39 - the reapers

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i dont let up with the gun, but as soon as we get into his cave, he starts packing his shit into a netted bag, ignoring his captured state.

"anya stole clarke and the black haired boy from the woods, forced them to try and fix a girl's wound. they couldnt fix it, and finn was sent off to be killed. i lit the signal fire, and anya left with sebastian, i was left with clarke, and i didnt kill her, i took her to meet finn, at the other fire, on top of the hill" he explains, and for some reason, i start believing him.

i let the rifle hang from my side now, not holding it.

"i took them to the caves, they should be back in an hour, to your camp" he says, grabbing a knife.

i grab the gun yet again, and we make eye contact, and he puts the blade into the bag.

"im not trying to kill you, if i was, wendigo would've had you" he replies, talking about the goblin.

"what was that? im not putting this away until you answer whatever i want to say" i reply, aggressive and ready to assert dominance.

"he is a lost soul, a product of the war. he will kill 4 of us, without any effort. they tell the story to our children that he made the bomb, and the gods are punishing him" he says, hands raised again.

"why are you helping us?" i ask.

he doesnt reply, and i wonder what the hell im even doing here, talking to one of these people.

"did you see an asian boy?" i ask, and he shakes his head.

we dont lose eye contact, we just stare at each other.

"your people are hunting you now because they know you helped clarke and finn arent they? you ran into the valley because they wouldnt follow you, they knew the beast was down there" i say, mind trying to see where this guy is coming from.

he nods, looking to the small hole in the roof, almost a skylight.

"you know you've got a fucking arrow in your gut right?" i ask, seeing through his tough long jacket as he turns to look at the entrance.

"i lost your friends inside the caves, anya, the leader of our clan, did this. the commander sent tristan to kill you all. what my people are doing to you, is wrong" he says, snapping the arrow, without wincing, and pulling it out of himself.

"would they go after you, or after clarke?" i ask.

"they will go for your people first, if they dont find them at the end of the mine, they'll come for me. if they do, he'll kill them, then come for me" he replies, knowing im about to leave the cave.

"thankyou" i say, running from the cave, starting the long run back to camp, or wherever the fuck this long mine runs to.

i run with the gun firmly in both my hands, watching each section closely for the wendigo. (wen-dey-go)


the cave entrance wasnt too far away, but by the sounds of it, the caves hold something i dont want to meet.

its a sure way to find them, but i need to take the risk of taking the longer way.

i couldnt bring myself to walk into the darkness of the mine, and it makes me feel like vomiting, knowing that ive been out here for so long.

our camp could be nothing by now, they could all be dead, and i left to find 3 people.

the commander sent a warlord to wipe us clean, and here i am, wandering i the woods.

i jog back to the camp, the freezing morning engulfing me.

the grounder, lincoln i think, told me there was 2 exits to the cave, and i think i found one of them. clarke and finn were told to take the one after this, so stumbling across this one is the best thing that has happened to me in a while.

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