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As we charged ahead Sakura was left to protect Tazuna by herself. We all tried fighting  Zabuza's clone with brute strength, but it didn't work.

"Do you think wearing this makes you a shinobi?" Zabuza said throwing Naruto back like he was nothing. "Have you ever had to killed someone before," he said laughing crazily. "Ever wondered why they called it the bloody mist because to become a shinobi you had to kill your classmates." He said earning a horrified gasp from Sakura. 'What the hell! This guy h-he's crazy!' I think slightly shivering then I remember Kakashi. 'He saved me before I need to repay him.'

"To be a ninja is to establish you own ninja way and never give up on it!" I say looking at Naruto then Sasuke. "That's what we'll do ready guys!" I say watching Naruto retie his headband.

"Ready! Demon Wind Shuriken," Sasuke yells throwing it through Zabuza's clone and passed Zabuza.

"Haha! You can't even-" he was done gloating when another one was coming back towards him. The shiriken turned into Naruto and a clone tagging Zabuza's arm. "Well that was pointless, your sensei is about to die!" He laughed I glared gripping my two kunai.

"Not on my watch" I said throwing the kunai towards him flashing over to catch them. Once I got there I took the kunai and stabbed his arm releasing Kakashi-sensei. Zabuza kicked me back, but Sasuke caught me. "Thanks," I smiled at standing back on my feet. Kakashi gets out of the water and starts to copy all the handsigns Zabuza's doing. They were both going at an alarming speed. 'Can Kakashi-sensei really do all that because of the Sharingan.'

"Mito come on," Sasuke huffs grabbing me that's when I see two water dragons come crashing towards each other causing a tsunami. 'I-I can't swim!' I start panicking so I latch onto Sasuke. "What're you doing?" He said jumping up on a treetop. I let out a shaky sigh of relief.

"I can't swim dattebayo!" I blush watching Zabuza get washed up. Kakashi goes up to him glaring kunai in hand ready to strike.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes! Why would I lie about that?" I huffed looking down at Zabuza's weak body. 'Who's the little girlie now!'

"H-how? Can you tell the future?" Zabuza says weakly leaning against a tree.

"Yes and I predict this will be your last battle," Kakashi was ready to kill him when senbon needles came down and lodged into Zabuza's neck.

"You're right this is his last battle," a boy no older than us in an ANBU mask commented. "Thank you for helping me I've been tracking Zabuza for some time." He bowed teleporting away with Zabuza.

"That's not fair!" Naruto slumps pounding his fists on the floor.

"Some things just aren't fair Naruto they're kids stronger than I am," he sighed.

"But Kakashi-sensei, Sensei!" Naruto gasped when he collapsed. I go by his side and check his pulse 'he used too much chakra' I sigh trying to lift him up with Tazuna's help.

"We can stay at my house it's not too far from here," He said carrying Kakashi-sensei most of the way. Tazuna's daughter takes him to the guest room and we're left by ourselves in the living room.

"We only have two more guest rooms so figure it out amongst yourselves," Tazuna grunts taking a swig if sake.

"Hmm ok me and Sakura will share one and you two share the other." I said pulling Sakura to our room when I hear Naruto start to whine.

"Mito, I can't share with Sasuke" he pleaded.

"Hn, I don't wanna be in the same room as this loser" Sasuke said crossing his arms.

"What did you call me teme!"

"Hard of hearing dobe!"

"Break it up!" I said hitting them both "fine, me and you will share and Sasuke will be with Sakura." I said  making Sakura squeal with happiness.

"Woohoo! Let's go nee-chan" Naruto said rushing up to our room. 

"I can't be with Sakura" Sasuke scowls making Sakura frown.

"Well there's no one else, but me" I blushed when he grabbed my arm and began taking me to the room.
I set my stuff down looking at Sasuke "why me?"

"Hn." He replied I wasn't going to get anything out of him. 'Whatever,' I shrug going out of the room and peeping into Kakashi-sensei's. 'He'll probably be out for a couple of days' I sigh going downstairs.

"Oh you must be Mito then! I'm Tsunami Tazuna's daughter. I just wanted to say thank you for taking care of him," She bowed getting me all flustered.

"Umm it wasn't a problem I was just completing my mission. I didn't really do anything you should be thanking my sensei..when he wakes up I mean-" I was interrupted by Naruto laughing his ass off.

"See dattebayo! I told you she gets embarrassed easily!" He said, now my face was red for a whole other reason.

"Naruto!" I pouted completely embarrassed he had been talking about me. Then I began chasing him around the house.

"N-nee-chan!" He screamed bloody murder I eventually caught up and tickled him.

"I'm going to train I'll be back later," I chirped happy to get my payback. 'Let's work on reflexes,' I went out into a clearing far away from Tazuna's and blindfolded myself.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu! I want each of you to attack me." I instructed to three of my clones I heard a kunai being thrown, but I couldn't dodge in time. It grazed my arm. "I should've thought this through," I sweatdrop. I spent the afternoon trying to dodge kunai and throwing them to hit my clones. I didn't hit a single one and I was about to give up when I remembered what I said to Zabuza. 'No matter what I will become a legendary shinobi.' I throw one more kunai when I hear a poof. "Oh yeah dattebayo! I did iiiiit" I faltered dodging a kunai coming for my face.

"You should be careful or else you'll get killed loser," I looked up to Sasuke who was walking up to me.

"What if I threw a kunai at you cause I thought you were an enemy." I smirk knowing I could never mistake him for an enemy. His chakra was burned into my brain.

"You wouldn't," he snorted "I just came to tell you Kakashi-sensei woke up." He said going back to Tazuna's 'he's so hot and cold.'

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