Chapter 12

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Hello My Love Bugs!!

This is a surprise UPDATE!!

I think I am in a good mood today... 😉

I hope U would enjoy this..!!

May be you guys have thought that my Characters are crazy and they never get along with each other.. Especially my main babies "SIMRYS"

Then here is the secret....

To be honest, I love and adore writing about separate couple rather than a sickly loving and inseparable couple... 🙈🙈

And another secret....

I have related the whole story to one of my best friends who couldn't wait to read what happen in future... So the cat jumped out of the bag... Normally I can't keep secrets! Poor me! 🙅🙈 So now there's another one who knows the end of this story except me....

And You know, I too wanna end the book soon. So I am taking my major effort on it... Fighting! 💪


I just wonder where those sweet commenters of mine (in the first two chappies) who were so eager to know what would happen. I think they are vanished!! May be lost interest! OH NO!! If U hear me give me a big 'NO'... 😉😂

I ma kinda crazy today, I guess...

Okay Enjoy this short Chappy!



The day was so long and tired which not only did my body make exhausted, but my inner self too... After I had a brief talk with my mom I dragged my worn out self straight upstairs to my room.. I let out a deep sigh of exhaustion as I entered in my room with my dazzled eyes, but that couldn't stop me from witnessing something so fishy in my room. As I was about to switch the light on, I felt something move fast... I closed the door and turned round to ponder what it was..

What's that? The beats of my heart accelerated as fast as a fountain of water appeared on the earth out of nowhere..

Is someone here other than me?

Has someone secretly entered to my room?

But how?

Just the mere thought of it made me cringe on my spot. But I got a tight grip at myself as I jerked my body front to observe my room well after I had the light switched on. I tip toed to the bathroom and pushed the door open with my finger tips and instantly peeped in to find no one there inside...

Was that just a surreal imaginary of my mind?

Or is really someone there inside?

No that should not be happened..

May be what I went through today has caused me to feel this way....

I shook those chaotic thoughts off my mind before taking the jacket off my body.... "Urghh!" as a slight sting of pain shot within me, I relaxed the tight muscles on my shoulders as well as my neck tilting my head whilst massaging the nape of my neck on my own. As I was about to perch myself on the edge of the bed, there blew a sudden loud wind and the windows to my room moved shut with a loud bang,

Oh oh they are still open!

May be mom has forgotten to close them....

And they naturally were open back due to the roughness of the adamantly blowing wind to which the light in my room went off too...

The Heartless Mr.Billionaire (BOOK II)✔ #THLMBOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora