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It was time for the third official part of the chunin exams and I was really nervous. 'Where is Sasuke and Kakashi?' I thought as I went up to sit with everyone else. Sakura seemed to be looking for him as well 'he must not be here then.' I sighed gripping on to the railing which Naruto seemed to notice.

"Hey sis are you alright dattebayo?" Naruto said gently placing a hand in my shoulder.

"Uh yeah I'm a little nervous about my match," I lied hoping he'd just let it go, but his face broke out into a grin.

"Sure...I think you miss Sasuke" he whispered giving me a little wink before walking over to Shikamaru. 'W-why...does he know about us!' I didn't have much time to think about anything because Naruto was going first. Neji looked ready to kill him and I couldn't say I wasn't worried after watching his fight with Hinata. At first Neji seemed to be winning by using his 64 palms technique, but Naruto actually outsmarted him. 'He's using the nine tails chakra! I guess Jiraiya's lesson was valuable.'

"Yeah Naruto!" Sakura cheered loudly immediately sitting down afterwards.

"BEAT HIM TO A PULP NII-SAN!" I shouted giving Sakura a small smile to show her she wasn't alone. Then Naruto finally won so everyone in the stands stood to cheer for him. "YOU DID IT DATTEBAYO!"

"Next up is-" the proctor was about to announce Sasuke versus Gaara, but Sasuke wasn't here yet. "The next match has been postponed till the very end...next up is Kankuro of the Sand vs Shino Aburame." Both boys came down and I could tell it would be a close matchup, that puppet user was sneaky.

"I hope Shino beats this guy!" Naruto said cheering for him even though they haven't done anything.

"I get what you mean I get a weird vibe from that whole lot," Shikamaru sighed glancing at Temari.

"Really seems to me you've got a crush" I teased watching his face get all red. "Wow shikamaru I didn't think I was right."

"Tch, you're so troublesome" he said resting his head on his hand, but he didn't deny anything.

"Would any of you like to surrender?" The proctor asked Shino silently shook his head no and just as the match was about to start the cat guy gave up.

"I surrender," Kankuro smirked looking up at Gaara 'he did that to give Sasuke less time!' I thought watching Shino get declared the winner.

"That's not fair!" I blurted making everyone stare at me, and Kankuro just winked. He was about to leave the arena, but the proctor stopped him from leaving.

"Sorry, but in order for your surrender to be valid you'll need to fight whoever pulled number zero."

"What!" Kankuro sneered "is this a joke I surrendered what do you mean?"

"There was an odd amount of people so we put in a number zero, had anyone surrendered they would have to fight them. If not, zero would've just went straight to the final round. You surrendered." the proctor explained and I finally got it. 'I'm number zero!' My eyes widened when I realized I could buy time for Sasuke.

"Kankuro of the Sand vs Mito Uzumaki!"

"Not this brat!" Kankuro smirked grabbing his puppet I could already tell he was using a substitution jutsu. "This should be quick I already know you're fast, but nothing special."

"You shouldn't talk so much," I said getting a kunai ready then the proctor called it. 'Ok that's a substitute so I just need to find the real one.' I thought fighting with the puppet for a while, but then he released some poison. "D-damn" I coughed backing up and reaching for a pill that would slow the process down.

"You packed appropriately," Kankuro smirked sending some kunai with paper bombs my way. My reactions were slow, but I made it away in time before I was seriously hurt. 'Focus on the-' all of a sudden my body was moving on its own and I couldn't control it.

"Chakra strings!" I said looking down at the invisible strings. 'He can't beat me...I want to fight Sasuke and Naruto. I need to prove that I'm a great ninja!' I thought thinking back to the private lesson Jiraiya taught me.

"Hey Mito, come here kid I wanna show you something," Jiraiya said motioning towards the K.I.A stone. "Your parents were brave especially your mother and you remind me of her."

"My mom? Thank you Jiraiya-sensei!" I smiled cheerfully that was the first time I've ever heard that.

"She had a special ability to mould her chakra into chains. I want you to train hard because I believe you can do the same."

"Hai! I'll train every night if I have to!"

Every emotion flooded through my body and for the first time I could see my chakra molding into the chains. They had a golden aura with red at the tips and they looked all around the arena before catching Kankuro. I wrapped them around his legs then threw him up quickly making a few clones. We all had our chains around him now and we're pulling tighter each second.

"Give up!" I said, but he just shook his head and he just turned into sand. 'A clone.'

"Impressive but you need to be smart in order to-" I roundhouse kicked him and my clone had disappeared. I had replaced myself during the explosion I was smart enough to consider he'd put chakra strings on me.

"I said you talked too much," I smirked he couldn't hear me though. 'Total knockout huh?'

"Mito Uzumaki is the winner!"

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