Thank You + New Book

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I almost fainted,

I'm sitting around thinking about what I'm going to write tomorrow and now I realize, there only really is the special chapters.

It was an experience writing my first book, and I'm shocked by the amount of views it has.

I don't want to go on the whole time about how much I learned because that's kind of cringe so without further ado, my new book! (I'm sooo excited for you to read)

I'd like to call it 'Hidden' and it will be a romance. Here's part of the first chapter.


Stepping into my room, I throw my bag down and pull up my shirts, unclipping my extra padding.

I run my hands over my curves and sigh. The curves I hide from school, from the world.

"You've been hiding yourself this whole time. Why do that, Adeline?"

I pause where I am, quickly pulling my shirt down.

I forgot to check the window.

"Go away, Easton." I mumble, turning my back away.

"We always talk around this time though. Is something wrong?" He yells from his window, making me shake my head.

"Never takes a hint." I grumble before turning around. "I don't want to talk to you right now Easton."

"Why not, doll?" He rests his head on his arms, looking at me.

"Because you're a bully, just like the rest of them. You only talk to me when we're alone." I list, pointing my finger at him.

Easton walks away from his window before coming back again, a box in his hands.

"I wanted to give this to you." He mumbles, loud enough for me to hear him over the street noise.

"Keep it. I don't want your useless gifts. You have a girlfriend."

He wasn't supposed to see the real me. He wasn't supposed to see me vulnerable.

My parents always say they take advantage of the pretty girls, and if you're able to see how they act when you have a flaw, take the chance.

They aren't worth it.

"Addy, I'm sorry." Easton begs, throwing a piece of paper out his window. "I don't get it though, why hide your body? You're already pretty in the face, that's an upgrade."

"Exactly, it's an upgrade that I'll keep to myself. It's easy to hide yourself. I'm the loner because of my "body" if you haven't noticed." I grit out, making air quotes with the word body.

I look down at the padding before looking back to Easton, tightening my jaw. "People are fake. And you're the fakest of them all."


That's the tea.

Once again, thank you for reading 'In Law'!

Do you think you'd read 'Hidden'?

I'm already in love with the idea, personally. Now it's time to put things together.

Bye! ♡︎♡︎♡︎

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