Chapter 25

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Hello My Loves!
Yes, I am back... ☺☺

That only took me all your loving words, care, support and never changing interest in my freaking story.....

You guys truly made me stronger!! 💪💪

You are some diamonds that I have unbelievably been gifted with.

I love you guys from the bottom of my heart!

Love, Hugs and Kisses!! ❤❤



It was dark. Sheer dark... Neither a shadow of a man nor a ghost could be seen around.. The most suitable words I could word up for the place were doom and gloom as the stunned silence had swallowed the terrific surrounding.. The worn out eyes of mine wandered around the place and I realized I was in a passenger seat of a car which had stopped on this doomy road.... There was someone sitting next to me and the voice was too ambiguous to figure out the person as to who really was sitting next to me..

The things we talked were so confusing and unclear... After a moment of fighting or arguing, what I more felt like a deep and sharp exchange of some intense words, I looked down to find that I concernedly lie my right hand on my belly which seemed to slightly swell with a four month old young inside. The droplets of tears suddenly fell out my eyes and what next happened was completely surprising as I opened the door and slid out the car just to run on the road... I couldn't believe how I managed to run on that isolated street either...

Holding my swollen belly, I ran not trying to have a backward glance as I heard clanking sounds of the footsteps of some person follow behind me. Exhausted my feet couldn't bear my continuous running which wanted to give out soon, but my balls were not that weak to let myself down, so I continuously kept on hastening myself until the moment I came face to face with some man whose face was covered with a mask which finally made me stop my worn out self in a rush... The droplets of sweat started dripping down as the man jerked himself towards me. The sudden tentacle of fear engulfed my whole body as I kept my tentative steps back as the man was so determined on attacking me.... Even though he had his face fully covered with a black fabric except his eyes, I heard his evil laugh that sent a shiver down my spine.... At this moment, I knew something was out of my hand as I was struck in this stunned darkness... But not wanted to be entrapped here to a stranger, my prompted self twirled back in a unicorn rush to disappear myself in to the thick darkness, but my forearm was suddenly fallen in to a tight clutch of a rude hand stopping me in my spot. The moment I tried to wriggle myself free the man drew my whole figure towards him before showing the sharp kris in his hand. My eyes fell out of my sockets as the ripple of utter fear gushed inside me... "No..Don't do this.... Go away.." I fought with the man.... The irresistable streams of tears broke out my eyes as I fought him hard not just to save me, but my unborn baby as well..

"Wrong move Mrs:Emrys Parker.... Now you are really gonna witness the hell less than in a minute...."

"No.. Leave me. I am pre------.." With that being said that heartless wranker rudely stabbed me right in my stomach where I was carrying my four month old baby.... "Noooooooo...." I screamed my voice out as he stabbed me again so deep.. The severals ripples of electric pang shot inside me in an instant.. The stream of blood insanely dripped down my belly. My sight became hazy as my weakened self fell down groaning in sheer pain...

"Urgh..........." What I last saw with my misty eyes was only the blurry silhouette of Emrys as I was engulfed by the sheer darkness...

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