Chapter 21- School and Rumors

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Riley's POV

I woke up to the sound of Colton's voice. "Princess, come on. Wake up, you have to go to school with me today." I yawned and opened my eyes. "Hi." He said and kissed my lips quickly. "I thought I was going to have to throw cold water on you to get you up." My eyes widened and I sat up quickly. "No thanks pretty boy." I stretched and got dressed. I changed into jeans and a shirt, just threw my hair in a messy bun because I couldn't do anything because of this stupid cast. I looked over myself once before grabbing my bag. I walked past my dads, well Lou's dads room and stood in front of it.

I placed my hand on the door knob. As I was about to open it my phone buzzed it my pocket. I jumped and sighed quickly taking my phone out of my back pocket. There was a notification from Instagram. Of course it was from Claire. "Can't wait to see you today loser. I have lost three weeks of comments. Be prepared." I sighed and wiped the tear that rolled down my cheek. I locked my phone and put it in my pocket. I rushed downstairs and found Colton putting his shoes on. I put a smile on my face and sat down next to him. "Hi princess. I would enjoy if you told me what was wrong and stop faking your smile." I looked at him amazed. Can he read my mind or something? Either way and I stopped smiling and leaned into him. "Just missing my dad, well Lou's dad." He kissed the top of my head.

I didn't want to tell him about what Claire said. It would only make him worry more. I got a sudden pang of guilt in my stomach. I have been so caught up in my problems I didn't even bother to ask Colton how he was doing. And he is always here for me. I looked at him and he smiled lightly at me. "Colton, how are things at home?" He shrugged. "Mom and dad are fine. I'm good." He looked away when he said mom and dad are fine. "Don't lie to me please." I said softly while playing with his hand. "They are moving. I am not since we are almost done with high school but they are." I hugged him tightly. "Then we can go and visit them wherever they move." He looked at me sadly. "Babe, they are moving to England." I sighed. "And they are taking Lou with them." He said slowly looking directly into my eyes.

"But she is my little... sister. Shit, they have to take her." I didn't want this, I was supposed to be worrying about Colton. "We should go to school." I told him quickly and hurried out front. When he came out we got on his motorcycle and sped down the road.

We arrived at school and I prepared myself for what's to come. When I stepped inside everyone grew silent and looked at me like I had a third leg. Colton pulled me closer to him. "Eww why would you touch her when you can touch me." Some girl said and I brushed it off. "He actually wants to fuck that?" Some guy said and I leaned my head into Colton. Claire walked up to me and smirked. "Go away, your horrid and everyone hates you. Colton doesn't even love you." I sighed. I was tired of her shit and she is lucky she didn't get punched. "Claire you know what shut the fuck up! Im tired of your shit. I know Colton loves me." She shoved me so I punched....and punched....and punched. Colton pulled me off of her and looked at me. "Are you okay?" He asked me and hugged me. Claire looked at him. "I'm the one with the bloody nose and your asking her if she is okay?" Shane walked by and helped her up then gave me a bright smile and a thumbs up. Colton tilted my chin up so I was looking at him. He started signing. "My girlfriend is a bad ass! My girlfriend is a bad ass!" I lightly chuckled but then felt bad for what I did. I walked into the bathroom to where she was. She was trying to clean up her nose. "It helps if you tilt you head back a bit." She scoffed at me before flipping me off. "I'm sorry alright! God!"

She looked at me and glared. "You can apologize all you want! Colton and I would go great together, but then you had to step in and be his best friend." I sighed then ran my hand through my hair. "Look, I met Colton before he came to this school. Yes we became best friends, and yes, we liked each other as more than friends. We started dating, we fell in love, he didn't have to choose me. He could've choose you, but don't blame me. You don't know what all is going on at home right now. I'm pretty sure you have stuff going on at home but make people feel miserable because of it."

I turned on my heel storming out of the bathroom. I ran into someone on the way out. It was Colton. "Sorry babe." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I leaned into his chest. "Get back here you bitch!" Claire screamed and I turned around. "What do you want?" I asked her, staying calm. She came over to me and whispered in my ear harshly. "You better leave Colton or I will make the rest of your school year here even more fucking miserable that he will just leave you himself." I just looked at her not believing her. She smirked.

"Hey everyone!" Everyone turned and looked at her. "Riley Palmer is pregnant. And Colton is the father. She made him sleep with her and now she is pregnant." She had a smug smile on her face and I looked at Colton. His face was emotionless. He let go of me and walked over to table and stood on it. "Listen you idiot people of high school! Let's get one thing straight. Riley isn't pregnant, and if she was then who gives a fuck! We are about to graduate people. All of you are stupid to believe everything Claire says. Because of her nobody sees how beautiful Riley is because Claire had made up so many damn rumors. It's not okay to believe everything you hear. So get that through your heads and think again."

Colton got down off the table and walked over to me then pulled me in his arms and whispered in my ear. "Your not pregnant right?" I shook my head and he lightly laughed. "Okay. Let's get to class, remember we only have three hours now." I nodded and kissed his cheek. "I have photography first, then art, then study hall." As I went to walk away he grabbed my arm and pulled me back and kissed my lips softly before giving me a bright smile. "You can go now." I shook my head and hurried to photography. When I got in the class I saw my photos posted on the wall. I smiled to them and walked over. My teacher Mr. Jackson walked to me and smiled. "Your work is amazing Riley, you will have a very bright future with all your artsy abilities." I took one last look at my pictures. "Well when it's all you had for the longest time, you learn that it's important to you."

When first period was over I walked to my locker and there was a rose taped to it. I smiled and held the rose to my nose. The bell for next hour rang so I quickly placed the rose safely in my locker. When I got to class I took my seat. I wonder if I really will get far in art. I can't wait to move to California. I can get out of this place that is supposed to be my home. It held good memories but also lots of bad ones. "Ms. Palmer? The bell rang, you may leave class." What?! The bell rang, damn. "I'm sorry." I quickly rushed to my next class.

When my short day was over I walked outside with my head hung low, not wanting to hear rude remarks from people. When I got outside Colton was standing with Shane and Victoria. I walked over to them and leaned into Colton's arms. "Can we please leave? I don't want to be here." I said quietly. Shane looked at me with concerned eyes. "Mom and dad want to meet you." I froze at his words. What if they don't like me?

What if they think I'm not worth their time? "What if I'm not ready to meet them?" Shane sighed and threw his hands up. "I don't know, but you need to meet them at some god damn point Riley!" I flinched at his words. Shane has never raised his voice at me. "I'm sorry." He shook his head. "Why are you so difficult?" I made an 'o' shape with my mouth. "Okay then." I kissed Colton's cheek quickly and began walking to the park. He doesn't understand. They kept him, but they gave me up. I placed my hand on my forehead and sighed. I swear, I can't just have one day with no worries.

I sat down on a swing and pulled out my phone. I put my head phones in and turned up the volume all the way. So now I'm difficult, all because I'm scared to meet my biological parents. I have every right to be nervous. Right?
I closed my eyes letting the cool air hit my skin.

Someone pulled my head phones out. Shane. "Hey." He said softly siting on the swing next to me. I stayed silent. He sighed before talking. "I didn't mean it like that." I scoffed at him. "Look, in sorry I'm not ready to meet my real parents. But you s my big brother shouldn't push me to do something I'm not comfortable with because that's not fair." He kissed the top of my head. "I know lil' sis and I'm sorry." I smiled at him and Colton came over to us with Victoria. "Guys, I want to meet my parents next week. That gives me time to make sure I'm ready for sure." Shane looked at me before exchanging glances with Colton and Victoria. "Then it's settled. They will meet you some time next week."

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