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"Shikamaru Nara vs Temari of the Sand" the proctor announced making Shikamaru groan. 'It's a mystery how he gets anything done' I thought with a small smirk. He might've been lazy, but he was smart and excellent at strategy.

"Come on Shikamaru! Get it over with!" Naruto laughed pushing him down into the arena causing the crowd to boo. 'Let's just pretend he's trying to get her to underestimate him.' It was going to be a close match, but I'm sure Shikamaru would be able to beat her.

"Don't be lazy Shika!" I cheered joining everyone in the stands, the match was interesting it seemed like he was running away. 'Come on you have a plan..where is it!' I groan looking around the arena when I noticed the hole in the ground. 'That's exactly what he's trying to do!' I smiled watching his shadow stretch coming out the hole Naruto created successfully trapping Temari.

"There you go Shikamaru!" Everyone erupted in cheer as he raised her hand by force, but just as she was about to give up he did. 'Not funny! What the hell!'

"Shikamaru what the hell!" Naruto shouted "why would you give up when you already won!"

"Be quiet Naruto, I'm not the act people came here to see" Shikamaru smirked walking back up the stairs.

"What do you-" just then a mini swirl of leaves appears in the arena. 'Sasuke's here!' I smile catching his eyes 'that bastard thinks he can just show up whenever.' I pout looking the other way, we'd have to talk later about a lot of things.

"He's going to be fine Sakura," Kakashi comforted Sakura who seemed to be worried about the curse mark. Then he walked over to me watching silently by the railing. "You two don't have to worry about Sasuke-"

"That doesn't make me any less worried dattebayo!" I blushed looking up at his smirk. "It's hard, I have this feeling it's all going to end."

"And I can't tell you you're wrong, but I can tell you that right now everything is still going so focus on that." Kakashi said ruffling my hair, I felt a little better.

"Thanks sensei I'll try to focus on right now," I smiled looking down at Sasuke fighting Gaara. 'Why am I so interested in you?'

"Mito are you watching this!" Naruto grinned making me smile, ignorance is bliss. That's what I loved about my brother he never failed to be optimistic. 'With you I believe in a thousand impossible things a day.'

"I am Sasuke's definitely going to win dattebayo!" I grinned back looking down at the match. Sasuke was using some new jutsu, the one Kakashi had used back at the bridge. 'Isn't that dangerous!' I gasped looking over at Kakashi talking to Gai.
He used the chidori to break through Gaara's sand, the same sand his siblings said was indestructible.
'I feel a little sleepy..why... is this a genjutsu!'
I thought quickly trying to dispel it, but I wasn't good at genjutsu. Then I felt Kakashi tap me on the shoulder and the nausea immediately lifted.

"CHA! GO SASUKE-KUN!" Sakura cheered getting up from her seat, but the arena was silent. "Come on why is no one else...WHAT HAPPENED!"

"A genjutsu." I answered groggily looking at everyone sleeping. "This wasn't a mistake, the Sand is trying to attack us!" I look out and I see Sasuke chasing Gaara out to the forest.

"Summoning jutsu!" Kakashi said summoning a cute dog "this is Pakkun, Pakkun I want you to lead this team to Gaara and Sasuke. Mito, Sakura take Naruto and Shikamaru come back in one peace."

"T-this can't be happening!" Sakura began panicking, but I grabbed her hand leading her over to Naruto. "Mito! How are you not-"

"Freaking out? It doesn't help the situation we need to carry out the mission and everything will be ok." I said giving her a calm smile instructing her to wake Naruto and fill her in. While I went over to Shikamaru who seemed to be just sleeping. "Seriously Shika?" I sighed motioning Pakkun to come over.

"You owe me for this," Pakkun grumbled biting a good chunk of his ankle. "Shouldn't have pretended to be sleeping."

"Whatever I thought I could get out of this..what a drag" he groaned getting up.

"We don't have time we can't let Sasuke catch up to Gaara." I said more determined then ever "let's do this!" As we ran after Pakkun who closely followed Sasuke's sent we were stopped by cat boy. 'He skipped his match and barely tried in mine' I thought realizing I was right about his shady behavior.

"You have a chance to get out our way," I growled getting some kunai ready.

"Yeah well I'm not going to do that," he smirked getting his puppet out. Just as we were about to fight Shino came out of the trees. 'He got out the genjutsu as well!'

"You guys can go on, this is my fight" Shino said stepping in front of me. I never saw him itching to fight before, but I nodded and went with the others.

"You really want to do this?" Shikamaru asked just as surprised as the rest of us.

"Yes, he owes me a fight," he replied having all his bugs crawl out his jacket. It was so creepy, but I've never seen him look so cool. 'I'll have to get him a gift once this is over.' I winced because in the back of my mine there was a big If, if we won or even if he survived.

"Thank you, Shino" I whisper running off with the rest.

"I'll do anything to protect my friends! So go!" He said beginning his battle with Kankuro. 'I need you to come out of this alive Shino or I'll kill you!'

"Everything's going to be ok Mito, we can't freak out" Sakura gently smiled reminding me of my own advice.

"You're right I won't freak out," I said calming myself down I couldn't focus on the possibility of bad. "We're all going to be ok let's just catch up with Sasuke!" I said right when we were stopped by more sand Shinobi this time they were random jounin. We were all tired and there wasn't going to be anyone to just come to fight then off for us.

"You guys go ahead I'll stay behind," Shikamaru said taking out a kunai. 'He must have a plan there's no way he's just giving himself up.'


"Naruto you guys need to keep going."

"Not without you," Naruto stubbornly stays put, but we couldn't lose any more time.

"We need to keep going" I said putting my hand on his shoulder Naruto looks shocked.

"You're going to leave him behind?"

"I'm not leaving him behind," I said with a tear falling down my cheek. "Shikamaru has a plan and he wants us to leave for the sake of the mission."

"The mission-"

"Naruto please" Sakura pleads finally getting him to leave with us.

"I better see you after this" I said lowly wiping my tears away. Shikamaru had always been a good friend to me and Naruto.

"Don't be troublesome, now go" he said seriously so I ran to catch up with the others.

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