43 - the foxhole

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"you're what?" i ask her, as she just sobs in front of me.

"preganant. im late, ive had dreams about it, and im just sure. ive been sick for about a week, just after i wake up. im 99 percent sure nath" she says, as i look at her stomach, jacket dirty for once.

"is it mine?" i ask her.

"no nath, its the chancellors" she says, a touch on the angry side.

"i cant believe it" i say, as her crying slowly dies off.

"i just need you nath" she says, rushing out the door, all this shit just too much to deal with.

i watch her leave, and right after, i sit on the metal floor.

clarke pops up from the corner, head appearing out of the little hole, floor panel laying next to it.

"suppose you heard all of that?" i ask her.

"you know me, i dont jump into your business, but dont let this change anything. they're coming, and we cant have your mind wandering. i love you like a brother, but please just push this to the back of your mind" she says, heaving herself up, then walking over and sitting across from me with her legs crossed.

"dont let this change anything? she isnt just some girl, this isnt just something you sweep under the rug" i reply.

"mackinnon, i get that. but i also know that you know what needs to be done. you think you're in trouble, you run to the ship. that was always the plan. the more that goes through your head, the better" she says, as someone taps the panel of the floor.

"theres a few other girls too, this is just something in camp dropship now,  other people have the same worry dude,  and they're all still lined up to fight" raven says, struggling to talk a bit.

"i know how to fight, i know how to shoot, and when it comes to it, thats all ill be thinking about" i say.

clarke stands, puts her hand on my head, and hits it slightly.

"thats from my mom" she says, smiling at me.

i reach up and touch her hand.

"she'd be proud of you, remember that" i say, as she returns to her hole underneath the ships floor.


night fell on the camp, fires still burning for hours through the darkness. it has to be about 3 in the morning, due to the immense blackness that sits in the world like a blanket.

apart from how dark and cloudy it is, the night is clear. no fog, no reflection from the moon, just darkness.

everyone is still on high alert, as they should be.

and its a good thing they are, because the sound of war drums fills the camp.

people instantly freeze and look around, too scared to speak or move. these people arent the strong ones, they're in the camp for a reason.

i touch my earpiece and broadcast to all the signals.

"coming to a foxhole, anyone see any?" i ask.

"octavia left 5 minutes ago, thinks she's a damn samurai, south needs a gunner" miller says, and i run, cramming myself through the tunnel and start crawling quickly.

by the time i get to the end, i see bellamy took the dangerous shortcut and ran out of the gates to the little nest.

i reach the 2 guys and aim my gun towards the trees.

"i see them, theres 1, no 2, 3, theres too many, maybe 4, i dont know man" a guy says over the radio.

2 shots are fired, and bellamy freaks out.

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