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Another kunai was thrown catching the kid off guard. A smoke bomb was thrown and I could tell who it was. 'Naruto! He could've just snuck in' I thought shaking my head. It wasn't time to think of the possibilities this was here and now.

"Now that I'm here it's go time!" Naruto grinned slightly annoying me. It was taking a lot in me to not to get a mad. I never got mad, but when I did it got very dark. Hence the reason we dubbed it Dark Mito. "Alright here I go Shadow Clone-" I threw a kunai at Naruto narrowly missing his head, but it also threw the shuriken Zabuza had thrown off course. Along with the senbon the ANBU thrown, but I don't think he was aiming for Naruto.

"Don't be irrational Naruto," I said completely pissed off Dark Mito was beginning to show. He shuddered in fear before nodding his head. "And you, try doing that again and I'll fucking kill you." I spat giving him a harsh glare everyone was shocked. Zabuza said nothing no one said anything until the kid coughed.

"Leave this kid to me, I want to fight him my own way" he said to Zabuza then he turned to me. "If I kill him I expect you to live up to your word."

"It won't be hard if you succeed," I nodded as he dodged a kunai Sasuke threw at him.

"I'd rather you have gone down quietly, now I'll have to end this." He said slipping back into the mirrors I could hear Sasuke's body getting slashed up. I looked around for Naruto only to see him slip into the dome. 'Are you serious! He's trying to get killed!' I thought running over to them. Zabuza tried to stop me, but I threw the kunai and flashed. I jumped on top of the dome and began relentlessly stabbing it. "I thought you'd let your brother go down first."

"Like hell i'd let him die!" I gasped feeling a kunai lodge into my lower abdomen. I looked down and saw my blood fainting the white snow. But I didn't stop I kept attacking the dome even when he threw senbon at me. I took off my jacket and applied pressure to my wound. "What're you idiots doing down there!" I yelled hissing in pain. I couldn't even see them through the mirrors anymore. My blood was covering the whole thing.

"M-Mito Stop you're g-going t-to die!" Naruto yelled back. I could tell he was exhausted the kid couldn't attack both of us so he'd switch between us. It was good because I got a break from attacking and being attacked.

"Don't be a baby and start hitting the walls or slow him down. This isn't time for talking I got your back ok?" I smiled to myself when he came back up to push me off. I stood my ground making sure my chakra never faltered. "This is impressive what is it?"

"The kekkei genkai of the Yuki clan. You do know about them right your friend has one."

"Oh right...Sasuke got the sharingan! I wish I could see, but you made me bleed out all over the mirrors." I said sarcastically, but he had already switched back to the boys. I waited a couple of minutes when I heard something slump to the ground. "What happened!" I panicked when I heard nothing, but growling. I felt the nine tails chakra flare inside of me. 'Naruto's freaking out!' I thought trying to calm us down. 'Why is he so mad I need to get away from here.' I thought about to run away once the mirrors shattered and I saw Naruto on all fours. Nine-tailed chakra surrounded him, but I saw why. "Sasuke!" I gasped bending down to his level. He got hit in some vital spots, but he was faintly breathing.

"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura cried sitting beside me. "Mito what do we do?" She looked at me and I began taking out the senbon carefully. His breathing suddenly stopped.

"He needs mouth to mouth" I said looking at Sakura I knew she liked him so I was hoping she'd do it.

"I don't know how! Just do it!" She shrieked hysterically. I blushed before tilting his head backwards and pushing his jaw forwards. 'Let's hope I can remember how' I thought lifting his chin opening his mouth. I checked his breathing one more time, but nothing. 'Ok you got this Mito' I pinched his nose and put my lips onto his forming a tight seal so air couldn't get out. I began to blow air into his mouth rhythmically until his eyes fluttered open. He was starting to breath on his again so I pulled back.

"You're breathing!" I sighed as my vision was getting black. It was probably all the blood I lost I finally ran out of adrenaline. "I'm not dying," I mumbled falling forward on Sasuke's chest. The last thing I heard before things went black was Sakura screaming. 'I said I wasn't dying just taking a nap.'

"Wake up!" Sasuke growled shaking me vigorously. I opened my eyes to see him standing over me.

"You shouldn't be sitting-"

"Worry about yourself! Now don't fall asleep or you'll die you have to stay awake." He ordered I was trying my best, but every couple of minutes I'd drift off. The battle was finally over, but I couldn't see what had happened because now I was being carried by Tazuna.

"I-is she dead?"

"No," I croaked as they laid me onto a bed Tsunami made everyone get out and carefully stitched my wound. It hurt, but I was finally out my bloodstained clothes and into clean ones. "Thank you Tsunami-san" I said trying to get in a more comfortable position.

"Oh please it was the least I could do! Now rest up wouldn't want to reopen your wound." She smiled leaving the room 'lesson learned if you're stabbed stand down.' I thought clutching my stomach with a small smile. 'I'm glad they're both alive.'

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