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We got to the training grounds just in time to see Sakura arriving only to pester Sasuke. 'Sakura-chan never gives up' I thought face palming then I noticed Naruto already over there. 'I guess he doesn't either, I sweatdropped walking over standing next to Sasuke.

"Ohayo! Sasuke-kun," I smiled trying to be friendly, but he just looked the other way. "Fine that's ok" I laughed that's when he looked at me as if I were a child. 'He really doesn't like anyone.'

"Hn. Good morning," he said glaring which wasn't the most friendliest greeting, but an improvement from silence.

"How are you?" I asked politely, but he didn't answer me. Instead he continued to glare at nothing in particular. "Gomen, but don't you ever get mad being angry all the time," I asked not really expecting an answer.

"No, I have to be angry to avenge my clan and kill him," he said looking down at the ground which I suddenly felt sorry for. "You and your idiot brother wouldn't know about anger," he finished looking back at me.

"You're wrong ya know," I smiled softly looking at the ground "I know too much about anger, I've been angry my whole life." I said watching Kakashi-sensei approach us rather slowly.

"OI! YOU'RE LATE!" Sakura and Naruto yelled earning nothing, but a lame excuse they start to complain some more until he silences them.

"Now this will be your test," he said pulling out two bells "only two of you will pass and those two will be the ones with the bells, come at me with the full intent to kill. You guys will go when I say go, 1..2-" He was stopped when Naruto attacked early he easily fought off his weak offense and pushed him away. "I'm starting to like you, you came at me with the intent to kill, but I didn't say go...GO!" He said everyone else retreated in the trees, but I stood there watching Naruto fight him. 'Ok well he's Kakashi Hatake, Kakashi Hatake...Kakashi Hatake! The White Fang's Son, a jonin, has a Sharingan, and way too powerful to fight by ourselves!' I thought watching Naruto get caught in one of his traps then he was running up to me. 'Sorry sensei can't fight right now' I slid underneath his legs running passed him to help Naruto. I took out my kunai quickly cutting the rope letting him down with a large thump.

"You okay Naruto?" I asked genuinely concerned for his skull he nodded running off to find Kakashi-sensei who disappeared. "Wait dattebayo! You can't fight him yourself!" I yelled after him, but he never turned back "no one's going to listen," I mutter walking in Sakura's direction. 'Seems like Kakashi-sensei got to her before I could' I thought sensing him near her I waited in the trees above for him to leave, but instead he was next to me.

"What's your game?" He asked clearly annoyed I wasn't as impulsive as my brother. I took out a kunai clashing his with mine 'I need to bring us closer to Sasuke maybe he'll help' I wince knowing he probably wouldn't.

"My game dattebayo?" I said innocently walking into the exact clearing Sasuke was at I flip away from Kakashi and grab Sasuke's arm. 'Is my plan really holding Uchiha's hand and running off..into the sunset' I added laughing at my own jokes then I stopped when we were considerably close to Sakura. "Ok so we are just genin" I start breaking this down. Now I was in complete strategy mode so I needed him to listen.

"Yeah," he huffed glaring at me like he was going to murder me.

"He's a jonin?"

"Right! What's your point?" He said annoyed, but I knew he wouldn't get it unless I told him like that.

"My point is we aren't strong enough to fight him by ourselves, we are team seven we need to fight as a team." I finished hoping he'd agree if he was onboard then Sakura would yah along, then Naruto. He hn'ed at me and I smiled knowing he agreed with me. "Ok let's get Sakura on board" I said cutting through some trees to see her finally waking up.

"Sasuke-kun!" She cheered getting up to hug him, but I held her back.

"No time, we're all fighting Kakashi-sensei at once come with us" I said walking off to get Naruto who was stuck to a pole. "Do I even want to know?" I sighed cutting him free "ok we're working together so here's the plan" I said huddling with everyone. Since I can sense everyone's chakra presence I will lead everyone over there, but since they can't completely hide their chakra they'll make clones. "Ready?" I say looking at a bunch of Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke's. They nod and I find Kakashi reading beneath a clearing "he looks undisturbed, but he knows we're here be on guard" I advised going down to meet him. Once I go down there I am supposed to engage in combat only long enough to put a seal on the bells. "Those bells are mine!" I smirk throwing sloppy punches, but then picking up the pace. "You shouldn't underestimate your opponents!" I said touching he bells long enough for the seal then I retreated. After that the Sasuke's will come down to do a fireball Justu and the Naruto clones will hold Kakashi down and to grab the bells.

"What will I be doing?" Sakura whined.

"Naruto won't be able to grab the bells by himself so you'll also make clones and try to grab them."
Naruto and Sasuke fend off Kakashi-sensei until Sakura could grab them. Kakashi easily poofs them all away. 'Perfect' they created the perfect opening for me to throw my special kunai. I teleport snatching the bells from his waist. "Got 'em!" I jumped up and down smiling to the others.

"Ok, Mito you pass" Kakashi shrugged and I frowned.

"We all pass we worked together dattebayo!" I argued wasn't that what this was about, teamwork.

"Yeah we're a team dattebayo!"

"We are one!"

"We all deserve to pass"

"Oh yeah?" Kakashi asked with suddenly scary aura "THEN YOU ALL...Pass!" He said sweetly making us all collapse from exhaustion.

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