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My eyes fluttered open and I was on Sensei's back 'hmm what happened did I fall asleep.' I blush hiding my face in his back looking down at my bandaged ankle. 'So I can't walk did the chain hit too deep?' "It's alright Mito I've got you" Kakashi-sensei smiled.

"You know Kakashi-sensei I might have a little crush on you," I teased 'why would I say that!'

"Is that so," he said looking back at me I instantly sensed two more chakra signatures.

"Kakashi-sensei do you sense them? Two more people are following us," I whisper, he nods and we keep walking on. 'I think Naruto is starting to sense chakra too,' I watch and notice how he throws the kunai at the chakra signature. Sakura hits him over the head and I hop down from Kakashi's back. "Ow!" I said feeling a sharp pain I went on my knees scooting over to the bunny. 'This bunny is a snow bunny and it's summer someone is using this as a sub animal' I thought backing Naruto and Sakura away from it. Naruto picked me up holding me bridal style when Kakashi-sensei told us to duck. I rolled out of his arms pushing him down with me I got up with the help of Naruto 'damn I can't support my weight.' I gritted my teeth taking out a regular kunai I stepped behind Tazuna 'it's easy with four of us there's barely any blind spots.' We were all in formation waiting for the guy to attack, but he wasn't even facing us.

"Does he know he's backwards," I whispered to Naruto wondering if this guy was even a good shinobi.

"I KNOW THAT!" He yelled turning around to glare at me. Kakashi-sensei glared at him gripping his kunai tighter. "Kid you're going to make killing you pleasurable "I'm here for the bridge builder, so hand him over," he said gruffly.

"I'm sorry we can't do that" Kakashi-sensei said holding a hand over his headband. 'This isn't the time to rethink your fashion choices!'

"Kakashi Hatake, The man who copied over a thousand jutsu, also known as Kakashi of the Sharingan." Zabuza chuckled shocking all of us 'but he isn't an Uchiha is he?'

"The Sharingan!" Sasuke gasped glaring at the back of Kakashi's head.

"Sharingan! What the heck is this Sharingan?" Naruto asked as oblivious as ever. I look at Sasuke, but he's too distracted to explain.

"The Sharingan is a kekkei genkai of the Uchiha Clan. It is one of the three great dōjutsu the others being the Byakugan and Rinnegan. The Sharingan grants the user incredible genjutsu, perception, and the ability to copy any jutsu. There are more abilities, but we don't have time for an in depth explanation." I reminded motioning over to Zabuza who started laughing.

"Smart kid," Zabuza chuckled. "Looks like I'll have to go through the you first." He said slowly covering the whole area in mist. Naruto stepped up to fight, but Kakashi-sensei pushed him back.

"He's out of your league Naruto, I'll need this to fight him" He said lifting his headband up revealing his Sharingan. 'No freaking way! Does that mean he's actually Itachi Uchiha no way he can't be. Use your brain what's a logical explanation-'

"You must be mistaken we're jonin," Itachi smiles.

"No you're Itachi an Uchiha and you're Kakashi Hatake, I couldn't mistake your chakra scents for anyone else!"

"It was you!" I whisper to no one in particular 'he's not Itachi Uchiha, but yet he has a Sharingan'

"Manji formation everyone!" Sensei ordered we were now covered in a thick mist and I couldn't see anything.

"8 points" Zabuza said creepily, 'He's made a clone he's up in the trees.'

"What does that mean?" Naruto shivered hearing him chuckle. I get a kunai ready and throw it towards him.

"Oh the little girlie can sense my chakra, too bad your aim was just a little off." He teased making me a little angry 'ugh I'm not used to not seeing'

"Zabuza Momochi, Demon of the Mist, master of the silent killing technique, said to kill you so fast you don't even know your dead until after you die." Kakashi-sensei said darkly turning towards us "He will come after me first, but I can't fully use my Sharingan so be alert." He said darting his eye to look everywhere.

"So I'm in your book too?" Zabuza said coming after Kakashi-sensei, but Kakashi's clone came out and stabbed him. Now he was holding a kunai to a Zabuza clone. 'It's a trap!'

"It's a clone," I yell out to him hoping I wasn't too late. Unfortunately the real Zabuza came from the side and tried to kill him. Fortunately he got out in time, but jumped into the water. Before he could realize his mistake, Zabuza had him trapped in a water prison. Then Zabuza made a clone to go after us 'we're so freaking screwed dattebayo! No Mito think this through how do you survive.'

"Go you can't fight him, his clone can't go to far from his original body so leave me and run." I looked at Naruto and Sasuke to see they were more determined than ever. 'Well then I can't let them do all the work.'

"Come on dattebayo!" I smiled getting out father's kunai.

"There's no way in hell we'd leave you sensei," Naruto continued making some clones.

"We're a team and your our squad leader, I still got a goal to fulfill" Sasuke finished and we all charged forward towards Zabuza's clone.

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