18 - the murder

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outside, everyone is working on moving huge sections of the wall originally made on the first day. these ones werent buried into the ground, they were just for show, no, just shit, but now we're fixing all of it.

there's like 30 people on this one section, right where clarke walks up to murphy.

"you son of bitch" clarke says, shoving murphy, right in the chest.

clarke, in an argument with someone other than bellamy or me? this is gonna be good

"woah woah woah, whats your problem?" murphy says, sniggering.

"recognise this?" she asks him, as he stares at his knife in her hands.

"yeah thats mine, where'd you find it?" he asks her, as bec comes to my side, bellamy on my other side, as we watch.

"where you dropped it after you killed wells" clarke says, raising her voice, filled with pain, as people start to listen in, stopping whatever task they were doing. some walk forward, wanting to watch closer.

"where i what? the grounders killed wells" he replies, and i raise my eyebrow at bellamy. we both had obvious doubts that murphy killed him, but now? its likely

wouldnt your first statement be something like "no, i didnt. wells is dead?"

"the grounders killed wells, not me. everyone already knows they got him" he continues, as clarke steps closer to him.

"i know what you did, and you're gonna pay for it" she says, almost crying.

bellamy, you believe this crap?" he asks, as literally the whole camp watches on now, circled and listening with all ears.

bellamy, next to me, stays silent, with his arms crossed.

"you threatened to kill him, everyone heard you" she says, as he points at me.

"mackinnon did too, he came closer than i ever did" he accuses, staring at me.

"you fought him, you hated wells" she spits at him

"plenty of people here hate him, especially him, why arent you sticking your little fingers in his face? he's the one with the sword" he says, dragging me right under too.

"you're the only one who got into a knife fight with him!" she says, voice getting even louder

"yeah, i didnt kill him then either" he says, realising that the odds arent stacked in his favour at all.

"tried to kill jasper too. twice" octavia says, from bellamys left.

murphy takes a second, almost laughing at the absolute shitstorm he's got himself into.

"this is ridiculous, i dont have to answer to you. i dont have to answer to anybody" he says loudly.

"come again?" bellamy asks him, as he stares at the boy.

the camp watches, probably thinking about the guilty/not guilty sides of john murphy. im confident he did, but im not thinking about that. im thinking about bellamy, snagging the leadership, right out of the air.

i smile, realising, he's done it. sealed the deal. this guy is in charge.

"bellamy, look im telling you, i didnt do this, mackinnon, i give you my word, i didnt kill him" he says, walking up to us, talking softer.

thats a revelation. that he see's it as bellamy and me, not just bellamy. everyone hears, and see's this. begging us to believe him.

"they found him dead, with your knife in his neck" i say, shaking my head once, shrugging also.

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