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"We need to come up with a password," Sasuke said once we sat down in the clearing. 'Naruto would never be able to...I see it's a trap.'

"I agree the question will be when does a ninja strike?" I said listening to Sasuke give a long complex answer. 'Whoever is listening to us won't be around much-' suddenly a gust of wind came swooping in blowing us all in opposite directions. 'You'd think they'd want to be less obvious.' I thought feeling Naruto's chakra get farther away from us. I watched as Sasuke asked Sakura for the password and she recited it effortlessly, but then Naruto came.

"Repeat the password," Sakura said gasping when Sasuke threw a kunai at him. "He repeated the password word for word why're you attacking him!"

"That's the problem," I said stepping out of my hiding spot. "My brother couldn't memorize something that long so fast. I'm going to go look for him he's too far away," I said looking at Sasuke. I hated leaving them alone with an enemy, but I needed to find Naruto.

"Wait a minute! How do we know your Mito and why would you go by yourself it's danger-"

"I'm sorry, but I know you guys can handle this!" I smiled before running passed the impersonator.

"Interesting how do you know he's that way? An Uzumaki huh..well you are skilled trackers."

"If he's hurt I'll kill you," I seethed continuing to follow my senses. I really hope I was right and he was somewhere far away. I kept looking, but every time I got close he'd just get farther away. 'He's heading towards the others! I-I just left them for no reason...because I was too worried about Naruto.' I thought going back to the others I had to make this right. 'What if they're dead? It would be my fault completely.' I thought in and on until I saw everyone and the enemy.

"You want our scroll right?" Sasuke said looking throughly disturbed. Something happened when I was gone, just what is this lady capable of. "You can have it," he said carelessly tossing it Naruto rushed to grab it and I rushed towards Sasuke pushing him off the branch. "Mito?"

"I'm sorry," I frowned looking at his tear stained face "I can't let you throw away this opportunity scroll or no scroll she'll kill us! So stop being a coward and start being the Sasuke I know!" I said getting out of his arms once we landed on a nearby branch. "I know you've been through a lot, but giving up on a fight isn't our Sasuke. So who are you!"

"You're being ridiculous you don't know what your up against!"

"It doesn't matter we're getting that earth scroll," I said running towards her to start the real fight. Whatever she did to my team she was going to pay and I was going to make sure of that. Me and Naruto kept weaving in and out, but each time we were pushed away until we hit a tree really hard. 'We can't keeping going on like this!' I thought feeling anger boil inside me I looked over at Naruto and his eyes were red. 'The nine tails...it's taking over both of us' I thought watching Naruto repeatedly punch the snake. 'No I can't go crazy...if I lose control then I-'

"Five prong seal!" The lady shouts slamming her palm into his stomach. I felt the anger rush through me as I blindly went forward and attacked swiftly. "I see your anger is what allows you to use the nine tails chakra. But yours is different...chakra chains?" She smirked pinning me down to the ground "is that why you're so in control, no matter I must take this precaution you understand." She said slamming her palm into my stomach as well, my body felt numb. 'N-Naruto' I thought looking over at him pinned to the tree at least he wasn't falling.

"M-Mito?" Sakura said guiding me over to her and that's when I let it all out. I started throwing up uncontrollably at this point I wish I could fall unconscious. "Sasuke do something! They're both done you need to stop being a...a coward!"

"I'm not a coward!" Sasuke said activating his Sharingan that was one of the last things I saw before my vision blurred out.

"My stomach," I whined slumping against Sakura the pain was unbearable, but I finally fell asleep. 'How do I fix the imbalance created by the odd seal? How am I supposed to help my team?' I thought gaining consciousness again.

"Mito you're up!" Sakura gasped, but I threw up again once I sat up. "Lay back down you're going to exert yourself."

"I-I can't" I breathed harshly feeling three chakra presences. "S-somebody's watching us b-be careful." I mumbled and then they came down in front of us.

"Wake up Sasuke we want to fight," a guy smirked making Sakura pull out her kunai. There was no way she'd be able to fight these guys on her own.

"Lee!" Sakura said trying to get him to run away "I'm your enemy!"

"I told you I'd protect you with my life and I intend on keeping that promise," he said flashing a smile before going head to head with the team from the sound. 'He can't hold them for much longer, I'll need to get to my feet.' Sakura was captured with the woman holding her by her hair and Lee was down for the count. 'Get up Mito who cares if you can't stop vomiting stop with the excuses!' I thought watching Sakura her out a kunai and reach back to cut her hair.

"I-I know you can do this," I said before passing out cold again. Maybe I was underestimating her, Sakura was apart of team seven after all and we weren't something to be messed with. 'I put all my trust into you, Sakura.'

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