do to your brother?"

"Sure," I shrugged keeping calm I threw the kunai, flashing over which shocked her. I almost landed a punch, but she jumped away luckily right by one of my clones. I tried to aim a kick, but she easily blocked and poofed my clone away. "Not bad for an old lady," I smirked running towards her again, but I flipped over her and tried putting a kunai to her neck. 'Wait what!' My eyes widened when she turned around kicking me away.

"Not bad for a little girl," Tsunade smirked, but then suddenly she got all serious. "Let me ask one thing before you faint, why are you so passionate about the position of Hokage?"

"Because that's a title I'll be receiving no matter what!" Naruto grinned catching her off guard. He must've noticed because he started forming a jutsu I had never seen before, 'he's spinning his chakra into a ball!' However Tsunade punched a crack into the ground and Naruto fell in.

"Nii-san, you almost looked cool" I frowned watching as he threw up on the sidelines with Shizune. 'When did he learn that jutsu!'

"Jiraiya were you the one who taught him the rasengan," Tsunade accused and my head whipped over to him.

"You taught him and not me!" I gasped feeling slightly hurt and his face looked a little guilty.

"Stop giving these children hope that they can be Hokage, that's why they believe in—"

"I'm not trying to be Hokage, that's Naruto's dream, but you do know I want to be as great as Lord Fourth and he created that jutsu!" I said looking at Jiraiya who seemed to not care at all, "do you think I can't handle it!"

"Kid I know you can handle it, you could probably learn it in a week I just—"

"You think so Jiraiya? Hm ok let's make it a bet then," Tsunade said gaining my attention. "I'll admit I'm wrong if the both of you can master that jutsu, I'll even throw in my necklace."

"I'm not into jewelry," both me and Naruto sweatdropped.

"Fools, that necklace belonged to the first Hokage there's only one like it!" Shizune gasped trying to advise Tsunade otherwise.

"If you lose, I want all the money you have on you."

"Ok fine!" I agreed and Naruto agreed to it too. 'I can definitely master this jutsu even if Jiraiya won't teach me!'

"Naruto why don't you go back to the hotel room," Jiraiya said picking me up. "Me and Mito are going to talk for awhile" he grinned as I hit his back.

"Why do you want to talk with me, you didn't want to teach me that jutsu!" I huffed once he set me down and I heard him let out a deep sigh.

"Kid I'm not playing favorites you're a great shinobi, I have something else too teach you. It's your Mom's jutsu, something only members of the Uzumaki clan can do."

"How're you supposed to teach me it, if you can't do it?" I asked he definitely had my attention. 'What kind of jutsu is it, it's my mother's?'

"I have to figure it out, I just don't want you to be mad."

"You're bad at this," I chuckled giving him a hug "aww you really care about me pervy-sennin!"

"Yeah yeah, let's get back before your brother messes up the hotel room."

"You're the one who let him be there all alone!"

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