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The next morning I woke up remembering vividly what happened with Sasuke. 'When I think of his name now I get butterflies!' I thought getting dressed so we could meet up with Kakashi-sensei.

"Naruto! Breakfast!" I yelled taking off my apron that reminded me of the cake. 'Is everything going to remind me of him?'

"We better take this to go!" Naruto said grabbing breakfast plus my hand and rushing out the door.

"Want to explain to me why we're in such a rush?" I said also noting how Naruto's up at six am no fuss. "You reset my alarm clock didn't you...Naruto what the heck!"

"I just wanted to sleep in, no harm right?"

"Ok, but how far back did you set it?" I said beginning to walk instead of run through the crowds. We had to meet Kakashi at 10 and I'm pretty sure we weren't late.

"Only three hours!"

"Then we're fine," I said letting out a sigh of relief then I quickly glared at Naruto. "I could've eaten my food without getting a stomachache." I pouted noticing something, more like someone, on the fence. 'It must be Konohamaru,' I giggled showing Naruto.

"I can see you!" Naruto groaned making Konohamaru and two other little kids reveal themselves.

"I am Udon, the brains!"

"I am Moegi, the beauty!"

"I'm Konohamaru, the leader!"

"And we're Team Konohamaru!" They shouted cutely.

"How you doin' Boss?" Konohamaru asked excitedly with his eyes practically bulging out their sockets.

"I'm doing fine."

"And you lady Mito!" He asked turning towards me with a huge grin.

"I'm doing great Konohamaru! Naruto and I were just going to meet up with our sensei," I smiled bending down to his level. "How about you I see that you've got yourself a team as well?"

"Yeah! We just-"

"Mito!" Sakura said running over to catch up with us "can I head over with you guys?"

"Of course you can Sakura!" Naruto said getting all heart-eyes on me. 'Where is Hinata I need her.'

"Is this your girlfriend boss?" Konohamaru suddenly asked making me snicker a little bit. Naruto on the other hand just stared blankly causing Sakura to hit him. "She's kinda scary...just look at the size of her forehead!"

"YOU LITTLE BRAT!" Sakura yelled chasing Konohamaru around, it was starting to escalate quickly.

"He didn't mean it Sakura! Don't hit him!" I said chasing after them when he ran into a boy wearing a hat with kitty ears and a blonde with her hair in four ponytails 'Shinobi...but not leaf Shinobi, Sand Shinobi are they here on a mission?'

"You think it's ok to run into people," Kitty Ears said holding Konohamaru by the collar. "Maybe I should teach you a thing or to about manners eh?"

"Maybe you should let go," I glared giving him a chance to put him down.

"Why should I? When I'm done with him you can be next."

"Ok I warned you," I said cracking my knuckles then I walked up to him and kicked him where the sun don't shine. "Now when I say you should let go it really means let go."

"You bitch!" He grunted getting ready to hit me, but then he was hit by a small pebble. 'Sasuke's chakra?' I thought seeing him with another pebble in hand. "Are all the leaf's genin pests?"

"Only when you threaten the Hokage's grandson," I said causing the sand Shinobi to tense up. "I'm sure you don't want to start trouble in our village, after all you're just visiting." I smirk seeing them nod their heads robotically.

"I- i um..uh look I'm sorry kid" Kitty Ears grumbled after a glare was sent his way by the blondie. 'Good crisis averted we all got out fine...well Kitty Ears has some damaged goods now, but all in all we're good.'

"Are you ok?" Sasuke asked me making my cheeks turn red.

"Of course, I kicked him remember" I said trying to control this weird new feeling. Then another boy jumps down from the same tree Sasuke was in. 'I must be having an off day because I'm usually able to sense their chakra.' I thought shaking my head, the boy appeared to be a little older than us. He had blood red hair and dark circles around these amazing teal eyes. 'There's something off about him,' I thought trying to read his chakra, but there was an inconsistency.

"Stop causing problems," he demanded coldly and when Kitty Ears protested he glared him down. "Kankuro, I'll kill you" he said sending chills down my spine 

"Wait! What's your name?" Sasuke asked shocking me 'he's crazy...why wouldn't he just let them continue on!'

"Who me?" Blondie giggled pointing to herself, was he talking to her. 'I mean she's pretty so why wouldn't he-'

"No, Not you the one with the gourd on his back" Sasuke sneered making me feel a lot better. For a second I thought he might've thought she was really cute or something. 'Well that's stupid Mito this is Sasuke we're thinking about.'

"Gaara of the Desert, I admit I'm curious aswell the blonde girl and you, what're your names?" he said with the same calm expression he used to say he'd kill that boy. 'I'm starting to get real freaked out..and he asked for my name.'

"Uchiha, Sasuke Uchiha" Sasuke said and Gaara switched his attention towards me.

"I'm Mito Uzumaki," I said proudly making him nod his head silently then him and his team just left.

"Wait!" Sakura yelled stopping them once more "sand Shinobi aren't supposed to be here without permission."

"Ugh, we're here for the chunin exams" Blondie sighed laughing at our confused faces. "Do you guys seriously not know about the chunin exams?" She said turning around to catch up with her team. 'Chunin exams... sounds self-explanatory.'

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