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"You don't want to stand that close behind me unless you want to die," Anko smirked glancing at a grass ninja behind her. 'There are a lot of weirdos here,' I thought looking at her slimy tongue holding the kunai.

"I was just returning it," she said smoothly "I guess the blood on your blade that cut my hair, got me excited." Things were tense, but she just laughed it off like it was nothing. 'They're both crazy' I thought wondering how long they were going to stand there.

"I guess everyone has a temper today," Anko shrugged.

"You're the one who threw the kunai," I mumbled suddenly seeing her in my face.

"What did you say little girl?"

"I said you're the one who threw the kunai don't start fights you can't finish...grandma." I glared if she thought I was going to be intimidated she was wrong.

"I like you kid," Anko said turning to the group "ok then before we start I'll need you all to sign this. It's a contract saying I won't be held responsible if you don't come back!"

"Is it that serious!" Sakura gasped starting to read through it, unlike me who just started signing it. "Aren't you worried about losing your life? Maybe you should read it just in case."

"It's fine I'm not really worried about it," I smiled making everyone look at me as if I was crazy. "If I was worried that would just mean I'm scared of a little competition. I mean this is a game and what's a game without a gamble?"

"That's right dattebayo! It doesn't matter anyway we're winning no matter what," Naruto cheered and once we all finished reading the forms we turned them in.

"Funny you're here Sakura I thought you would've ran away by now," Ino taunts sauntering up to here with Shikamaru and Choji.

"What no way! My team's going to wipe the floor with yours!" Sakura said and then they started going back and forth. "You're just jealous I'll get to spend five days alone with Sasuke!" She finished making Ino close her mouth 'I totally forgot we'd be together for so long....not the time to think about it!'

"Sakura let's get to our gate," I mumbled pulling her towards the boys who were waiting patiently.

"There you guys are! Mito why're you so red are you coming down with a cold?" Naruto said reaching out to touch me when Sakura pushed him away to check me out herself.

"Huh? You're not warm so a crush maybe?" Sakura smirked making my face go even redder. "That's totally what it is Choji...no way Shikamaru!"

"Shikamaru?" Naruto said looking at Sakura in disbelief and then they started talking amongst themselves. I stepped beside Sasuke as he raised his eyebrow at me.

"It's nothing," I mumbled turning to look at him "we're going to be in here for five days."

"Oh so that's what you're really worried about," Sasuke smirked leaning down to my ear. "I'm sure I'll be just fine," he whispered watching the guy unlock the gate.

"Teams seven ready for action!" Naruto said walking into the forest. This was definitely not a game I could already feel people's chakra going wild. 'There are people close by, but they're kind of faint.' "You're acting kind of weird Mito what're you thinking about?"

"Nothing there's just a couple people nearby," I said hearing someone scream. 'Guess the games have begun.'

"Someone's screaming," Sakura said nervously looking around.

"I really need to go!" Naruto whined jumping up and down. Out of all the breaks we had he chose now to go pee. I rolled my eyes and pointed towards the bush "huh what no way!"

"There's nowhere else just do it!" Sakura seethed and he ran to the bush without any complaint. It was embarrassing because we could hear him pee he even stopped for a minute and continued. 'No...that's not Naruto' I thought feeling a different chakra signature. The ninja that had done something with Naruto came out and proceeded to act normal.

"Hey Naruto can I have a hug...this forest is scary" I lied reaching in my pouch.

"Mito wait-"

"What the hell did you do with my brother," I smirked putting him in a headlock and pressing the kunai to his neck.

"Are you crazy Mito that's Naruto!" Sakura screamed looking at me as if I've killed her puppy. "Stop playing around or else you'll hurt him." The Naruto impersonator threw me off him and now Sasuke was attacking him too. "You guys are acting crazy what's wrong!"

"Get out the way Sakura!" I yelled flipping back onto my feet there was no way this was Naruto. "Let me handle this myself," I said running to strike Naruto. We got into hand to hand combat and we kept speeding up until he couldn't keep up. Then I kicked him back into a tree making him cough up blood.

"So you got me, I'm still going to take your scroll!" The guy chuckled transforming into his real self. "Which one of you guys have it never mind I'll just take you all down." He said going for Sasuke, Sakura and I followed close behind until I saw Naruto tied up in a clearing.


"On it," I nodded throwing a couple kunai to cut him loose. Sasuke's kunai got thrown out his hand and I was about to intervene when Naruto three one down.

"No way we're going down that easy!" He said and then Sasuke used his chakra to throw the kunai with his foot. His sharingan was on and he finally landed a hit on the guy.

"Did you get him Sasuke!" Sakura yelled making me glare at her.

"Don't yell his teammates aren't far behind get a kunai out and be on guard." I smirked beginning to loot the guy for the scroll "the fun is just beginning."

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