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Naruto and I were practicing 24/7 and I felt drained of my chakra. The technique I was trying to master was the chakra chains,which I've never seen before. It was hard especially since Jiraiya couldn't do it and we were working with very limited information.

"Mito! We got this dattebayo," Naruto grinned as we walked back to join Jiraiya. "We've done it pervy-sennin!" Naruto boasted on our way back to the hotel with Shizune and Ton Ton. The closer we walked towards the hotel, the more craters we saw on the ground. 'What happened this isn't natural it looks like someone punched the ground.'

"Huh? What're all these on the ground and where is Granny?" Naruto asked voicing my thoughts. Judging from Jiraiya's expression he knew exactly what happened.

"Looks like Tsunade got really mad she has a
a foul temper, always has," Jiraiya smirked and now the craters were huge. 'I guess her temper is really bad, but what mad her this mad. I don't want to get on her bad side if this is what she's capable of.' I shivered looking over at Shizune who seemed kind of nervous.

"Are you—"

"Tsunade-sama is meeting up with Orochimaru!" Shizune blurted making us all gasp in shock.

"What do you mean I thought she was affiliated with the leaf?" I said, but Jiraiya immediately began running, following the craters.

"Orochimaru approached her about fixing his arms, I believe that's what's going on right now," Shizune explained as we ran over there. 'She could really fix his arms, Tsunade is really that good?'

"Woah Granny did all this!" Naruto exclaimed as we looked at all the rubble most likely caused by Tsunade.

"She really packs a punch," I sighed as we spotted her jacket.

"Which way did she go Ton Ton," Shizune gasped and we quickly followed behind. 'Will I be able to see her fight for real?' I thought guiltily, but I really wanted to see her in action. 'Tsunade-sama is really amazing!' I thought gasping when I saw someone raising their arm to stab her.

"Jiraiya look!" I said quickly throwing a smoke bomb to allow us time to get over there.

"Good eye Mito, that would've ended badly if he drew blood" Jiraiya smirked and the smoke cleared. Orochimaru was there with that slimy bastard Kabuto. 'I knew he was weird no wonder he was partnered up with Orochimaru this whole time!'

"Hello old friend it's been a long time" Orochimaru greeted looking undisturbed. 'Right him and Jiraiya used to be teammates...with Tsunade and everything. This has to be the worst reunion ever,' I thought looking over at Jiraiya who returned his smirk.

"Long time indeed and I can't say it's improved your looks any, old friend."

"Wha! Kabuto?" Naruto gasped looking confused, he didn't get it and I couldn't blame him. After all Kabuto helped us and acted like an ally, 'wait he was just gaining intel on Sasuke!' I thought remembering the stupid curse mark.

"You've met this guy before?" Jiraiya asked and I felt so disgusted. 'We played right into his trap, just what does he want with us?'

"Yeah..the chunin exams" Naruto explained "what're you doing here Kabuto?" He asked but before anyone could say another word Tsunade pushed through and began throwing kicks and punches at him. Then he took a kunai out a nearby rock and drew blood 'she's completely frozen!' I was shocked as Kabuto just kicked her back like she was nothing.

"Wait a minute I'm so confused," Naruto exclaimed "did I miss out? Why are Granny and Kabuto fighting?"

"I see you're still slow as ever," Kabuto chuckled making me very angry. 'You're just sick he's not used to people being fake!'

"Naruto he faked everything," I said softly taking out a kunai. "He's been working for Orochimaru, it was all to gather intel."

"Wow I'm impressed you almost caught on while I was undercover, but you didn't" he taunted. "It's no wonder neither of you are a match for Sasuke," his little comments were starting to piss me off.

"A spy? You don't really mean it, you helped us" Naruto mumbled.

"Like your sister said it was for intel," Kabuto smirked "I wanted to gather information on all of you and you know what I learned about you? You, Naruto have no ninja ability at all compared to Sasuke and Mito you're nothing." Kabuto said and that sent me over the edge I threw a kunai straight for his head, but he moved out of the enough for it to only graze his arm.

"Number one, my brother is an amazing shinobi and no one could hold a candle to the ability he has," I snapped.

"Number two, my sister is amazing and I may not be like her, but we both support each other dattebayo! You can't compare us because we're way too awesome for that!"

"Lastly Number three your biggest mistake was underestimating the future Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village!" I finished

"Go ahead and spout nonsense, the demon inside you had me worried but compared to three Sannin you two are nothing," Kabuto spat, but I knew he was just trying to get us angry. I grabbed Naruto's hand and gave him a reassuring squeeze.

"We're the Uzumaki Twins! Who is that loser to tell us we're nothing?"

"Yeah...should we show him?" Naruto grinned and I nodded, we each made four shadow clones and charged towards him.

"You guys!" Jiraiya shouted, but it looked like he wasn't a hundred percent. 'Don't worry we'll show him exactly what we can do!' We tried going for his weak spot, but he easily fended off each clone eventually knocking us back. 'Shizune!' I gasped seeing her spit out some poisoned senbon. 'Maybe I could..' Kabuto blocked her attack using his headband and backed all the way next to Orochimaru. 'Exactly where I wanted him!' I flashed over using the kunai I threw, kicking him in his slimy face. I used his face as a wall and flipped back creating distance between me and Orochimaru.

"I'm nothing? Check yourself again roach."

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