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I woke up in the morning early out of habit and went downstairs for no reason. I wasn't expecting to see anyone, but Sasuke was sitting on the couch. 'Makes sense he wasn't in the room when you woke up.'

"Ohayo Sasuke-kun" I whisper rubbing my eyes he nods and I glare at him. "Manners Sasuke-kun," I say teasingly sitting next to him. "Anyway why're you up so early?" I ask wanting to know exactly how long he's been up.

"I could ask the same thing," He snorted "I just wake up at this time." He says answering the question anyways.

"Same for me, I usually get up at this time to do chores or something" I laugh scooting closer to him. "Hey Sasuke-kun," I say looking him straight in the eyes.

"H-Hm," He hums blushing a little.

"Good luck on getting up the tree," I smile watching him go all tsundere on me.

"H-hn," he said not even looking at me. 'So cute! I think I kinda like him.'

"You're very cute ya'know" I laugh eat aching his face get even redder.

"You're being annoying" he said trying to keep the scowl on his face.

"Gomen," I chuckle to myself gradually everyone begins coming downstairs. We eat breakfast and then Kakashi-sensei gives us our daily tasks. Sakura and I are going to escort Tazuna while he shops in the village while Naruto and Sasuke still had to get up the tree 'I wish we could train, but someone needs to protect Tazuna' I thought grabbing my kunai pouch. I put it on and walked out, walking on his left side.

"The village is beautiful," Sakura commented looking around. Our trip was going peacefully for a long time until a man tried to steal something out of Sakura's purse. "Cha! you perv!" She yelled punching him before he could even explain.

"Sakura-Chan I think he was just trying to steal some money." I sweatdropped noticing a lot of people were staring at us 'you're causing a scene' I thought trying to calm her down. She noticed the stares too, but it annoyed her.

"What are they all staring at!" She said waving her fist in the air, and threatening anyone to try anything.

"No one fights around here, they aren't used to it especially women," Tazuna says also shocked that Sakura was so strong.

"They should! Cha-"

"It's not that simple," I said cutting her off. "Gato has taken away all of their courage, they're scared. That's why it's not only our job to protect Tazuna, but to bring their courage back!" I smile looking at the old man, Tazuna smiled back and Sakura was thrusting her fist in the air. We start walking again when I saw a little boy was trying to steal from Sakura. 'Poor boy' I sweatdrop watching her hug him and apologizing profusely.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry here," she said handing him all the candies she had. He was about to walk off when I stopped him.

"Wait dattebayo!" I said kneeling down to his level. "Here I want you to take this to your mom and never steal again," I scold lightly handing him Naruto's ramen money. He takes it gratefully nodding his head. 

"Thank you so much, I promise I'll never steal again as long as I live! Thank you guys so much" he cried, trying to wipe away his tears.

"It's alright dattebayo I promise to get rid of Gato for good that way you won't have to live like this anymore." I smiled rubbing his head "but for now just sit tight okay?" I said showing him a thumbs up. He nodded mimicking me before running off to show his mom. 'We won't be able to eat ramen for awhile' I think wondering how I'll tell Naruto. 'He'll understand' I shrug admiring the village. Tazuna gets the part he needs so we go back to the house. We get there when dinners done and I see everyone, but Naruto.

"Kakashi-sensei where's Naruto?" I frown washing my hands at the sink. He shrugs and continues to read his porn. 'Is it healthy for him to be reading that?' I was about to ask again when Sasuke got up.

"Sasuke-kun? Where are you going?" Sakura asked alarmed that he was leaving.

"I'm going to look for Naruto, he's probably lying dead somewhere" he said leaving and I followed after him.

"I'm going too to make sure he's ok," I bowed excusing myself. I run up to Sasuke jumping on his back. "Oi Sasuke! You care about my brother," I smirk watching him glare at me. I hop off his back walking next to him instead. It was silent, but pleasant sometimes nothing needed to be said.

"You're really not like the other girls," he muttered as we found Naruto still trying to go up the tree. "Oi! Naruto, you're skipping out on dinner," He calls out making him fall down the tree. 'Naruto is almost up there' I note watching Sasuke grit his teeth.

"It seems like Naruto might get up before you Sasuke ," I tease. "Well lets go back Naruto won't stop until he gets up there," I say taking a few steps when Sasuke grabs a kunai.

"I won't lose to that loser," he said going up the tree and now it was a competition. 'I thought so,' I smiled going back to the house.

"I'm back," I sigh watching Sakura dash up to me bombarding me about where they were. "They're still out practicing Sakura-chan" I answer sitting back down at the table.

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