41 - the scouts

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bellamy, clarke, bec, jasper, finn and i are the only ones in the dropship, other than raven, screaming at the top of her lungs, as clarke uses my machete to burn the wound on her stomach.

whatever metal this is, it heats up quickly over a fire.

"how the fuck did murphy get a gun in the first place?" i ask, sitting in one of the seats.

bec stands with finn and clarke, tending to the girl, while bellamy watches them all a few feet back.

jasper sits on the other side of the room, while im on the close side.

"long story" bellamy says, as i stretch my tired legs.

"we got lucky, if he hit the fuel tanks instead of me, we'd all be dead" raven says, in a muffled, pained voice.

"wait, there's rocket fuel down there? enough to build a bomb?" clarke asks her, dipping the hot blade into the bucket of water. it sizzles, and she drops it, leaning in towards raven, the tanks really capturing her interest.

bombs would be great, but without gunpowder, its just fire.

raven tells her this, resulting in an eyebrow fold from clarke.

"lets get back to the reapers, maybe they'll help us" bellamy says, holding lincolns book, confiscated from octavia probably.

he has a drawing of the people, similar to the grounders, but much more mutated and savage.

"an enemy of my enemy is my friend right?" he adds, but clarke looks over to me.

"not this enemy" i say to him.

he looks up to me, waiting for me to talk more.

"i saw them, we fought them, trust me, this isnt an option" i say, but with this being the only option left, everyone is thinking this is the best one.

"octavia said lincoln wont even go into the mines, that has to mean something. they're scared of these reapers or whatever, we could use that" bec says, bellamy nodding on.

"they were dragging clarke away, trying to kill finn. i ripped his throat out with my teeth. these things are barely human" i say, as jasper finally reacts, looking at me with wide eyes.

everyone else does too, except clarke and finn.

"fuck it, there's no time for this, can she walk or not?" finn asks clarke, who starts explaining the medical shit.

bellamy sits down in the chair right next to me.

"with your teeth. ill give you this mackinnon, you sure are brutal" he says, slightly questioning me.

"you didnt see them. these arent people. and believe it or not, i saw worse that night" i say to him.

"whats worse than another group of grounders more savage than the ones we're already fighting against?" he asks, leaning forward.

"the animal that makes those noises. octavias grounder friend saved me from walking into the thing. you havent seen anything till you've seen this thing, i dont think ill sleep tonight either" i say.

he stands from the chair, leaving just as quickly as he sat down.

"we're wasting time, we need to go now" finn replies.

bec and jasper walk out of the ship, leaving just the 5 of us.

"and if they follow? its a 120 mile walk to the ocean, and thats trusting a grounder" bellamy says to him.

"we dont have time for what ifs! if he wants to stay, he can stay" finn says, directing the last part to clarke, and storms out of the ship.

"no, he cant!" she yells after him.

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