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After the matches I went to the hospital to see Sasuke, but the stupid reception lady wouldn't let me see him.

"We were under strict orders to let no one visit him for the rest of the day!" She huffed impatiently "if you really want to see him you can come back tomorrow." She finished turning back to her desk when you got an idea.

"What room number did you say he was...I wanna tell the rest of my friends so they can come tomorrow," I lied hoping she'd fall for it and she did. I left without another word, but I wasn't going away that easily instead I climbed the wall and slipped into an empty room. 'Ok this is room 401...he's in 407' I thought sneaking through the hospital hoping no one would see me. '407!' I began celebrating before I slowly opened the door, Sasuke was just sitting up on his bed.

"Who's there?" He grumbled turning in my direction so I just stepped in and closed the door. His eyes widened when he saw me I was surprised too he looked paler than usual. "How'd you get up here they said they weren't allowing visitors."

"I just asked for your room number and...climbed up" I blushed I sounded kind of crazy. Like a stupid fan girl of his he probably didn't want to be bothered. "I'm sorry you're resting I should leave," I said burying my face in my hands.

"No stay," he demanded reaching out to pull me toward him. "Don't cover your face I want to see it," he mumbled engulfing me in a hug. Sasuke smelled like rain and wood I've never noticed before how much I've wanted to be this close to him.

"I was so worried dattebayo,"

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" I asked looking at his neck the curse mark wasn't gone or anything. He smirked before kissing me leaving my whole face red. "W-What was that for Uchiha!"

"Just because I could," he shrugged smirking as I got even redder.

"Well it looks like you're doing fine," I huffed sitting in the chair next to him. I didn't realize how tired I was, or that the second exam had actually concluded.

"If you want to sleep come here,"

"I-I don't want to," I yawned feeling my eyes drooping.

"Stop being so stubborn it's going to annoy me if I keep seeing you yawn." He grumbled and you felt yourself getting lifted out of the chair. Sasuke had gotten up to carry you over to the bed with him.

"Hey! You shouldn't be lifting me you might hurt yourself!"

"You're super light just go to sleep," he mumbled closing his eyes. So you did the same and cuddled closer to smell his scent. "Night loser," Sasuke whispered to you, but you were already asleep. You woke up in the morning still with Sasuke, but he was already awake.

"How long have you been...what time is it?" I blushed I could just imagine the drool on my face.

"It's 8:00," he smirked as I got up and looked at myself in the mirror. I did have bed head and drool dripping from the side of my mouth. "You're cute when you're sleeping."

"Really?" I said pointing to my face then we both started to laugh. "Well everyone else is coming around 8:30 so I have time." I said finger combing through my hair and eating a random mint.

"Naruto and Sakura are coming?" He grumbled I could feel his pout from his bed.

"Yeah they're worried too y'know."

"But I don't care I just want you here," he said brooding on his bed so I went over and gave him a soft kiss in his forehead.

"It'll be just us later they're your friends they care about you," I smiled.


"That's not going to change anything they're still coming...should be here in a couple more minutes." I said checking the clock I was glad Sasuke seemed fine. 'Hopefully he can get out and train for the exams.'

"I'm going to be fine."

"I-I know that-"

"Well stop making that face I don't like it."

"I don't care if you don't like it dattebayo!"

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